四年级英语下册Unit 6课件14.ppt

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1、Unit 6Lets go by taxiBy Chenlianby taxi坐出租车坐出租车Park,park,Lets go to the park,OK,OK lets go by bike.Zoo,zoo,Lets go to the zoo,OK,OK lets go by car.Cinema,cinema,Lets go to the cinema,all right,all right,lets go by taxi.School,school,Lets go to school,all right,all right,lets go by bike.chantWhats th

2、e matter with Lily?Shes ill.a hospitala supermarketA:Shall we go to the supermarket by car?我们我们好吗?(表示建议)好吗?(表示建议)B:OK!/All right!a libraryA:Shall we go to the library by minibus?B:OK!/All right!小型公共汽车小型公共汽车a theatreWe can see a play“Snow White”.A:Shall we go to the theatre on foot?B:OK!/All right!on

3、 foot步行步行A:Shall we go to Suzhou by train?B:OK!/All right!a station/ei/cake grape tapeWe can see many trains there.A:Shall we go to Beijing by plane?B:OK!/All right!an airportIts very big.I can see many planes.Hospital,hospital,go to the hospital,Shall we go there by bike?Great,Great,Lets go.Library

4、,library,go to the library,Shall we go there on foot?Good,Good,Lets go.Station,station,go to the station,Shall we go there by bus?OK,OK,Lets go.Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?12345Listen and matchABCDEPair workA:Shall we go to theby?B:OK/All right./Good/Great!Homework A.Copy the new words.B.Look and say.C.预习预习A D部分,听磁带并跟部分,听磁带并跟读三遍。读三遍。


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