四年级英语下册Unit 4课件.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Buying fruitThe first period(part B C)三周小学三周小学 程艳程艳-Whats this?_ are apples.TheyWhat are _?these-Its an apple.this Chinesethese 这些Sound practice:cheese(奶酪)Japanese(日语)Phrases:these apples ,these girls,these books grapes They are grapes.grape 葡萄green tapeWhat are these?Theyre grapes.What are t

2、hose?Theyre peaches.that nosethose 那些 Sound practice:close(关)pose(造型)Phrases:those peaches those teachers What are these?Theyre oranges.What are those?Theyre peaches.What are these?Theyre grapes.What are those?Theyre watermelons.these,these,what are these?apples,apples,they are apples.those,those,wh

3、at are those?grapes,grapes,they are grapes.同学们,今天所学的内容你都明白了吗?挑战一下下面的题目吧!相信自己!Read,choose and write:1._(this,these)is an apple.2._(this,these)apples are small.3.Whats _(that,those)over there?What are _(that,those)over there?4.Are _(it,they)grapes?5.Those are_(apple,apples).ThisThesethatthosetheyapple

4、sthis(这个)these(这些)that(那个)those(那些)复数形式复数形式反义词反义词SummarySummary:lemons 柠檬 coconuts 椰子kiwi fruit,kiwi fruit,kiwi fruit 猕猴桃 these applesthese red applesthese big red applesthese big red apples in the bagThese big red apples in the bag are ten yuan.自己动手,编写你的英语”金字塔”吧!注意用复数形式!Helpful words:those,these or

5、anges,watermelons,grapes,pears red,yellow,green,orange,purple(紫色),small,long,short,fat,thin,on the desk,on the tree Daily EnglishAn apple a day,keeps the doctor away!一天一苹果,医生远离我!Many children like eating bananas in China,because it tastes(吃起来)very nice.In our country,most banana trees grow in Taiwan

6、,Guangdong and Fujian Province(省).The banana is one of popular fruits in many places of the world.Europeans(欧洲人)call it“Happy Fruit”.在美国的夏威夷海岛上,there are many banana trees.But all the year round,people cant see the big yellow bananas on the trees.Do you know why?原来曾有一位外国旅游者在岛上欣赏风景时,a big banana fell

7、 on his head and he died(死了).所以此后每当香蕉快要成熟时,就被工人全部从树上摘下来,以避免香蕉砸伤游人的事件再次发生.Do you know?()1.What is this story about(关于)?A.Bananas B.Apples C.Pears()2.What do Europeans(欧洲人)call banana?A.Happy Fruit B.Happy Banana()3.In Hawaii(夏威夷),can you see big yellow bananas on the trees?A.Yes,I can.B.No,I cant.4.Do you like bananas?_.AABHomework:Homework:1.Read the words after tape recorder for20 minutes.2.Write down the dialogues of Part C3.通过上网查询或阅读英语报,搜集有关水果的英语谚 语或故事,并和同学交流


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