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1、教学设计基本信息作者姓名性 别女所用教科书PEP小学英语五年级下册设计册次、单元PEP小学英语五年级下册二单元1.教学背景分析教学内容分析:PEP教材小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 M y Favorite Season题是围绕交流最喜欢哪个季节并陈述原因展开的一系列话题。本课时旨在复习巩固A、B部分的主要词汇和句型,通过阅读理解帮助学生综合运用本单元所学语言。教材以 Robin在四季的活动描写和交流自己喜欢的季节及原因的阅读材料为载体,配以相应的插图,贴近学生生活,且文本是学生所熟悉的词汇和句型。学生情况分析: 本课的教学对象是学过两年英语的五年级学生,此段学生天真活泼,好奇心强,有较强的模

2、仿能力、逻辑思维能力和求知欲望,有一定的英语词汇积累,能较好的读出图中的意思。3.教学目标分析1.知识目标: 能够掌握三会句子:I like spring because there are many beautiful flowers everywhere. I like winter because I can play in the snow.能理解句子:The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall!的中文意思。2.能力目标:能够正确认读和理解文章的含义,并正确的回答书上的问题。3.情感目标:能够引导孩子去发现各个季节的美,并激发他们热爱大

3、自然、保护大自然的情感。4.教学重点、难点分析教学重点:听、说、读、写句子: I like winter because I can play in the snow.教学难点:1、 掌握because引导的原因状语从句。2、 理解fall的两种意思。5.教学过程设计(方法、手段)Step 1 Pre-reading 1、 Lets have a chant.T: I like spring, Ss: How about you?S1: I like.Ss: How about you?T: I like them all.T: I can make a snowmanSs: How abou

4、t you?S2:.Ss: How about you?T: I can do them all.【设计意图】说说唱唱,让学生做好准备,进入课堂。利用有节奏的问答,激起了孩子们的积极性,对本单元之前所学的重点句型和单词进行了复习和巩固。 通过最后教师的总结,让学生们初步感知“all” 的意思。2、 Grouping and vocabulary presentationT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you! Today, Im wearing a lovely dress! Is it beautiful? And I bring a lovely

5、 tree today. Now, you are divided into 3 groups. You are group.?Ss: 1/2/3T: If you do a good job, the leaves will fall and fall and fall into your baskets.( 三片不同树叶分别落在3个篮子里. Fall 与动作同步,前2个fall 教师拖长声音,最后一个fall 引导学生一起说.)T: Look! These are.? (迅速把刚刚分别掉进篮子里的三片树叶拿起来.Ss: LeavesT: Leaves. (教读2遍.)【设计意图】激发兴趣,

6、热身,导入生词 lovely, leaves, 初步感知“fall and fall and fall”的意思,将课堂难点句型与课堂评价巧妙结合 。(1)GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Nancy!T:Sit down please. Today, Im so happy to see you again. Now, lets sing a song.(师生一起唱歌)(2) Lead in and vocabulary presentationT: Wow! A lovely song, right? In t

7、his song, we talk about the seasons. Now, I have a question for you.“How many seasons are there in a year?”Ss: FourT: What are they?S1:S2:S3:S4:【设计意图】利用歌曲,再次激趣。通过教师对歌曲的总结,引出本课新词“lovely”,并通过歌曲,用问题引出四季。1、T: What can you see in spring? Or what can you do in spring?Ss:(用相同的方法询问剩下的季节)【设计意图】利用问题的引导,让学生一起来

8、谈论季节,对本单元的重点句型和短语进行了再次巩固。为后面的输出做准备。T:Which season do you like best? Why?Ss:T:Hey!Boys and girls, can you guess:“Which season do I like best?”Ss:T: If you want to know the answer. Lets enjoy a poem, and find the answer.(诗歌欣赏)T:Yes, I like them all.(引出了题目并板书)【设计意图】通过有背景音乐的诗歌欣赏,引出本课的题目,为下一步学习做准备,在诗歌中都是

9、提炼的本课时的重点句型,所以在学生欣赏的同时也对重点句型有了初步的感知。T:But do you remember “Why do I like autumn?”S1:T: Yes, I like autumn because I want to paint a picture. (teache the new word“paint”。)(3) Look and say T:I can paint an apple. Can you paint? S1: S2: T: T: We can paint, our old friend Robin can paint ,too. Look, Rob

10、in paints spring, summer, autumn and winter(师生共读图). Wow, look at spring, what can you see? Ss: I can see/ (There are /is) in summer, autumn, winter.【设计意图】通过观察图片,帮助学生初步感知四季特征,从图片中获得部分信息,为阅读做准备。T: Can you find the answer?Ss:.T: Yes, Robin like them all.Step2 While-reading1. Read and match T: They are

11、so beautiful, so Robin wrote some captions for each picture. Can you read and match?【设计意图】通过读图片和文字信息来了解四季特征。2. Read and find out T:Read paragraph 3 carefully and find out what “fall” means.【设计意图】引导学生详读小短文,联系上下文和图片,猜测和理解fall.归纳阅读策略。3. Look and guessT: All the 4 seasons are so beautiful, can you guess

12、 which season does Robin like? 【设计意图】培养学生的想象力和预测能力。4. Listen and tickT: Listen and tick the seasons Robin likes.【设计意图】听音,整体感知短文,任务驱动,引导学生学会抓关键词。通过问题的答案揭示本课主题:Robin likes them all!5.Read and underline T: Why does Robin like them all? Read the passage again, find out the reasons and underline then tic

13、k the right answers in the form.【设计意图】通过寻找Robin喜欢每个季节的原因,引导学生深入理解短文。通过学生的回答,完善思维导图。6.Lets read T: Listen and imitate.【设计意图】帮助学生形成优美的语音语调。Step 3 post-reading1.Fly your imaginationT: We know Robin likes summer ,too. Right? But why? Fly your imaginations and discuss in your group. Ss:T: Wow, so many fu

14、n things in summer, why does Robin likes summer, he wrote a poem to tell us, lets enjoy.【设计意图】多角度讨论喜欢夏天的原因,发散学生思维,拓宽说和写的思路。同时以Robin诗歌的形式来作答,让学生感受诗歌的创作过程。为写诗歌做铺垫。2.Brief summaryT:What a beautiful poem! Robin can be our teacher now, he teach us how to write a poem, so if we want to write a poem we can

15、 write it with view, weather, activity or something else.【设计意图】通过和学生一起总结Robin 喜欢不同季节的原因,进一步完善思维导图。帮助学生构建四季的特征,活动等, 为“写”打下基础。3.Lets enjoyT:Now, lets write a poem like Robin. Which season do you like best?is it beautiful or What can you do ? Do you have any ideas? Oh, look, that might help you.【设计意图】学

16、生在音乐和美景的熏陶下感受一年四季的美,激发学生写诗的兴趣;培养学生的审美能力和文化意识;为学生写作提供语料。4.Lets writeT: Now, can you write a poem like Robin? OK, lets do it.【设计意图】以思维导图为框架书写小诗,进一步加深对四季的理解,拓展学生综合语用能力。5 .Show time【设计意图】通过诗歌展示,检验学习成果。(三) Homework1、Paint your favorite season.2、Read and imitate the passage with your partner after class.【设计意图】通过读和画,巩固学生所学语言知识,提高学生运用英语的能力。6.教学评价设计评价内容:用叶子作为鼓励,贯穿整堂课,紧扣本堂课的教学内容。评价方法:采用多种评价方式,如同伴互评、教师评价等,尤其关注所有孩子的发展,并给予最优秀的组实物奖励(叶脉书签)。对有创新思维及灵感,发言中有闪光点的学生予以肯定,使用了Thats great/ good job!/Wonderful/Clever/Perfect!等积极的评价用语。另外,还运用手势、表情(眼神、面容、微笑)及其他肢体语言对学生的学习进行及时的评价。如:微笑+评价语言、竖大拇指,号召学生一起鼓掌,增强学生的自信心。7、板书设计


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