开心学英语四年级下册《Unit 1 Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny》ppt课件之一.ppt

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开心学英语四年级下册《Unit 1 Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny》ppt课件之一.ppt_第1页
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1、Unit1.Hi,Tony!Hi,Jenny!teethshouldersfingerskneestoesteetha toothA:Clean your teeth!B:These are my teeth.You should clean your teeth everyday.The elephent has two long .teethThe baby has no teeth.right shoulderleft shoulder A:Touch your shoulders!B:These are my shoulders.(右)(左)The snake has no .shou

2、ldersfingers12345There are fingers.I have ten _.fivefingersThere is a _.fingerright kneeleft kneekneesI have two _,left_and right _.kneesknee kneeThere is gold under a mans knees.toesTwist your toes(扭动)An ostrich has six_.toesThis is a _.toeLetLets dos do1.We eat with our _.2.We carry our bags with our _.3.We go down on our _.(跪着)4.We have ten_and ten_.teethshoulderskneesfingerstoes练习:任选一1.画一个人并描述他(她)的各身体部位.参照书本第六页练习二.2.将今天学的新单词每个抄两行.


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