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2、明 明造纸术 印刷术 指南针 火药发明要 四大发明 发明载.中 国 四 大 发 明CHINESE FOUR INVENTIONS DIRECTORYDIRECTORYPapermaking technologyArt of printingCompassgunpowderPerception造纸术造纸术PART ONEPAPERMAKING TECHNOLOGYPAPERMAKING TECHNOLOGY造纸术发明造纸术发明者者InventorInventor ofof papermakingpapermaking 蔡伦蔡伦CaiCai LunLun-Aot-e io om Lei 造纸术发明

3、 te ppemki ietoSTUDY DILIGENTLY主要材料 造 火i te pi Atm peio ook wee mi me o moo wic w oke ito moo tick ce moo ip.Ate ei ie wit ie te wee witte o top o tem.moo ip e ceti et wit ec moo ip c o wite oe ie o ccte i om oe to eit o ie.要编 A ook eie m moo ip wic mt e woe coecte wit t ope o imi mtei i oe to e e.S

4、TUDY DILIGENTLY编 ook ike i e o coe coecte meo moo ip 大 teeoe e coiee weit.o i pt ot o eot ito ei o te ook o Ce ic etoo it cotet.要 oo te e it i mtee it ic poit.三中 Te e e it ti time ie too eti o it piit eece.STUDY DILIGENTLY Atew i oe to ee eepe ito ti ook epi it to i icipe e ippe to it cote time.ei e

5、i ike ti e wo te cowie tp tt coect te moo ip ee time e to epce tem wit ew oe mtipe time eoe i tem.e te ei to ti poit Coci m i wee to ie ew moe e wo e e to p te tet it o te ook o Ce.MAIN RAW MATERIALSwoo wiow owe wi ooe owe pieppe ee pt moo M miet pte etc 0101.Tke te k o woo wi ooe k wiow ote tee m t

6、em pt tem tem.0202原料.Te pce te teme k w mtei o i Moti epoe tem to it i te ioet cotio ip tem oe to ow te k to t t wite.MAIN RAW MATERIALS0303原料发.C ok emet et k w mtei etc.tee pte mi to om pp 0404纸纸纸.e ppe ctte to mke ppe om te ete pp0505纸.Pce te copie ppe i it to PAPERMAKING TECHNOLOGY造纸术 明 发Ppe mki

7、w it itoce to ot oe p oowe te itoctio o A to ope wic poo impct o te eeopmet o wo ciiitio.造纸术 中Ppe mki i otti cotitio o te Ciee tio to mit.印刷术印刷术PART TWOART OF PRINTINGART OF PRINTING印刷术发明印刷术发明者者InventorInventor ofof printingprinting technologytechnology 毕升毕升BiBi ShengSheng -Aot-e ote o t发明 ietoART O

8、F PRINTING制作毛胚制作毛胚MakingMaking hairhair embryosembryose ccte wit eieTi coi ip印Oe pit pe wo火 to mke to活字存放活字存放MovableMovable typetype storagestorage 印板To pit pce io mo o io pte 纸t i coee wit ei w ppe ART OF PRINTING活字排版活字排版 TypesettingTypesetting印板t i ee pite wit ccte te io ptte i oe o 火o o to te ie

9、te te ccte i t toe活字活字印刷印刷 movable-typemovable-type printingprinting板Ote e eco io pte板Oe o e ee e e wit ccte板 印刷Oe o pitiART OF PRINTING说明明对象象 descriptiondescription objectobject特征特征 featuresfeatures每字为一印 One print per word字是活的 Words are alive密布字印 Dense printing排板是活的 The board is live二板更互替之Replace e

10、ach other on the second board印刷方法是活的The printing method is active每字皆有数印Every word has a few prints字印数目是活的The number of printed characters is live奇字旋刻Strange character rotary carving做法是活的 The method is alive印完后“火令药熔”,字印“殊不沾污”After printing,the words fire makes medicine melt and the words do not stain

11、 are printed可继续使用也体现活Can continue to use and reflect vitalityART OF PRINTING活板活板印刷印刷的的工作流程工作流程TheThe workflowworkflow ofof flipflip chartchart printingprintingplatingplating板printprint印刷letterinlettering gplateplatearrangementarrangement 原料Actie tpe w mteiMoe tpe ei metoCcteitic o moe tpeMoe tpe omi

12、板 et io pte 药 Coteeit meicie模 Tpeetti ptte 火 t ie 模 Ft mo ce 板 印ie o piti 板epce ec ote o te eco oART OF PRINTING印刷术发明南 国中 大Ate te ietio o piti it w it itoce to cotie c ot oe p ietm pe wetw to Cet Ai Wet Ai ope pi e oe i pomoti te iemitio ece o wo cte.指南针指南针PART THREEC O M P A S SCOMPASS指南针发明指南针发明者者C

13、ompassCompass inventorIinventorI 沈括沈括shenshen kuokuo-Ao -中 Ccte toe toomeCOMPASS大三 指南针 Ao te e o te t cet to te eii o te t cet te comp w itoce to Ai e te to ope om Ai.e ote A ope火药火药PART FOURGUNPOWDERGUNPOWDER火药 中国程中发明powe w iete ciet Ciee cemit i te poce o cem火药 火药 Te eiet powe e m w ck powe国发明 t w

14、 iete te woki peope o o cot oe to e o.发明国四大发明要 t ietio i wo-mo kow oe o te te Fo et etio o ciet ciece tecoo i Ci occpie impott poitio i te ito o cemit.宋初宋初EarlyEarly SongSong DynastyDynastyFirebird,Firebird,FirebeastFirebeast火 火GUNPOWDER火药火药武器的武器的发发展展TheThe DevelopmentDevelopment ofof GunpowderGunpo

15、wder WeaponsWeapons燃烧性燃烧性火火器器IncendiaryIncendiary firearmfirearmPearPear FlowerFlower Gun,Gun,FireFire DragonDragon BladeBlade火GunpowderGunpowder arrowarrow火药 火Lte ote o tpoie Fiem Teot Co南 火te ote o tT iem 火药国 te t t cetie powe w it itoce to A cotie te pe to eece ope ee o te wo.e ote A ope火药火药 gunpowdergunpowderGUNPOWDER感悟感悟PART FIVEPERCEPTIONPERCEPTION四大发明四大发明 TheThe FourFour GreatGreat InventionsInventions四大发明发 发明火药 指南针 纸 印刷大Ate ei ot te te Fo et etio te m wo icoee te ietio o powe comp ppe piti w e et.中国明中国大epeeti te iteiece wiom o te Ciee peope.Ti me peceete poe i Ciee ito


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