冀教版六年级下unit4《Lesson 30 Good-bye》ppt课件.ppt

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1、冀教版六年级英语下册课件冀教版六年级英语下册课件Unit 4Li Ming Goes HomeLesson 30 Good-byeTeaching Objectives and Demands:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson.2.Student can understand read say and practice the drill:How long is _?_.3.Student can understand and sing the song:“Its time to

2、 say goodbye”.airportCanada Beijing Plane A Chinese kiteRed dragonLi Ming is leaving for China.He has a surprise for Jenny and a surprise for Danny,too.Be leaving for 表示将要离开这儿去表示将要离开这儿去某地,某地,for后面跟地方名词。后面跟地方名词。Too经常放在句尾,用逗号和前面的经常放在句尾,用逗号和前面的句子隔开表示句子隔开表示“也怎么样也怎么样”。How far is Beijing?About nine thousa

3、nd kilometres.How far is Beijing?口语中常用的句型,其完整的表达方式是How far is it from Beijing to Canada?How far 表示多远。“How long is the trip?”asked Danny.“Its eleven hours to Beijing,”says Li Ming.How long 表示多长时间段,一般表示多长时间段,一般用相应的时间段来回答用相应的时间段来回答。Its time to do sthits time to say good-bye.是时候说再见了。是时候说再见了。Its time to do sth表示表示是时候干某事,该干某事是时候干某事,该干某事了。了。Its time to say good-bye.Good-bye.Good-bye.Good-bye.Dont forget to phone me,my friends.


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