


1、tional design Describe traditional organizational designs,Designing Organizational Structure,Organizing arranging and st。

2、competitive advantage and the competitive strategies organizations use to get it Discuss current strategic management is。

3、 issues in planning,What Is Planning,Planning a primary managerial activity that involves: Defining the organizations go。

4、contingent workforce Describe todays organizational design challenges,Contemporary Organizational Designs,Team Structure。

5、entify effective decisionmaking techniques,Decision Making,Decision making a choice from two or more alternatives. Probl。

6、timulating innovation,The Change Process,The Calm Waters Metaphor Lewins description of the change process as a break in。

7、en management and how organizations can gogreenDiscuss the factors that lead to ethical and unethical behaviorDescribe m。

8、es and around the world Explain the different types of diversity found in workplaces Discuss the challenges managers fac。

9、 importance of organizational culture Describe current issues in organizational culture,The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbo。

10、ing the managers job Explain the value of studying management,Why are Managers Important,Organizations need their manage。



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