1、外 文 原 文 :C on str u ction P r oj ect C on tr a ct M a n a g em en t1 . r esea r ch s i tu a t ion1 .1 th e stu d y sta tu s q u oIn the construction project construction contract is the product of the development of market econom y , i s the ow ner and the contractor to complete the construction and
2、 installation, c lear the rig hts and oblig a tions of both parties, both parties behavior and constraint relationship betw een the leg a l documents, bearing , both s ides in the contract i s construction process in the hig hest standards of behaviour. Follow the construction contract, the contract
3、or shall complete the ow ner to the construction and installation construction ta sks, and ow ner should according to the contract to provide the necessary construction condition and pay for the eng ineering cost. To streng then project construction contract manag ement: on the one hand w e can from
4、 the leg a l A ng le to project contracting activities m ake predictions, put forw a rd to avoid the risk of leg a l schem e , enhances the enterprise the stra in, development and competition ability ; On the other hand to streng then the contract m anag ement and improve the performance of the cont
5、ract consciously consciousness, for m a intaining the order of construction market can play a positive role. A t the sam e tim e i t a l so formed in an open, fa ir and just market competition mechanism, improving eng ineering quality , reduce the construction cost and shorten the construction perio
6、d a re play ing an im portant role. How ever, because a t present our country construction market remains to be perfect, the construction contract in the implem entation and manag ement of the normal there ex ist many problems, so streng thening and improving the construction contract m anag ement i
7、 s very important.The domestic many scholars, and relevant personnel in the implementation of the process of practice by thinking research g ot the follow ing results: Li X iang Qing ( 2005 ) think: the construction market economic activity and from trading behaviour look, eng ineering construction
8、of a l l parties involved in the lack of m arket econom y of the concept of leg a l sy stem must be and integ rity aw a reness, and unfair competition to happen from time to tome, contracting partiescontract self-discipline i s poorer, tog ether w i th the market m echanism to pla y i ts function, a
9、ddingto the construction of market economic order chaos. Our country a t present the constructioncontract s ig ning stag e of the problem: ( 1 ) the contract is not standard; ( 2 ) the im proper contractsubject; ( 3 ) the contract text not rig orous; ( 4 ) the terms of the contract Gua Y i L ou W an
10、; ( 5 ) onlyfrom the contract w i thout the contract; ( 6 ) in violation of law s and reg ulations, no contract s ig ned;( 7 ) contract w ork i s difficult to c la im the implementation; ( 8 ) overseas contract tex t question; A nda l so pointed out the performance of the contract stage problems: (
11、1 ) the contract should bechang ed w ithout chang e ; ( 2 ) shall be issued letters ( meeting minutes) no hair; ( 3 ) shall confirm theno visas visa confirm a tion; ( 4 ) shall be the responsibility of but the l imita tion; ( 5 ) shall exercisethe pow er of no exercise; ( 6 ) a ttention shall be pai
12、d to the evidence ( material) of the leg a l effect ofbut didnt g et enoug h a ttention to 1 . L iu Zhi W ei ( 2002 ) contract manag ement i s a hard,complicated sy s tem eng ineering , and w e should try hard to learn from foreig n advancedex perience, familiar w ith international eng ineering and
13、m aster the operation of the m arketstandard and operation practice, and strive to im prove our country construction eng ineering unitsm anag em ent level and the overall quality , for our enterprises to participate in internationaleng ineering construction m arket com petition actively create condi
14、tions 3 .1 .2 th e r esea r ch con ten tIn the socialist market econom y sy stem, building activities ma inly throug h the realization ofconstruction market, and the contract i s the maintenance market operation of the carrier. Theconstruction project contract both sides is contracting for the reali
15、zation of the construction projectg oal, clear responsibility , mutual rig hts and oblig a tions of the ag reement, i s a contract w hereby thecontractor performs project construction and obtain the source of reasonable profit, but a l so thedeveloper pay s the price, the control project quality , p
16、rog ress, investment, and ensure the smootheng ineering construction activities an important leg a l documents. S treng thening the contractm anag ement i s to g uarantee the contracting people fully fulfill their contractual oblig a tions,realize the g oal i s to ensure that the construction ( qual
17、ity , investm ent, tim e l imit) the im portantm eans.C hinas construction market developm ent development for over ten y ears, the market econom ysy stem operation that adapt to the law , it i s not perfect, imperfect, and not be detailed specific, sopoor, often cause market main body behavior i s
18、not standard, in the contract s ig ning andimplementation process there are a host of problems. A nd solving these i rreg ularities w a y , shouldcorrectly handle the relationship betw een the ow ner and the contractor, establish and perfect therelevant law s and reg ulations and the construction pr
19、oject contract tex t, must build w ith a set ofthe international practice of contract manag ement sy stem , restricted and reg ulating the behavior ofthe ow ner and the contractor, to adapt to the international project contracting the needs of them arket.In this paper, the contract, the construction
20、 project contract, construction project contractm anag em ent and ex plain the concept of a contract for construction project manag ement of the a im ,s ig nificance, m eans, of the position and role of the analy sis, and then ex pounds the constructionproject contract m anag ement standardization o
21、f the connotation, and contract manag ement of theconstruction eng ineering is briefly introduced. In C hina, such as the construction project contractm anag ement, the m a in problems of the comprehensive in the basis of com parison and analy sis,induces the causes of problems, and in the l ig ht o
22、f the defects of each problem is analy zed. Thenon to domestic and international construction project contract manag ement w as analy zed. Thispaper introduces such as FIDIC contract conditions, this paper ex pounds the ow ner and thecontractor, the eng ineer in contract manag ement of the duty , th
23、e domestic and internationalconstruction project contract manag em ent in construction project contract sy stem, g eneral contractm anag em ent, contract g uarantee and insurance, contract manag ement, c la im of the contract and toperform, and other aspects of the com parison. Finally the m acro ad
24、justment and control fromm icro,andput forw a rdthecorrespondingconstructionproject contract manag ementstandardization S ug g estions.2 a con tr a ct for con str u ction p r oj ect m a n a g em en t in th e p a p er2.1 1 a con t r a ct for con str u ction p r oj ect m a n a g em en t2.1.1 .1 constr
25、uction project contract m anag ement conceptsA contract for construction project manag ement of eng ineering project i s related to the planning ,s ig n a contract, performance, amendm ent, c la ims and disputes m anag em ent. He i s eng ineering animportant part of project manag ement. Eng ineering
26、 contract manag ement i s the subject of them anag ement of the contract of eng ineering contract m anag ement, according to the object ofcontract manag em ent, contract m anag em ent can be divided into tw o levels, the other i s for as ing le contract m anag ement, 2 i t is to the project contract
27、 manag ement. A s ing le contractm anag ement, i s mainly refers to the parties to a contract from start to end the contract the w holeprocess of the contract to a contract manag ement, including the contract, the contract of the tex t ofthe proposed drafting , contract conclusion, fulfillment, the
28、contract modification and cla im control,contract ending and other l inks. The w hole project contract manag em ent, because the contract inthe project of the special role, project participants w i th the project and the organizations havecontract manag ement, but different units or personnel, such
29、as the adm inistrative m anag ementdepartment, law y ers, ow ner, eng ineers, contractors and suppliers, the role of the project i sdifferent, have different ang les, and different properties, the different content and emphasis of thecontract manag ement 11 .2.1.2 .2 A con t r a ct for con str u cti
30、on p r oj ect m a n a g em en t of th e p u r p ose a n d m i ssion1) ) the purpose of the contract for construction project manag em entFrom on m acroscopic to speak, eng ineering contract manag ement g oal i s to streng then thesupervision and administration of construction activities, maintaining
31、 construction market order,g uarantee the quality and safety of construction projects, and promote the healthy development ofthe construction industry , for a ll the sections of the construction m arket to provide leg a l basis, buta lso for our country to the international standardization construct
32、ion further forw ard to providesecurity .(1) ) to standardize the m arket main body , the market price and the m arket trade;(2) ) the development and improvement of modern enterprise sy stem ,(3) ) improve the construction project contract ex ecution rate;(4) ) efforts to develop international cons
33、truction market.2) ) the construction project contract manag ement tasksA contract for construction project m anag ements prima ry m ission, is to promote the project leg a lperson responsibility sy stem , the tendering and bidding sy stem, project supervision and contractm anag em ent sy stem imple
34、m ented, and coordinating the relationship betw een the four sy stem,reg ulating the various sty le and form a t of the contract and the construction of market tradingactivities betw een each main body behavior by contract constraint.(1) ) security eng ineering construction career reliable developme
35、nt;(2) ) the standardization of construction procedures and construction main body ;(3) ) improve the construction manag em ent level;(4) ) to avoid and overcome the construction sector econom ic i l leg a l and criminal 15 2.1.3 .3 C on str u ction en g in eer in g a n d m a n a g em en t g oa l s
36、a n d ch a r a cter i stics1) ) the construction project contract m anag em ent g oalsIn the process of project construction, the construction units concerned contract m anag em ent g oali s different, each stand on a different A ng le , the position of each unit for the project constructiong oal on
37、 the service, but no m a tter how the g oal of every unit, the construction units concerned a llthe contract m anag em ent m ust obey the w hole project total g oal, realize the overall g oal of theproject is to realize the prem ise of the ta rg et unit. S tanding in the point of view of the project
38、, theproject contract manag ement should a im to each of the contract and the w hole project perform edsmoothly the realization of the g oal.(1) ) to ensure the realization of the ta rg et of the three, make the w hole project a t a predeterm inedinvestment, scheduled time limit rang e finish, achie
39、ving the quality standard, m eet the projectsuse and the function requirement;(2) ) specific to each project contract, to achieve the g oal of decomposition of contract, w i l l passthroug h a sing le contract to m anag e , and that every s ing l e contract g oal can be smooth realization.2) ) the c
40、haracteristics of the contract for construction project manag em entEng ineering contract mana g ement not only to know in connection w i th the contract lawknow ledg e , but a lso need to understand eng ineering technolog y , eng ineering economy , especiallyeng ineering know ledg e of m anag em en
41、t, and eng ineering contract m anag ement has the very strongpracticality , a l so i s the only know the theoretical know ledg e i s not enough, still need to richpractical ex perience, only to have the quality , can m anag e project contract, this i s mainly decidedby the follow ing aspects:(1) ) i
42、 s the complex i ty of the contract manag ement;(2) ) i s the contract manag ement of collaborative;(3) ) i s the contract manag ement risk ,(4) ) i s the contract manag ement of the dy na mic characteristics of 3 .2.1.4 .4 A con t r a ct for con str u ction p r oj ect m a n a g em en t in con str u
43、 ction p r oj ect m a n a g em en tsy stem of th e fu n ction a n d p ositionThe construction project contract both s ides is contracting for the realization of the constructionproject g oal, clear responsibility , mutual rig hts and oblig a tions of the ag reem ent. S treng theningthe contract m an
44、ag em ent, project construction cost control i s the important means. Them echanism of m arket econom y development and perfect, ask the g overnment manag ementdepartm ent chang ing functions, w ith more law s , reg ulations and economic m eans to reg ulate them arket and manag ement, not w ith exec
45、utive orders mark et intervention; The contractor must a l soaccording to market rules requirements, and im prove the internal manag em ent sy stem, andcontract manag ement sy stem i s the one of the m anag ement sy stem of the key content.The construction project construction cy cle i s long , because contract value, the construction unitsconcerned many project characteristics betw een interface complex , project period and the functionof the m a in quality control points w il l often reflected in the contract. C ontract ma