五年级英语An English friend课件3.ppt

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1、clean the roomsgo climbingsurf the Internetlisten to musicwatch TVwash the clothesdo houseworkplay table tennisbutterfliescatchSometimes I surf the Internet.Its very interesting.I play table tennis with my daughterSometimes(有时)(有时)I go climbing.I learn a lot from it.我从网络上学到很多东西我从网络上学到很多东西。How do you

2、 spend your weekends?你是怎么度周末的?你是怎么度周末的?I like sport(运动)(运动).every weekend.often(经常经常).It is Friday afternoon.The students are talking about their (谈论)谈论)weekends.School is over.How does Wang Bing spend his weekends?How does Mike spend his weekends?Mike:How do you spend your weekends,Wang Bing?Wang B

3、ing:I surf the Internet.Its very interesting.I learn a lot from it.Helen:Do you do it every Saturday and Sunday?Wang Bing:No.Sometimes I go swimming.Sometimes I play basketball.I like sport.How about you?Mike:I like sport,too.I often go climbing.Sometimes I listen to music or go to the cinema.Helen:

4、I like watching TV at home.How doesWang Bing spend his weekends?surfs the Internet.he plays basketball.he goes swimming.He oftenSometimesSometimesHow does Mike spend his weekends?goes climbing.he listens to music or goes to the cinema.SometimesHe oftenHelen:How do you spend your weekends,Yang Ling?Y

5、angLing:I often go to the park.I like playing on the swings.Helen:I do housework at the weekends.Do you do housework,too?Yang Ling:Of course,I do.I clean the rooms and wash the clothes.How about you,Su Hai?Su Hai:I often watch cartoons.Yang Ling:How does Su Yang spend her weekends?Su Hai:She often w

6、atches cartoons,too.Sometimes we catch butterflies in the park.2.How does spend her weekends?She often _.1.How does spend her weekends?She often _.A.goes to the park B.surfs the Internet A.goes swimming B.does houseworkAB3.Do often watch cartoons?A.Yes,they do.B.No,they dont._.A On Friday afternoon,

7、the students are their weekends after school.often ,sometimes he or plays basketball.likes sport,too.He often ,sometimes he listens to music or goes to the cinema.But his sister,doesnt.She likes at home.And sometimes she does housework.Their friend,often .She likes playing on the swings.often .Somet

8、imes they in the park.o watch cartoonstalking about surfs the Internet,catch butterfliesgoes climbing goes swimming watching TV goes to the park 助阵助阵“阳光伙伴阳光伙伴”明星齐聚百小明星齐聚百小 2008奥运圣火刚刚点燃,为弘扬奥运圣火刚刚点燃,为弘扬奥林匹克精神,推进奥林匹克精神,推进“全国青少年阳全国青少年阳光体育运动光体育运动”,体育明星,体育明星姚明姚明、刘翔刘翔 以及孩子们喜欢的以及孩子们喜欢的刘星刘星、米老鼠米老鼠、孙孙悟空悟空和和柯南柯南一行将于一行将于4月月11日下午齐日下午齐聚南京市百家湖小学,为聚南京市百家湖小学,为“阳光伙伴阳光伙伴”加油助威。加油助威。Press ConferenceThank you!


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