冀教版六年级下unit4《Lesson 29 Surprise》ppt课件.ppt

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1、(冀教版)六年级英语下册课件(冀教版)六年级英语下册课件 unitunit4 4 lesson lesson2929Lesson 29 Surprise!Lesson 29 Surprise!教学目标 1.学会cake,cookies,ice cream,sugar,someone,bowl,flour,oil,salt。2.熟读课文,理解文意。学会守时,守约的良好习惯。3.通过练习掌握重点。sugar,bowl,flour,oil,saltsugar,bowl,flour,oil,salt读课文回答下列问题读课文回答下列问题Who will bring Liming home?Who wil

2、l bring Liming home?What are Danny and Jenny making for the party?What are Danny and Jenny making for the party?Dose Liming know the party?Dose Liming know the party?What do they need to make cookies?What do they need to make cookies?What do the cookies have on it?What do the cookies have on it?How

3、many people are there in the party?How many people are there in the party?本课重点解析本课重点解析试题练习试题练习(一)、按要求写词语(一)、按要求写词语1 1rememberremember(反义词)(反义词)_ 2.late_ 2.late(反义词)(反义词)_ _ 3.after3.after(反义词)(反义词)_ 4.surprise party_ 4.surprise party(汉意)(汉意)_ _ 5.happy5.happy(反义词)(反义词)_ 6_ 6flour(flour(同音词同音词)_ )_ 7 7、mine(mine(反义词反义词)_)_(二)、连词组句(二)、连词组句 1.you did yesterday do what 1.you did yesterday do what 2.many gifts do how need you 2.many gifts do how need you 3.there someone at is door the3.there someone at is door the 4.cookie has every letters4.cookie has every letters


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