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1、Look at the following pictures and talk about each picture separately.Do you know the following animalsleopardWhere can you find them?elephantSee elephants,lions,zebras and giraffes in the beautiful grasslands of Africa!Some other amazing pictures for you to appreciate and then guess which country i

2、t is.KoalakangarooWhat are the typical animals of this country?Experience the sun,sand and sea on Australias famous beaches!Are these places above amazing,exciting and attractive?Follow me,please and lets make an exploration of some other places!Explore the amazing Brazilian rainforest!Have you ever

3、 been to this place?Challenge yourselfgo trekking in the Gobi Desert!When you walk into the places as follows,are there any dangers waiting for you?What are they?Gobi animals terrible weather water shortage getting lost strong sunlightDangers in the desert wild animals(tigers,lions,crocodile)harmful

4、 plants(man-eating flowers)forest fire getting lostDangers in the forest fierce ocean animalsboat sinking terrible weather drowning losing the direction on the seaDangers on the beach1.Which of these places would you like to visit most?Why?2.What is the most exciting and amazing place you have ever

5、been to?3.Can you think of any other exciting and amazing places to visit?What are they?Discussion What do you think of the place?Are there any places of historic interest to see there?What is it famous for?Id like to look around the city.How I wish I could go there someday!Language points1.excite 1

6、)_ (n.激动激动)2)_ (adj.令人令人感到感到激动的激动的)3)_ (adj.感到感到激动的激动的)2.amaze 1)_ (adj.令人令人感到惊奇感到惊奇的的)2)_ (adj.感到惊奇的感到惊奇的)3.adventure 1)_ (adj.冒险的冒险的)2)_ (探险旅游探险旅游)excitementexcitingexcitedamazingamazedadventurousadventure travel experience(1)U n.经验,从经验中获得的知识和技能经验,从经验中获得的知识和技能(2)C n.经历经历 (3)vt体验,经历体验,经历experienced

7、 adj有经验的,经验丰富的有经验的,经验丰富的针对训练针对训练(1)他教英语有很多经验,大家都喜爱他。他教英语有很多经验,大家都喜爱他。You have had so much _in teaching English that every one likes him.(2)那次车祸对他来说是一次可怕的经历那次车祸对他来说是一次可怕的经历,他永不他永不忘记。忘记。The car accident was_ terrible _to him,which he would never forget.(3)你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗?Did you _ real hunger?(1)(4)这种工作需要有经验的人。这种工作需要有经验的人。(2)This work calls for an _ man.experienceaexperienceexperienceexperiencedHomework1.Find more information about places in the world and traveling.2.Preview the reading text.


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