开心学英语四年级下册《Unit 3 I’m washing the car》ppt课件.ppt

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1、(广东版)开心英语课件四年级下册 unit3 Unit3 I am washing the carUnit3 I am washing the carReviewLets chantWhats everyone doing now?Whats everyone doing now?Shes working.Hes thinking.Were exercising.Shes working.Hes thinking.Were exercising.They are dancing.He is practicing.Is he practicing football?No,he isnt.He i

2、s practicing basketball.Vocabulary:sweeping the floorcleaning the windowsfolding the clotheswashing the clothesmaking the beddoing the disheswatering the plantssweeping the floorcleaning the windowsdoing the dishes(make)making the bedwatering the plantsdusting the furniturewashing the clothes Target

3、Gogo:Is she doing the dishes?Jenny:No,shes not.Shes washing the clothes.Gogo:Are they cleaning the windows?Tony:Yes,they are.Lets chant Shes folding the clothes.Washing,drying,folding the clothesWashing,drying,folding the clothesIs she washing?Is she drying?No!Shes folding the clothes.Hey!Cleaning,dusting,sweeping the floorCleaning,dusting,sweeping the floorIs he cleaning?Is he dusting?No!Hes sweeping the floor.Hey!Homework:1.抄Vocabulary每个各两行,写中文,并各写一句造句。2.抄Target两遍并写中文。3.自己编写3句情景写话和3题根据首字母和提示的习题。4.背诵今天学习的Vocabulary 和Target。Thank you!Thank you!


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