五年级英语An English friend课件2.ppt

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1、 牛津小学英语牛津小学英语5BUnit 4 An English friend (Part A)a small town 一个小镇 a big city 一个大城市What subjects do you study at school?We studyHe studies studystudiesWhat subjects does Tom study at school?Wang Bings English friend,TomDoes he study?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.surf the Internet网上冲浪I usually surf the In

2、ternet on Sundays.(通常)What do you usually do on Sundays?play basketball play table tennisplay chess skatego fishing play computer gamesplay the piano watch TVread books surf the Internetdraw some pictures He/She usually plays basketball plays table tennisplays chess skatesgoes fishing plays computer

3、 gamesplays the piano watches TVreads books surfs the Internetdraws some pictures What does Tom usually do on Sundays?He usually plays football.well 好 sing well.唱歌好 play table tennis well.乒乓球打得好 swim well.游泳好 play basketball well.篮球打得好 skate well.溜冰好 draw well.画画好ssssssTom is Wang Bings English frie

4、nd.He studies and at school.He usually plays onSundays.Q1 Does he live in London?Q2 Where does he live?Q3 Does he study Chinese?Q4 Does he play football well?Q5 Does he swim well?Q1 Does he live in London?Q2 Where does he live?Q3 Does he study Chinese?Q4 Does he play football well?Q5 Does he swim we

5、ll?He lives in a small town near London.No,he doesnt.Yes,he does.Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.Q1 Where are they?Q2 What does Gao Shan want to do?Q3 Can Wang Bing go with Gao Shan?Why?They are in the computer room.He wants to play table tennis with Wang Bing.No,he cant.He is busy.He is writing an e-mail

6、(忙碌的)(写一封电子邮件)to his English friend,Tom.1.Complete the sentences:Wang Bing has an _ friend.His name is _.He _ in a _ _ near London.He _ English,_,Science and _ at school,but he _ study Chinese.On Sundays,he usually _ _ and he _ it well.He _ _,too.EnglishTomlivessmall townstudiesMathsArtdoesntplaysfo

7、otballplaysswims well2.Read and judge()1.Wang Bing is surfing the Internet.()2.Tom is Wang Bings English friend.()3.Tom lives in London.()4 Tom studies Chinese and English.()5.Tom can play football well,but he cant swim.FTFFFstudieswriting Doesdoesswims3.Check the sentences.1Tom swim well.()2.What do he study at school?()3.Do he study English?()4.Wang Bing is writeing an e-mail.()5.He studys Chinese.()Mary is She teaches She lives in She likes She usually Thank you


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