四年级英语下册Unit 2课件1.ppt

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1、 长着大眼睛的男孩长着大眼睛的男孩 _ _ _ _ _长着大鼻子的男人长着大鼻子的男人 _ _ _ _ _ _长着小耳朵的妇女长着小耳朵的妇女 _ _ _ _ _长着长头发的男人长着长头发的男人 _ _ _ _ _长着大嘴巴的女孩长着大嘴巴的女孩 _ _ _ _ _ _长着大头的男孩长着大头的男孩 _ _ _ _ _ _the boy with big eyes the man with a big nosethe woman with small earsthe girl with a big mouththe boy with a big headthe man with long hai

2、r小小翻译官小小翻译官 穿着蓝色体恤的男孩着蓝色体恤的男孩 _ _ _ _ _ _穿着蓝衬衫的男人穿着蓝衬衫的男人 _ _ _ _ _ _穿着红色短裙的妇女穿着红色短裙的妇女 _ _ _ _ _ _穿着黄色外套的女孩穿着黄色外套的女孩 _ _ _ _ _ _穿着黑鞋子的护士穿着黑鞋子的护士 _ _ _ _ _the boy in the blue T-shirtthe woman in the red skirtthe girl in a blue coatthe nurse with black shoesthe man in the blue shirt小小翻译官小小翻译官A:Whos t

3、he_with big _?B:Hes my_.manearsfatherA:_the_with _ hair?B:Hes my_.WhoswomanlongmotherA:Whos the boy _ a big_?B:_ my brother.withmouthHesA:Whos the girl_ a _ _?B:Hes my sister.withsmall noseA:Is that _yourfather?B:Which_?A:The one _the blue shirt.B:Yes,he is.manoneinA:Is _woman your_?B:_one?A:The one in the red_.B:Yes,she is.thatmotherWhichskirtA:Is that man your_?B:_one?A:The _in the brown shirt.B:Yes,he is.grandfatherWhichoneA:_that woman yourgrandmother?B:Which one?A:The one in the _ coat.B:Yes,she is.Isyellow


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