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1、开题报告内容与要求一、毕业设计(论文)内容及研究意义(价值)设计内容:本次毕业设计要求基于单片机智能电饭煲控制系统的设计。本课题要求以单片机为主控制器,以电饭煲为控制对象,通过热敏电阻把温度信号转变成电压信号,再经 A/D 转换把电压信号变成的数字信号,然后由MCU处理进而去控制继电器,达到对发热盘的温度控制工作。本电饭煲采用波浪式起伏加热模式,通过微电脑控制将模糊控制技术应用于电饭煲的开发,本文在借鉴前人的工作基础上,实现一种多功能的模糊电饭煲控制系统,并重点研究了以下内容:(1) 实现米量测量;(2) 研究电饭煲硬件控制系统,重点研究了低成本优化设计方案;(3)根据多个功能及判米量的方法,


3、煲还可以实现预约、记忆等功能,大大方便了人们的生活。本文从实际工程出发,对模糊控制的微电脑电饭煲进行了深入研究,主要讨论一种准确的判米量的方法,真正实现了电饭煲的模糊控制,这对电饭煲控制程序的研究将是很有意义的,将使之在高效,节能等方面做的更好。本次论文设计的技术指标及功能要求:1. 具有16种烹调功能;2. 24小时预约功能;3. 烹调时间设定,根据不同烹调功能设计不同的时间;4. 立体加热;5. 2小时掉电记忆功能;6. 自检功能;7. 传感器开短路保护功能; 8.要求独立选择芯片、设计电路、编制程序、仿真、调试、完成整个系统的功能。 本次论文设计,选择MC80F7708A单片机为主要控制





8、很容易实现。嵌入式系统是将计算机硬件和软件结合起来,构成一个专门的计算装置,完成特定的功能和任务。在嵌入式系统中,单片机是最重要也是应用最多的智能核心器件。在智能家电方面的研究,日本走在世界的前面。资料统计表明,目前日本家用单片机的使用率在85%94%之间,其中使用模糊控制的家电产品约占50%.日本甚至在几乎所有的迷糊控制应用领域都在世界上处于领先地位。日本仔90年代初期就有模糊家电问世,而那时我国的模糊家电还没有起步。现在,在家电控制器中应用模糊控制在我国收到普遍重视。由于我国家电行业的飞速发展,模糊家电在我国大有可为。目前来看,模糊家电的发展有三大发展动向:1. 进一步扩大传感器的组合,利

9、用多个传感器的功能组合可以不断改进家电的控制技术,而对多个量采样后再进行综合判断正是模糊家电的长处。2. 与AI(人工智能)和神经网络技术相结合(如前所述),这将进一步提高模糊家电的智能化水平。3. 模糊家电网络化,随着网络经济的逐步发展,未来的家用电器必将改变目前这种单机运作的模式,而且具有与Internet网通信的能力。家用电器走网络化的道路,这也是当今家电产业发展的趋势之一。三、毕业设计(论文)研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点与难点及拟采用的途径)研究方案:下面是本毕业设计的研究方案,主要从工作的重点与难点及拟采用的途径来分析1.重点与难点本次课程设计是基于单片机的智能微电脑电饭煲控制系统

10、的设计,能够实现多种功能,如:预约、米种选择、冷饭加热等, 设计要求独立选着芯片,仿真、调试,实物制作等,完成整个系统的功能。本次设计是以MC80F7708A单片机为主控制器的基本系统为核心的一套控制系统,其中包括单片机、复位电路、温度传感电路、键盘及显示、驱动电路、系统软件等部分设计。重难点可分为软件部分和硬件部分。系统软件采用模块化设计,是根据其硬件电路结构和所需达到的功能来进行编制的。全部软件流程由主程序、蜂鸣器子程序、整个系统初始化子程序、延时子程序、液晶显示子程序组成。,系统开始先进行上电复位,检测各个模块初始化是否处于工作状态,处于工作状态则发出检测命令,等待返回数据并处理。2.

11、系统的工作原理本系统用ABOV半导体公司的8位闪速存储器(flash ROM)型单片机芯片MC80F7708A单片机为核心,通过热敏电阻把温度信号变成电压信号,再经过A/D转换把电压信号变成数字信号,然后由MCU处理进而去控制继电器,达到对发热盘的温度控制工作。本微电脑电饭煲采用波浪式起伏加热模式,通过微控制器的控制作用,模拟人工炊煮。轻轻按下开始键便能完成炊煮功能。还有一些其他功能,只需要通过相应的选择键便可以完成,这些功能的完成也是通过MCU来实现的。系统的整体结构框图如下图一所示。图一:系统整体结构框图研究手段:我们对各个设计模块的解决方法如下: 1.主控模块单片机的选择本系统主控单片机

12、选用ABOV半导体公司的8位闪速存储器(flash ROM)型单片机芯片MC80F7708A。MC80F7708A是拥有8K字节FLASH程序存储器的COMS 8位单片机。本芯片功能强大,可以为许多LCD应用提供高度灵活和低成本的解决方案。该芯片有如下特点:8K字节FLASH ROM,256字节RAM,20字节分段LCD显示RAM,8/16位定时/计数器,10位A/D转换器,7位看门狗定时器,拥有7位自动重计数的21位实时定时器,8位UART,片内晶振和时钟电路等。另外,本芯片还支持节电模式以降低功耗。故MC80F7708A是使用LCD显示和ADC的系统中最好的控制器解决方案。2.LED显示模

13、块的选择本次设计LED模块选用智能电饭煲专用LED CY6905,该芯片采用公阴的连接方式,有黄、橙、蓝三种发光颜色,其表面状态有黑色表面,白色字段,是客户最好的选择。3.LED驱动模块选择TM1629C系列产品是一种专用的LED数码管驱动芯片,性价比高,可替代74HC164、74HC595,374等芯片传统繁琐的LED数码管驱动电路,TM1629C无需加三极管及电阻而直接驱动LED数码管,且驱动电流大(8级辉度可调)。在单片机程序方面,只要刷新一次显示RAM数据而不用动态扫描,而且芯片带有键盘接口,3线或2线串行单片机通信,非常省单片机硬件和软件资源。轻轻松松2个或3个I/O就可驱动十几段到

14、高达 120 多段数码管。4. 电容触摸按键传感模块的选择本次设计的电容传感模块选用CY8C20524芯片,该芯片具有低功耗、抗干扰能力强、简化硬件电路的设计、能够驱动28个通用I/O口等功能,是此次设计电容传感最好的选择。工作计划起止日期(日/月)周次内 容 进 程备 注2.102.201接受设计的课题,查找相关参考文献和资料。2.212.262熟悉设计的课题,查阅、整理参考文献和资料学习相关参考文献和资料。2.283.103理清思路,撰写开题报告3.113.294开题答辩,对设计课题的方案作初步论证3.304.055方案论证,方案改进,方案定稿4.064.126设计实现本课题的原理电路4.

15、134.197设计实现本课题的原理电路4.204.268软件仿真调试4.275.039软件仿真调试5.045.1010熟悉毕业论文格式、撰写论文初稿5.115.1711撰写论文初稿5.185.2412完成论文初稿,提交论文初稿5.255.3113修改毕业论文,用Protel画硬件原理图6.016.0714修改毕业论文,用Protel画硬件原理图6.086.1416总体完善,完成论文终稿,提交论文终稿6.156.2116准备好自述讲稿,打印,参加论文答辩6.226.2817准备好自述讲稿,打印,参加论文答辩四 主要参考文献1 童诗白 华成英 模拟电子技术 高等教育出版社 2006.52 阎石 数

16、字电子技术基础 高等教育出版社2008/023 李道华 李玲 朱艳 传感器电路分析与设计 武汉大学出版社2003.34 李军 李赋海 检测技术及仪表 中国轻工业出版社2000.85 何立民主编 单片机应用技术选编 北京航空航天大学出版社 1993.26 余永权.模糊控制技术与模糊家用电器.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,20007 刘增良.模糊技术与应用选编(2).北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,19978 张毅刚.MCS-51单片机应用设计.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,19909 杨振江.智能仪器与数据采集系统中的新器件及应用.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,200110 余永权,模糊电饭煲控制

17、器研制报告,模糊电饭煲鉴定文件,193311 春元 李文涛 江杰 杜平.C51单片机典型模块设计与应用.机械工业出版社,2008.412 Intel. Software Handbook, 198413 J . E. Brignell, The future of intelligent senseors : a problem of technology or ethics? Sensor and Actuator 199614 Kevin R. Hoskins ,Data Acquisition Circuit Collection ,Linear Technology 1996.1015

18、 Yang.Y.,Yi.J.,Y.Y.and Kim.B.:Optimum design for linearity andefficiency of Microwave Doherty amplifier using anew load matching technique,Microw.j.,2001.416 Hyvarinen A,Karhunen J,Oja E.Independent Component AnalysisM.John Wiley and Sons Inc,2001.17 MC80F7708A CMOS SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER

19、 WITH LCD CONTROLLER/DRIVER , ABOV SEMICONDUCTOR Co. Ltd.英文原文: MC80F7708 CMOS SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH LCD CONTROLLER/DRIVER1. OVERVIEW1.1 DescriptionThe MC80F7708 are an advanced CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of FLASH ROM(MTP). This device is one of the MC800 family and a p

20、owerful microcontroller which provides a high flexibility and cost effective solution to many LCD applications. The MC80F7708 provide the following standard features: 8K bytes of FLASH ROM, 256 bytes of RAM, 20 bytes of segment LCD display RAM, 8/16-bit timer/counter, 10-bit A/D converter, 7-bit wat

21、ch dog timer, 21-bit watch timer with 7-bit auto reload counter, 8-bit UART, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, this device supports power saving modes to reduce power consumption. So the MC80F7708 is the best controller solution in system which uses chara- tered LCD display and AD

22、C.1.2 Features 8K Bytes On-chip FLASH ROM (MTP) FLASH Memory- Endurance : 100 cycles- Data Retention : 10 years 256 Bytes On-chip Data RAM 20 bytes Display RAM Instruction Cycle Time:- 333ns at 12MHz (2 cycle NOP instruction) LCD display/controller- 1/4 Duty Mode (20Seg 4Com, 1/3 Bias)- 1/8 Duty Mod

23、e (16Seg 8Com, 1/4 Bias) Four 8-bit Timer/Counter(They can be used as two 16-bit Timer/Counter) One 7-bit Watch Dog Timer One 21-bit Watch Timer- 1 minute interrupt available One 8-bit Basic Interval Timer One 6-bit Buzzer Driving Port Dual Clock Operation- Main Clock : 400kHz 12MHz- Sub Clock : 32.

24、768kHz Main Clock Oscillation- Crystal- Ceramic Resonator- Internal Oscillation : 8MHz/4MHz/2MHz Operating Temperature : -4085 C Built-in Noise Immunity Circuit- Noise Filter- BIR (Built-in Reset) Power Down Mode- Main Clock : STOP, SLEEP mode 400kHz to 12MHz Wide Operating Frequency On-Chip POR (Po

25、wer On Reset) Internal Resistor for LCD Bias 42/40 Programmable I/O Pins 6/4-channel 10-bit On-chip A/D Converter One 10-bit High Speed PWM Output 14 Interrupt sources- External Interrupt : 4- Timer : 4- UART : 2- ADC, WDT, WT, BIT One Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Trans- mitter (UART) at FLASH MC

26、U 2.2V to 5.5V Wide Operating Voltage Range2. PIN FUNCTIONVDD: Supply Voltage.VSS: Circuit ground.RESET: Reset the MCU Reset.XIN: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal main clock operating circuit.XOUT: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.SXIN: Input to the

27、 internal sub system clock operating cir- cuit.SXOUT: Output from the inverting subsystem oscillator amplifier.SEG0SEG19: Segment signal output pins for the LCD display. See 18. LCD DRIVER on page 75 for details. Also SEG0SEG19 are shared with normal I/O ports and SEG1619 are multiplexed with COM7CO

28、M4.COM0COM7: Common signal output pins for the LCD display. See 18. LCD DRIVER on page 75 for details. Also COM0SEG7 are shared with normal I/O ports and COM4COM7 are multiplexed with SEG19SEG16.COM 4COM7 an d SEG 19SEG 16 are selected byLCDD0 of the LCR register.3. MEMORY ORGANIZATIONThe have separ

29、ate address spaces for Program memory, Data Memory and Display memory. Program memory can only be read, not written to. It can be up to 8K bytes of Program memory. Data memory can be read and written to up to 1024 bytes including the stack area. Display memory has prepared 27 nibbles for LCD.4. I/O

30、PORTSThe MC80F7708 have seven I/O ports, LCD segment ports (R0, R1, R2, R4, R50/SEG0/RX0 R73/SEG19/COM4) and LCD common ports (R77/COM0 R74/COM3, R73/ SEG19/COM4 R70/SEG16/COM7).These ports pins may be multiplexed with an alternate function for the peripheral features on the device.5. CLOCK GENERATO

31、RAs shown in Figure 10-1, the clock generator produces the basic clock pulses which provide the system clock to be supplied to the CPU and the peripheral hardware. It contains two oscillators which are main-frequency clock oscil- lator and a sub-frequency clock oscillator.The system clock can also b

32、e obtained from the external oscillator.By setting configuration option, the internal 8MHz, 4MHz,2MHz can also be selected for system clock source.The clock generator produces the system clocks forming clock pulse, which are supplied to the CPU and the periph- eral hardware.The internal system clock

33、 should be selected to main oscil- lation by setting bit1 and bit0 of the system clock mode register (SCMR). To the peripheral block, the clock among the not-divided original clocks, divided by 2, 4,., up to 4096 can be provided. Peripheral clock is enabled or disabled by STOP instruction. The perip

34、heral clock is controlled by clock control register (CKCTLR). See 11. BASIC INTERVAL TIMER on page 41 for details.6. TIMER / COUNTERTimer/Event Counter consists of prescaler, multiplexer, 8- bit timer data register, 8-bit counter register, mode register, input capture register and Comparator as show

35、n in Figure12-4. And the PWM high register for PWM is consisted separately.The timer/counter has seven operating modes.- 8 Bit Timer/Counter Mode- 8 Bit Capture Mode- 8 Bit Compare Output Mode- 16 Bit Timer/Counter Mode- 16 Bit Capture Mode- 16 Bit Compare Output Mode- PWM ModeIn the “timer” functio

36、n, the register is increased every in- ternal clock input. Thus, one can think of it as counting in- ternal clock input. Since a least clock consists of 2 andmost clock consists of 2048 oscillator periods, the count rate is 1/2 to 1/2048 of the oscillator frequency in Timer0. And Timer1 can use the

37、same clock source too. In addition, Timer1 has more fast clock source (1/1 to 1/8).In the “counter” function, the register is increased in re- sponse to a 0-to-1 (rising edge) transition at its correspond- ing external input pin EC0 (Timer 0).In addition the “capture” function, the register is incre

38、ased in response external or internal clock interrupt same with timer/counter function. When external interrupt edge in- put, the count register is captured into capture data register TMx.Timer3 is shared with “PWM” function and Timer2 is shared with “Compare output” function.7. WATCH TIMERThe watch

39、 timer generates interrupt for watch operation. The watch timer consists of the clock selector, 21-bit bina- ry counter and watch timer mode register. It is a multi-pur- pose timer. It is generally used for watch design.The bit 0, 1, 2 of WTMR select the clock source of watch timer among sub-clock,

40、fMAIN28 ,fMAIN27 ,fMAIN or fMAIN2 of main-clock and fMAIN of main-clock. Thef MAIN of main-clock is used usually for watch timer test, so timer is also stopped. If the sub-clock is used as the watch timer source clock, the watch timer count cannot be stopped. Therefore, the sub-clock does not stop a

41、nd contin- ues to oscillate even when the CPU is in the STOP mode. The timer counter consists of 21-bit binary counter and it can count to max 60 seconds at sub-clock.The bit 3, 4 of WTMR select the interrupt request interval of watch timer among 2Hz, 4Hz, 16Hz and 1/64Hz.generally it is not used fo

42、r the clock source of watch timer. The fMAIN27 or fMAIN28 clock is used when the single clock system is organized. If fMAIN28 or fMAIN27 clock is used as watch timer clock source, when the CPU enters into stop mode, the main clock is stopped and then watch.8. WATCH DOG TIMERThe watch dog timer (WDT)

43、 function is used for checkingprogram malfunction due to external noise or other causes and return the operation to the normal contion.The watchdog timer consists of 7-bit binary counter and the watchdog timer register(WDTR). The source clock of WDT is overflow of Basic Interval Timer. When the valu

44、e of 7-bit binary counter is equal to the lower 7-bits of Note: WDTR and WTR has same address 0E8h. The LOADEN bit is used to select WDTR or WTR. When LOADEN of watch timer mode register(WTMR) is set to “1”, WDTR can not be wrote and WTR is wrote.The LOADEN bit should be cleared to “0” when writing

45、any value to WDTR. WDTR, the interrupt request flag is generated. This can be used as WDT interrupt or CPU reset signal in accordance with the bit WDTON. When WDTCL is set, 7-bit counter of WDT is reset. After one cycle, it is cleared by hardware. When writing WDTR, the LOADEN bit of WTMR regis-ter

46、should be cleared to “0”.9. ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTERThe analog-to-digital(A/D) converter allows conversion of an analog input signal to an corresponding 10-bit digital value. The A/D module has six analog inputs, which are multiplexed into one sample and hold. The output of the sample and hold is

47、 the input of the converter, which generates the result via successive approximation. The analog supply voltage is connected to AVDD of ladder resistance of A/D module.10. BUZZER OUTPUT FUNCTIONThe buzzer driver consists of 6-bit binary counter, the buzzer driver register BUZR and the clock selector. It gen- erates square-wave which is very wide range frequency (500 Hz125 kHz at fMAIN = 4MHz) by user programmable counter.11. INTERRUPTSThe MC80F7708 interrupt circuits consist of Interrupt en- able register (IENH, IENM, IENL), Interrupt request fl


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