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1、电力电子技术电力电子技术是一门新兴的应用于电力领域的电子技术,就是使用电力电子器件(如晶闸管,GTO,IGBT等)对电能进行变换和控制的技术。电力电子技术所变换的“电力”功率可大到数百MW甚至GW,也可以小到数W甚至1W以下,和以信息处理为主的信息电子技术不同电力电子技术主要用于电力变换。简介电力电子技术分为电力电子器件制造技术和交流技术(整流,逆变,斩波,变频,变相等)两个分支。 现已成为现代电气工程与自动化专业不可缺少的一门专业基础课,在培养该专业人才中占有重要地位。 电力电子学(Power Electronics)这一名称是在上世纪60年代出现的。1974年,美国的W.Newell用一个

2、倒三角形(如图)对电力电子学进行了描述,认为它是由电力学、电子学和控制理论三个学科交叉而形成的。这一观点被全世界普遍接受。“电力电子学”和“电力电子技术”是分别从学术和工程技术2个不同的角度来称呼的。 一般认为,电力电子技术的诞生是以1957年美国通用电气公司研制出的第一个晶闸管为标志的,电力电子技术的概念和基础就是由于晶闸管和晶闸管变流技术的发展而确立的。此前就已经有用于电力变换的电子技术,所以晶闸管出现前的时期可称为电力电子技术的史前或黎明时期。70年代后期以门极可关断晶闸管(GTO),电力双极型晶体管(BJT),电力场效应管(Power-MOSFET)为代表的全控型器件全速发展(全控型器

3、件的特点是通过对门极既栅极或基极的控制既可以使其开通又可以使其关断),使电力电子技术的面貌焕然一新进入了新的发展阶段。80年代后期,以绝缘栅极双极型晶体管(IGBT 可看作MOSFET和BJT的复合)为代表的复合型器件集驱动功率小,开关速度快,通态压降小,在流能力大于一身,性能优越使之成为现代电力电子技术的主导器件。为了使电力电子装置的结构紧凑,体积减小,常常把若干个电力电子器件及必要的辅助器件做成模块的形式,后来又把驱动,控制,保护电路和功率器件集成在一起,构成功率集成电路(PIC)。目前PIC的功率都还较小但这代表了电力电子技术发展的一个重要方向。 利用电力电子器件实现工业规模电能变换的技

4、术,有时也称为功率电子技术。一般情况下,它是将一种形式的工业电能转换成另一种形式的工业电能。例如,将交流电能变换成直流电能或将直流电能变换成交流电能;将工频电源变换为设备所需频率的电源;在正常交流电源中断时,用逆变器(见电力变流器)将蓄电池的直流电能变换成工频交流电能。应用电力电子技术还能实现非电能与电能之间的转换。例如,利用太阳电池将太阳辐射能转换成电能。与电子技术不同,电力电子技术变换的电能是作为能源而不是作为信息传感的载体。因此人们关注的是所能转换的电功率。 电力电子技术是建立在电子学、电工原理和自动控制三大学科上的新兴学科。因它本身是大功率的电技术,又大多是为应用强电的工业服务的,故常


6、装置及其系统中大量应用。作用(1) 优化电能使用。通过电力电子技术对电能的处理,使电能的使用达到合理、高效和节约,实现了电能使用最佳化。例如,在节电方面,针对风机水泵、电力牵引、轧机冶炼、轻工造纸、工业窑炉、感应加热、电焊、化工、电解等14个方面的调查,潜在节电总量相当于1990年全国发电量的16%,所以推广应用电力电子技术是节能的一项战略措施,一般节能效果可达10%-40%,我国已将许多装置列入节能的推广应用项目。 (2) 改造传统产业和发展机电一体化等新兴产业。据发达国家预测,今后将有95%的电能要经电力电子技术处理后再使用,即工业和民用的各种机电设备中,有95%与电力电子产业有关,特别是

7、,电力电子技术是弱电控制强电的媒体,是机电设备与计算机之间的重要接口,它为传统产业和新兴产业采用微电子技术创造了条件,成为发挥计算机作用的保证和基础。 (3) 电力电子技术高频化和变频技术的发展,将使机电设备突破工频传统,向高频化方向发展。实现最佳工作效率,将使机电设备的体积减小几倍、几十倍,响应速度达到高速化,并能适应任何基准信号,实现无噪音且具有全新的功能和用途。 (4) 电力电子智能化的进展,在一定程度上将信息处理与功率处理合一,使微电子技术与电力电子技术一体化,其发展有可能引起电子技术的重大改革。有人甚至提出,电子学的下一项革命将发生在以工业设备和电网为对象的电子技术应用领域,电力电子


9、制成实用的晶闸管。50年代末晶闸管被用于电力电子装置,60年代以来得到迅速推广,并开发出一系列派生器件,拓展了电力电子技术的应用领域。 电力电子电路 随着晶闸管应用的推广,开发出许多电力电子电路,按其功能可分为:将交流电能转换成直流电能的整流电路;将直流电能转换成交流电能的逆变电路;将一种形式的交流电能转换成另一种形式的交流电能的交流变换电路;将一种形式的直流电能转换成另一种形式的直流电能的直流变换电路。这些电路都包含晶闸管,而每个晶闸管都需要相应的触发器。于是配合这些电力电子电路出现了许多的触发控制电路。根据所用的器件,这些控制电路大体上可以分为3代。第一代的控制电路主要由分立的电子元件(如

10、晶体管、二极管)组成。直到80年代后期,还用得不少。第二代由集成电路组成。自从1958年美国出现了世界上第一个集成电路以来,发展异常迅速。它应用到电力电子装置的控制电路中,使其结构紧凑,功能和可靠性得到提高。第三代由微机进行控制。70年代以来,由于微机的发展使电力电子装置进一步朝实现智能化的方向进步。 电力电子装置 随着电力电子电路的发展和完善,由晶闸管组成的许多类型的电力电子装置不断出现。如大功率的电解电源、焊接电源、电镀用的直流电源;直流和交流牵引、直流传动、交流串级调速、变频调速等传动用电源;励磁、无功静止补偿、谐波补偿等电力系统用的电力电子装置;低频、中频、高频电源等各种非工频电源,尤



13、00安)发展外,门极可关断晶闸管(GTO)电压已达4500伏,电流已达 25003000安;双极型晶体管也向着更大容量发展,80年代中后期其工业产品最高电压达1400伏,最大电流达400安,工作频率比晶闸管高得多,采用达林顿结构时电流增益可达75200。 随着光纤技术的发展,美国和日本于19811982年间相继研制成光控晶闸管并用于直流输电系统。这种光控管与电触发的晶闸管相比,简化了触发电路,提高了绝缘水平和抗干扰能力,可使变流设备向小型、轻量方向发展,既降低了造价,又提高运行的可靠性。同时,场控电力电子器件也得到发展,如功率场效应晶体管(power MOSFET)和功率静电感应晶体管(SIT


15、新将要变成企业工作的主导内容,而发展与建立适合中国国情的 电气工业的技术创新机制,通过电力电子技术长足进步推动新型电气工业不断升级和进步进 而走向世界。电力电子技术虽然它具有微电子技术的许多共同特征,如发展变化都非常迅速 ,渗透力和创新表现十分突出,生命力格外旺盛,处于阳光产业地位,并与其它学科相互融 合和发展产生新的机遇,而电力电子技术还有其自身一些独具特色的地方,如高电压、大容 量及控制功率范围大,因此技术的创新难度在于必须跨越高电压大功率这一关卡,及其技术 的综合难度,如材料工业和制造工艺,而电力电子器件工作的可靠性是其极其重要的一个技术指标。为此电力电子技术的创新是与多种学科相互渗透并

16、对各种工业领域有着极强的渗透性。因此电力电子技术与国家的基础产业关系密切,并与国家发展的各项方针及产业政策相 配台的要求在21世纪会显得越来越强烈。电力电子技术又称为能流技术,因此电力电子技术 的发展与创新是21世纪可持续发展战略纲领的重要组成部分。在21世纪初加快现代电力电子 化转化的力度,必将形成一条朝阳的高科技产业链,推动我国工业领域的技术创新。电力电子技术的创新与电力电子器件制造工艺,已成为世界各国工业自动化控制和机电一体化领域竞争最激烈的阵地,各发达国家均在这一领域注入极大的人力,物力和财力,使之进入高科技行业,就电力电子技术的理论研究言,目前日本、美国及法国、荷兰、丹麦等西欧国家可


18、技术引导创新,从新材料科学的应用上创新,以此推动电力电子器制造工艺的技术创新,提高器件的可靠性。由此形成基础积累型的创新之路。并要把技术创新与产品应用及市场推广有机结合,已加快科技创新的自我强化的循环,促进和带动技术创新有着稳定的基础,以使我国电力电子技术及器件制造工艺技术有以长足的发展,并形成一个全新的圾阳产业,转化为巨大的生产力,推动我国工业领域由粗板型经营走向集型,促进国民经济以高速、高度、可持续发展。Power electronic technologyPower electronic technology is a new branch of applied to power fie

19、ld is to use the electronic technology, power electronics device (such as thyristor and GTO, IGBT etc.) to the electric power for transformation and control technology. Power electronic technology power which transform the power can be big to hundreds of MW GW even, also can small to several W even

20、under and 1W leds, the information processing as information electronic technology different power electronic technology is mainly used in electric power transformation.introductionPower electronic technology into power electronics device manufacturing technology and communication technology (rectif

21、ier, inverter, the chopper, frequency conversion, covert, etc.) two branches.Has become a modern electrical engineering and automation major indispensable specialized fundamental course, a door in cultivating the specialized talented person occupies an important position.Electric Power Electronics (

22、Power Electronics) this name is in the 1960s appear. In 1974, the United States with a fall W.N ewell (pictured) to power a triangle electronics are described, think it is by the power of science, electronics and control theory formed three course cross. This view is the world generally accepted. Po

23、wer electronics and power electronic technology are respectively from the academic and technical engineering 2 different Angle to call.Generally, the birth of power electronic technology in 1957, the American general electric company developed first thyristor for marks, the power electronic technolo

24、gy concepts and foundation was that the thyristor and brake canal converter technology development and establish. It has been used in power transformation of electronic technology, so thyristor can be called the period before appearance of power electronic technology prehistoric or dawn period. In t

25、he late 1970s with the door very can shut off the thyristor (GTO), a bipolar transistor (Power BJT), Power MOSFET (Power - MOSFET) as a representative of all-controlling devices full tilt (all-controlling device characteristic is through the opposite extreme both grid or base control can make its op

26、ened again can make its shutoff), make the Power electronic technology now looks grately different entered a new stage of development. In the late 1980s, with a bipolar transistor insulation grid can be as MOSFET and (IGBT BJT compound) as a representative of complex device set drive power is small,

27、 the switching speed, low pressure drop, in normal flow capacity than a suit, superior performance has become the modern power electronic technology leading device. In order to make power electronics device of compact structure, reduced volume, often put several power electronic devices and necessar

28、y auxiliary devices make module form, then the driver, control, protection circuit and power devices integration together, constitute a power integrated circuit (PIC). At present the power are still PIC smaller but it represents power electronic technology development an important direction.Using po

29、wer electronics device implements industrial scale power transformation technology, sometimes also called power electronic technology. Normally, it is a form of industrial electrical energy converted into another form of industrial electrical energy. For example, will exchange power transformation t

30、o dc can or can transform into exchanges will dc power; Will work needed to transform into frequency power frequency power equipment; In normal ac power disruptions, using inverter (see power converter) will battery of dc can transform into industrial frequency ac power. Application of power electro

31、nic technology also can realize the power and power conversion between. For example, use the sun solar radiant energy battery will convert it to electricity. And electronic technology different, power electronic technology transform electrical energy is as energy rather than as a carrier of informat

32、ion sensor. So many people were concerned can convert electrical power.Power electronic technology is based on electronics, electrical principle and automatic control three subjects emerging disciplines. Because it is itself high-power electric technology, and are mostly for the application of indus

33、trial services &high, reason often will it belongs to an electrician classes. The main content of power electronic technology including power electronic devices, power electronic circuits and power electronic devices and systems. Power electronics device for basic materials in semiconductor, the mos

34、t commonly used material for monocrystalline silicon; Its theoretical basis for semiconductor physics; Its technology for semiconductor technology. The modern new power electronics device used in great quantities in microelectronics technology. Power electronic circuits absorbed the theory basis, ac

35、cording to electronics device features and power conversion requirement, and developed many power converter circuit. These circuits also includes various control, triggering, protection, display, information processing, relay contact a second circuit and peripheral circuitry. Use these circuits, acc

36、ording to the different application object, formed a variety of USES machine, called the power electronic equipment. These devices often and load, equipment etc a system. Electronics, electrotechnics, automatic control, signal processing technique is often in these devices and systems in large Numbe

37、rs in the application.role(1) optimizing electricity use. Through the power electronic technology for electric power, electricity use handle reasonably, efficient and save, realize the optimum power use. For example, in electricity saving aspects, in view of fan water pump, electric traction, mill s

38、melting, light industry papermaking, industrial furnace, induction heating, electric welding, chemical, electrolytic 14 aspects of investigation, potential power saving equivalent of 1990 total capacity, so 16% of the application of power electronic technology is energy saving measures, normally a s

39、trategic energy saving effect 10 per cent - 40%, our country has many device listed in energy saving the popularization and application of the project.(2) to transform traditional industries and development electromechanical integration of new industries. According to developed countries, will have

40、predicted by 95 percent of electricity to power electronic technology is used again, after processing all kinds of industrial and civil electromechanical equipment, 95% and power electronic industry, especially relevant, power electronic technology is elv control of the media, is specialized in elec

41、tromechanical equipment and the important interface between computers, it is the traditional industries and emerging industry adopt micro-electronic technology creates conditions, become the guarantee and play computer role based.(3) power electronic technology high frequency, and the development of

42、 frequency conversion technology, will make electrical equipment breakthrough tradition, power frequency to high frequency change direction. To achieve the best work efficiency, and will make electrical and mechanical equipment reduced volume several times, a few times, response speed, and can adapt

43、 to any high benchmark signals, realize noiseless and has new functions and USES.(4) power electronic intelligence progress in certain level admiral, information processing and power handling one, make microelectronics technology and power electronic technology integration, its development is likely

44、 to cause significant reform of the electronic technology. Some even suggest, electronics the next item on the revolution will take place in industrial equipment and electric grid as object of electronic technology application domain, power electronic technology will bring people to the edge of the

45、second electronic revolution.device2002 in the first glass mercury arc rectifier. In 1910 appeared iron shell mercury arc rectifier. With mercury arc rectifier instead of mechanical switch and change flow sensor, this is power electronic technology originated. 1920 the copper oxide rectifier trial,

46、1923 appeared selenium rectifier. In the 1930s, these rectifier used in electric power rectifier devices started mass. At the end of 1940s appeared transistors. In the 1950s, transistors to power at the beginning of the development, at the same time use the semiconductor crystal material made of hig

47、h-power diodes also get development. In 1954, the Swedish general motor company (ASEA company) will first mercury arc tube is used to high voltage rectifying and inverter, and in + 100 kv dc on the transmission, transmission 20 megawatts of application of power. In 1956, americans made Moore j. thyr

48、istor prototype. In 1957, americans made practical R.A. york thyristor. At the end of the 1950s thyristor used in power electronic devices, since the 1960s, and rapid promotion developed a series of derived devices and expand the power electronic technology applications. Power electronic circuits wi

49、th thyristor application promotion, develop many power electronic circuits, according to its function can be divided into: (1) will exchange can convert dc power rectifier circuit; 2 can convert into ac power dc the inverter circuits; (3) will be a form of communication power conversion into another form of ac electric power communication transform circuit; (4) will be a form of dc can be converted into another form of dc can dc transform circuit. These circuits are included thyri


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