1、May,2007 Jun,2007 Urban Design for Wuhan Tiandi Commercial Area武汉天地商业区域城市设计Urban Design for Wuhan Tiandi Commercial Area武汉天地商业区域城市设计vision望Chapter 1 第一章 Unique IdentityCreate a unique identity for Wuhan Tiandi along Yangtze riverfront that puts Wuhan on the global map.独特的品牌在长江滨江地带创造独特的武汉天地品牌。知识型人才吸引
2、并留住武汉从事知识创新的工作人士,满足其对空间的多种需求并享受这充满活力的综合环境。Knowledge TalentsAttract and retain knowledge talents to Wuhan Tiandi,meeting their sophisticated demands for spaces and dynamic environments.可持续的发展提供适于步行的街区,以公共交通站点与开放空间为中心,打造宜人的步行环境。Sustainable DevelopmentCreate walkable districts,centered on transit stati
3、ons and focused on open spaces and pedestrian-friendly environments.国际化目标提供一个由商业,娱乐,餐饮,酒店及文化设施组成的国际化复合生活中心。Cosmopolitan DestinationProvide an international lifestyle mixed use center with retail,entertainment,restaurant,hotel and cultural facilities.Urban Design for Wuhan Tiandi Commercial Area武汉天地商
4、业区域城市设计ANALYSIS析Chapter 2 第二章 12 武汉目的地武汉是湖北省省会,国家历史文化名城,我国中部地区的中心城市,全国重要的工业基地、科教基地和交通通信枢纽。在执行国家中部崛起的战略中有着着举足轻重的地位。以武汉为圆心的一个半小时飞行圈覆盖全国的主要经济中心城市。作为国家最近设立的综合改革试验区城市,武汉面临着前所未有的城市发展机遇。Destination for ChinaAs the capital of Hubei Province and a national historical city,Wuhan is always be considered as a m
5、ajor city in central China.Also Wuhan plays important roles in terms of industry,education and transportation.So the development of Wuhan will have great impact on central region development strategy.The one and a half hour flight radius from Wuhan covers most important cities in China.Being set as
6、the“reform trail area”,Wuhan will definitely has many opportunities.湖北目的地武汉位于中国的中部,湖北省的东部,是长江、汉江两江的交汇点,是国家铁路南北大动脉-京九线的重要节点与枢纽。核心的地理区位与强势的政策支持使武汉成为中部最大的人才与资本集聚地。Destination for HubeiWuhan is situated in the heart of China and the east part of Hu Bei Province,where the Yangtze River meets the Beijing-
7、Guangzhou Rail line.It is a major hub for new ideas,investors,graduates from nearby universities,pillar companies and supporting services in the central part of China.区域分析|Regional Analysis 13 武汉目的地至2005年,武汉市土地总面积为8494平方公里,由城镇建设用地和其它用地组成。其中大部分建设用地集中在主城区内,主城区的建设重点培育和提升城市服务功能,并成为中部地区的现代服务中心。Destinatio
8、n for WuhanWuhan has an area of 8,494 skm by 2005.Most urban development land is within Wuhan City boundary.The central city area is aimed to be a modern service hub for central China.武汉交通系统目前主城区已形成并将继续完善集水运、空运、铁路、轨道交通与公交与一体的城市综合交通运输体系,为城市进一步的集聚人才与资本建立坚实的基础。Wuhan Transportation SystemWuhan has alrea
9、dy established an comprehensive transportation network which integrate river,air,rail and bus system,and this network is still being improved.It provides solid basis for attracting of ideas and invests.14 武汉交通系统武汉市2006-2020年总体规划中规划了多条地铁和轻轨线路,未来基地周边20分钟轨道交通范围内将覆盖汉口大部分区域和武昌、汉阳的部分区域。Wuhan Metro SystemW
10、uhan 2006-2020 Master Plan shows several MRT and LRT lines will be built.In the future,20 minutes metro distance from the site will cover most of Hankou,and part of Wuchang and Hanyang.武汉景观资源武汉景观与旅游资源十分丰富,长江与汉江交汇于主城区。各大小湖泊与绿地密集的分布于市区内。良好的自然景观资源与丰富的历史文脉传承为可持续发展的建城模式提供了支撑。Wuhan Landscape SystemWuhan e
11、njoys great landscape and tourist resources.Yangtze river and Han river meet in the city center.A serious of lakes and green lands are scattered around the city.The nice landscape resource and colorful culture provide support for sustainable development.15 基地位置本项目基地位于城市核心区并处于城市内环线内的西北角并于长江相邻。基地用地面积5
12、公顷将形成商业、办公酒店与住宅的城市混合开发。Site in Wuhan TiandiThe project is located in the core area of Wuhan fronting the Yangtze River waterfront park.The study site comprise 5 ha on 5 parcels and proposed total GFA of 1.45 million sm will include high quality retail and entertainment space,Class A offices,live-wor
13、k residences and public amenities.土地利用城市核心区的地理位置决定了本项目土地使用性质是对原城市功能的置换与提升。基地与基地周边现状主要有居住、商业与配套服务设施组成。基地的东西两侧分别有已形成的城市滨江步行公园与汉口两大城市公园之一的解放公园。Land UseThe city-center locality of the site makes this project a urban redevelopment and renew project.The existing land use within the site and surrounding ar
14、ea is residential,commercial and complementary service.Two big parks,Riverfront Park and Liberation Park,are located to the east and west side of our site respectively.基地分析|Site Analysis 1 道路系统基地北部东西向的黄埔大街、西部的南北向京汉大道与南部的东西向卢沟桥路,加上南北穿越基地的中山大道共同组成了基地的交通流线骨架。Road SystemFour main streets form the transp
15、ortation framework of the site,namely Huangpu Boulevard at north,Jinghan Boulevard at west,Luogouqiao Road at south and Zhongshan Boulevard in the center.公共交通沿京汉大道的轻轨在基地的西南角设有站点,结合规划与基地内部的公共交通站点,进一步加强了基地的公共交通可达性。Public TransportationA Light Rail Station is planned at the southwest corner of the site
16、.The station will be integrated with public transportation system both on site and in surrounding areas in order to improve the sites accessibility.1 步行流线基地景观优势十分突出。东西向十分钟步行距离能分别抵达长江江滩公园与解放公园。此外,上层规划所确定的城市公共开放空间系统的分布与基地四周,形成基地良好的步行体验环境。Pedestrian CirculationThe site enjoys great landscape resources.
17、The ten-minute walking radius can reach to Riverfront Park and Liberation Park.Also the upper-level plan has set a good pedestrian environment in surrounding area.视线联系基地西部与北部边界分别与城市轻轨及长江二桥形成视觉互动。有利于特色建筑风格与立面的营造。东部边界至长江之间无高层建筑物,利于引入长江视觉景观资源。Visual LinkageThe west and north edges of the site seat righ
18、t beside the elevated light rail line and The 2nd Yangtze Bridge,which creates ideal spots for iconic buildings and facades.Moreover because there are no high buildings between east edge and the river.It is helpful to bring the beautiful river view.1 现状条件Existing Condition 1432765 1 1098131211131214
19、 20 21 Urban Design for Wuhan Tiandi Commercial Area武汉天地商业区域城市设计OBJECTIVE标Chapter 3第三章 24 优秀的城市规划城市规划可以被看作是对在城市中生活,工作和娱乐人群的人性化关怀。设计应该致力于创造一个人性化尺度的环境。例如正确的街区尺度,有生趣的步行街道和活跃的开放空间。A Good UrbanismUrbanism can be perceived as the caring to people who live,work and play in the city.Design should pay great
20、attention on creating a human scale environment.Such as right size of blocks,interesting walking streets and lively open space.鼓励复合功能我们的经验是成功的复合开发区域应该充满生气与活力。这个区域能够通过一系列高价值区域和全天候商业流线循环来为多样人群服务。The Proposed Mix of UsesIt has been our experience that the successful mixed use district must be robust an
21、d vital,it is a district that must respond to a broad audience through the number of price points and through a full day shopping cycle.25 商业层数中国许多的房地产开发商试图通过增加楼房的高度和楼层的数量来最大化收益。六层、七层、甚至八层的商业建筑随处可见,然而通常市场能接受的只有三到四层。我们的观点是提供成功的数量更少的楼层,并为长期发展创造更大的价值。The Number of FloorsToo many developments in China t
22、ry to maximize FAR by increasing the height and number of floors,six,seven,eight floors are common,while the marketplace can only support 3 or 4.It is our view to provide a lower number of floors that are successful,create greater value for the developer in the long run.创造清晰可识别的门户现代成功的复合中心有着易识别的入口、门
23、厅与下客点,这些被它们的最终用户所接受。我们必须为办公、酒店、居住、商业和文化等用途创造清晰可识别的入口。Creation of Recognizable Entrances and Front DoorsThe modern and successful mixed use centers,are those with readily definable enhances,lobbies and drop off points that are understandable by their end users.We must work to create a clear and defin
24、able set ofportals for office,hotel,residential,retail and cultural uses.2 总体发展框架全面的商业和复合开发策略才能保证五个街区以及整个区域来的成功。我们必须关注功能复合策略,垂直交通系统,大型租户位置来保证这五个街区与总体规划保持一致。The Overall Development StructureThe ultimate success of this five block area will be a comprehensive retail and mixed use strategy for the tota
25、l district.We must look at the mix,vertical stack,circulation systems and anchoring strategy to insure that the five block area is comprehensive in its plan.综合公共交通交通是一个锚点。我们必须关注交通系统(汽车、公交和轻轨)以及他们将人们送到指定地点的方式。无论穿行于地下、地面、地上或是穿过桥等连接物,交通工具越能满足发展的需要就越是成功。The Integration of Public TransitTransport is an a
26、nchoring device.We must look at transport(car,bus,and rail)systems and how they feed people into the district and at what point.Whether it is at grade,below grade,above grade through bridges and linkages,the more the transport system can feed the development the more successful it will become.2 场所创造
27、的重要性每个工程都应定义一个“空间”。吸取当地的主题并创造现代特征在一个成功的复合开发区域是非常重要的因素。我们的目标是创造一个具有区域精神的场所。这将包括有关环境标识、城市照明等的概念的指引。The Role of Place MakingEvery project needs to be a defined“place”.Capturing the local district or theme and creating a modern identity are important ingredients in a successful mixed use district.It wou
28、ld be our aim to assist you in developing a vision of the spirit of place for this district.This would include broad concepts and guidelines on signage,graphics,way-finding and lighting.可持续发展实践建筑布局或规划是推进可持续发展的重要元素。目标是提供一个真正的场所,并在其形成过程中对整个区域进行加强。Sustainable Development PracticesIt the layout or site
29、planning of buildings is a key element to promoting an environmental approach to the sustainable growth of a district.Overall the goal is to provide an authentic place that strives to enhance the district while also establishing an authentic place.Urban Design for Wuhan Tiandi Commercial Area武汉天地商业区
30、域城市设计RECALL忆Chapter 4 第 四 章 30 方案-“购物中心”第一个方案代表了一种对于武汉消费者来说很熟悉的商业理念。在这个建议中消费者能够享受到一个私密,内在并不受天气干扰的购物体验。来到这里的消费者可以无需进入公共领域也不必忍受武汉恶劣的天气就能够到达精心设置的商业环境。Option1-“Mall”The first alternative presents a retail concept that is very familiar to shoppers in Wuhan.In this proposal customers could enjoy a private
31、,internally focused,and climate-controlled shopping experience.Visitors to this project would be able to gain access to many parts of the carefully controlled retail environment without entering the public realm or experiencing Wuhans extreme weather.Ground Floor Diagram-Option 1Option1-“Mall”2nd Fl
32、oor Diagram-Option 1Pedestrian Diagram-Option 1 31 方案混合理论第二个方案试图从前另两个方案中吸取各自的优点。在地面上所有商店都可以从精心设计的朝向大街的人行道上直接进入。上层商店则可以从更加内部的二层的平台进入。这个区域被一个可变的玻璃屋顶结构所覆盖,这些屋顶可以在晴朗的天气打开,或者在恶劣的天气关闭。Option2-“Hybrid”The second scheme tries to draw from the advantages of each of the first two schemes.On the ground level a
33、ll shops are directly accessible from carefully designed street-facing sidewalks.Upper level shops are accessible from a more internally focused second-level podium.This area is covered by a translucent operable roof structure,which can be opened on more pleasant days,or closed to protect from more
34、extreme conditions.Building massing and height diagramGround Floor Diagram-Option 22nd Floor Diagram-Option 2Pedestrian Diagram-Option 2 32 Ground Floor Diagram-Option 3方案生活模式第三个方案致力于与早先武汉天地发展的商业部分相结合。项目原先部分中的外部的循环路已经延伸到商业区的剩余部分以此创造一种完整与和谐的消费体验。这种消费体验通过公共领域的创造得到丰富。Option3-“Lifestyle”The third altern
35、ative works to integrate itself with the earlier retail portions of the Wuhan Tiandi development.The exterior circulation pathways of the earlier portions of the project have been extended into the remainder of the retail district,to create an integrated and harmonious shopping experience.The shoppi
36、ng experience is enriched through the creation of a lively public realm.Option3-“Lifestyle”2nd Floor Diagram-Option 3Pedestrian Diagram-Option 3 33 Scheme Development 1方案发展 1 34 Scheme Development 2方案发展 2 35 Scheme Development 3方案发展 3Urban Design for Wuhan Tiandi Commercial Area武汉天地商业区域城市设计DESIGNCha
37、pter 5第五章琢 3 设计概念|Design ConceptDesign Concept设计概念 3 2.Auto Mobile Frontage车行界面 1.People Edge人行界面 40 4.Utility/Service Edge服务界面3.Office Edge办公界面 41 6.Create Strong Retail Flow to Unify the Blocks使商业人流贯穿整个街区5.Create Strong Retail Links Through the Streets创造街道间有力的商业联系 42 8.Create a Community Heart lin
38、ks to Riverfront.建设可以联系江岸的社区中心7.Create a Pedestrian Oriented and Porous Front创造以步行为主的渗透性临街面 43 9.Provide Office Hotel Arrival and Identity构建办公楼与酒店的入口与标识10.Provide Anchor Tenant in Each Block在每个地块都提供主力店铺 44 14 Office&Hotel Tower酒店办公Station Plaza 站前广场Roof Garden 屋顶花园Roof Green 屋顶绿化Pedestrian Gateway 步
39、行道 Department Store百货商店Office Tower 办公楼Shopping Mall购物中心Residential住宅Metro Station 轨道交通站点Landscape Green 景观绿地Retail Corridor 商业连廊Drop off Plaza 入口广场 Central Plaza 中央广场总平面|Site Plan 45 鸟瞰|Aerial 4 鸟瞰|Aerial 4 中心广场|Center Plaza 4 街角广场|Corner Plaza 4 站前广场|Station Plaza 50 鸟瞰|Aerial 51 中山大道|Zhongshan Av
40、enue 52 鸟瞰|Aerial 53 中山大道|Zhongshan Avenue 54 办公塔楼|Office 55 中山大道|Zhongshan Avenue 5 屋顶花园|Roof Garden 5 屋顶花园|Roof Garden 5 商业策略 一层平面|Floor Plan 1 5 商业策略 二层平面|Floor Plan 2 0 商业策略 三层平面|Floor Plan 3 1 商业策略 四层平面|Floor Plan 4 2 停车策略(B1地下层平面)|Parking Strategy(Underground Plan B1)3 停车策略(B2地下层平面)|Parking St
41、rategy(Underground Plan B2)4 停车策略(B3地下层平面)|Parking Strategy(Underground Plan B3)5 Name 名称Retail 商业面积(万平方米2)Parking 停车位(个)Parking/Retail(100m2)百平方米商业停车数(个)新世界中心店4.26001.4 新世界国贸店3.56001.7 武汉国际广场66451.1 武汉广场86200.8 世贸广场81800.2 庄胜崇光3.374201.2 大洋百货万达店5.55000.9 万达广场135250.4 徐东销品茂2020001.0 新世界街道口店2.21700.8
42、 群光广场95450.6 中商世纪广场32480.8 武汉天地12.427102.2 Parcel 地块Retail 商业面积Target parking 目标停车位Parking 停车位Underground area 地下停车面积Parking/Retail(100m2)百平方米商业停车数A13450815101267 456154 A23488051922 331903 A330948510183 65901 A524428445338 140581 A6015092 84820 停车策略|Parking Strategy Parcel 地块Land use 用地性质Land area
43、总用地面积(平方米)Building coverage 建筑覆盖率Green ratio 绿地率FAR 容积率GFA 总建筑面积(平方米)Retail 商业面积(平方米)Office 办公面积(平方米)Hotel 酒店面积(平方米)Service Apart/Res 住宅服务面积(平方米)Parking 停车位(个)Bldg Ht 建筑高度(米)A1C22054964%20%10.70 220718345081361105000001510320A2C21031485%12%9.40 9700834880621280051170A3C21015276%20%8.50 8602830948550
44、8000510160A5C2891658%27%6.60 59054 244283422500445120A6R21002835%51%3.40 3445000034450150100Total497258124764Parcel 地块Land use 用地性质Land area 总用地面积(平方米)Building coverage 建筑覆盖率Green ratio 绿地率FAR 容积率GFA 总建筑面积(平方米)Retail 商业面积(平方米)Office 办公面积(平方米)Hotel 酒店面积(平方米)Service Apart/Res 住宅服务面积(平方米)Parking 停车位(个)
45、Bldg Ht 建筑高度(米)A1C22054974%33%10.68 21941436557133592492650 1267320A2C21031482%32%9.38 96777238197295800 922145.5A3C21015271%41%8.49 86193205336566000 183160A5C2890660%29%6.63 59054 244283422500 338100A6R21002835%50%3.40 3345025910030859 9224100Total495584124519技术经济指标Technical Table要求指标Required Tech
46、nical Table技术经济指标|Technical Table 图底分析|Figure Ground 门户分析|Gateway Analysis 分区策略分析|Zoning Diagram 0 Parcel:A1地块::A1Type:Open Air类型:开放Class:Middle-High定位:中偏高端Character:Lifestyle District特点:商业步行区Use:Flagship Store,Fashion Shop,Restaurant功能:旗舰店 时尚商业 餐厅Flag ship store 旗舰店F&B 餐饮服务Fashion store 零售商店Enterta
47、inment 娱乐Art&gallary space 艺术展示A132%22%23%19%4%Parcel 地块Land use 用地性质Land area 总用地面积(平方米)Building coverage 建筑覆盖率Green ratio 绿地率FAR 容积率GFA 总建筑面积(平方米)A1C22054974%33%10.68 219414Retail 商业面积(平方米)Office 办公面积(平方米)Hotel 酒店面积(平方米)Service Apart/Res 住宅服务面积(平方米)Parking 停车位(个)Bldg Ht 建筑高度(米)36557133592492650126
48、7320分区策略分析A1|Zoning Diagram A1 1 2 Parcel:A2&A3地块:A2&A3Type:Enclosed类型:封闭Class:Middle定位:中端Character:Lifestyle District特点:商业步行区Use:Anchor Tenant,Specialty Shop功能:主力店,精品商业Parcel 地块Land use 用地性质Land area 总用地面积(平方米)Building coverage 建筑覆盖率Green ratio 绿地率FAR 容积率GFA 总建筑面积(平方米)A2C21031482%32%9.38 96777Retai
49、l 商业面积(平方米)Office 办公面积(平方米)Hotel 酒店面积(平方米)Service Apart/Res 住宅服务面积(平方米)Parking 停车位(个)Bldg Ht 建筑高度(米)231897295800 922145.5Flag ship store 旗舰店F&B 餐饮服务Fashion store 零售商店 A2 A346%15%40%Parcel 地块Land use 用地性质Land area 总用地面积(平方米)Building coverage 建筑覆盖率Green ratio 绿地率FAR 容积率GFA 总建筑面积(平方米)A3C21015271%41%8.4
50、9 86193Retail 商业面积(平方米)Office 办公面积(平方米)Hotel 酒店面积(平方米)Service Apart/Res 住宅服务面积(平方米)Parking 停车位(个)Bldg Ht 建筑高度(米)205336566000 183160分区策略分析A2,A3|Zoning Diagram A2,A3 3 4 Parcel:A5地块:A5Type:Enclosed类型:封闭Class:High End 定位:高端Character:Department Store特点:百货商场Use:Department Store,Supermarket功能:百货商场 超市Parce