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1、外文翻译:环境会计我们现在所处的状况及我们前进的方向by Joy E. Hecht利益增长改变国民收入核算制度以促进了解经济和环境之间的联系。在过去的二十年间.环境会计领域取得了很大的进步.它从一个比较冷僻领域努力到现在已经是一个经几十个国家测试和多方面的完善的领域。 但是.国家有可能把环境的经济作用结合到国民收入账户中.这种既不是快速的卖空.也不是种快速的过程。自从20世纪60年代以来.这种想法已经被讨论。 尽管在这篇文章中面临重重困难和争议.但是.与日剧增的在国民收入核算制度中所产生的利益促进了我们对经济和环境直接关系的了解。为何改变?世界各国政府建立经济数据系统称为国民收入账户.它是用来




5、的阻碍.象印度尼西亚在1998 年夏天发生的火灾.或如何运用环保政策来影响经济如环保税的问题。谁正在做环境会计?环境会计正在几十个国家中进行着.无论是国内还是国外的政府.统计人员和其他支持者已经在过去的数十年中开展了一些活动。有几个国家成功地在常规数据系统的建立上持续投资.并且合并到现有的统计制度和经济规划活动中。有的甚至用有限的能力来计算几个指标.或分析一个单一的部门。一些最早的研究环境会计工作是由亨利.帕斯金完成.他是为美国研究账户设计的。挪威是第一批建立环境账户的国家.它从在20 世纪70 年代开始收集能源.渔业.森林和矿产的数据.来用说明资源的匮乏。长期以来.挪威已经扩大了其账户.把对


7、许多经济学家和统计学家对于过分重视绿色国内生产总值发出警告.因为它没有告诉决策者任何关于环境问题的起因或者是解决方法。那时以来.一些发展中国家已对基础广泛的环境会计作出了长期承诺。纳米比亚从1994年着手开始资源账户的工作.解决政府是否已经能够从矿产和渔业部门得到租金.如何分配稀少的食水供应.以及草场退化影响牲畜的价值等这种问题。菲律宾在1990 年起开始致力于环境账户。所采用的办法是建立一切经济投入和产出账户.包括非市场商品和服务的环境。因而菲律宾人对收集的薪材和废物处置.由空气.水.土地所提供的服务进行货币价值的估计.然后直接加入到服务消费行列中.因为它们是作为自然界的娱乐和审美的增值。然









16、更多相同观点。还有.建立账户不是一朝一夕的事。其建立将需要持久的体制和财政承诺以确保投资持续时间长而足以显出成效。但有丰富经验的挪威.纳米比亚.菲律宾表明.这种承诺可以实现.它也是需要更多的国家在世界做出的承诺。原文正文:Environmental AccountingWhere We Are Now, Where We Are Headingby Joy E. HechtInterest is growing in modifying national income accounting systems to promote understanding of the links betwee

17、n economy and environment.The field of environmental accounting has made great strides in the past two decades, moving from a rather arcane endeavor to one tested in dozens of countries and well established in a few. But the idea that nations might integrate the economic role of the environment into

18、 their income accounts is neither a quick sell nor a quick process; it has been under discussion since the 1960s. Despite the difficulties and controversies described in this article, however, interest is growing in modifying national income accounting systems to promote understanding of the links b

19、etween economy and environment.Why Change?Governments around the world develop economic data systems known as national income accounts to calculate macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product. Building a nations economic use of the environment into such accounts is a response to several

20、perceived flaws in the System of National Accounts (SNA), as defined by the United Nations and used internationally. One flaw in the SNA often cited is that the cost of environmental protection cannot be identified. Consequently, money spent, say, to put pollution control devices on smokestacks incr

21、eases GDP, even though the expenditure is not economically productive, some argue. These critics call for differentiating “defensive” expenditures from others within the accounts.Also misleading is the fact that some environmental goods are not marketed though they provide economic value. Fuelwood g

22、athered in forests, meat and fish gathered for consumption, and medicinal plants are examples. So are drinking and irrigation water, whose sale prices reflect the cost of distribution and treatment infrastructure, but not the water itself. While some countries do include such goods in their national

23、 income accounts, no standard practices exist for doing so. When nonmarketed goods are included in the accounts, they still cannot be distinguished from those that are marketed.Valuing environmental services such as the watershed protection that forests afford and the crop fertilization that insects

24、 provide is difficult. Though some experts call for their inclusion in environmentally adjusted accounts, typically neither the economic value nor the degradation of these services is included. On the other hand, however, the alternate goods and services needed to replace themwater treatment plants,

25、 for exampledo contribute to GDP, which can be rather misleading.Still another problem is that national income accounts treat the depreciation of manufactured capital and natural capital differently. Physical capitala building or a machine, for instanceis depreciated in accordance with conventional

26、business accounting principles, while all consumption of natural capital is accounted for as income. Thus the accounts of a country that harvests its forests unsustainably will show high income for a few years, but will not reflect the destruction of the productive forest asset. While opinions vary

27、on how to depreciate natural capital, they converge on the need to do so.Which Indicators Are Useful?Some proponents advocate simple “flag” indicators to alert policymakers to the broad role of the environment in the economy, for example, comparing conventional GDP with environmentally adjusted GDP,

28、 or conventional savings with so-called “genuine” savings that account for environmental factors. Both of these indicators can provide valuable warnings of the impacts of environmental degradation on an economy.However, such flags are less useful in determining the source of environmental harm or id

29、entifying a policy response. For this reason, many economists place primary importance not on the bottom line, but on the underlying data used to build environmental accounts. These data can help answer such questions as how natural catastrophes like the fires that raged in Indonesia in the summer o

30、f 1998 may affect economic growth, or how environmental protection policies such as green taxes may affect the economy.Who Is Doing This?Environmental accounting is underway in several dozen countries, where bureaucrats, statisticians, and other proponents both foreign and domestic have initiated ac

31、tivities over the past few decades. Several countries have made continuous investments in building routine data systems, which are integrated into existing statistical systems and economic planning activities. Others have made more limited efforts to calculate a few indicators, or analyze a single s

32、ector. Some of the earliest research on environmental accounting was done at RFF by Henry Peskin, working on the design of accounts for the United States.One of the first countries to build environmental accounts is Norway, which began collecting data on energy sources, fisheries, forests, and miner

33、als in the 1970s to address resource scarcity. Over time, the Norwegians have expanded their accounts to include data on air pollutant emissions. Their accounts feed into a model of the national economy, which policymakers use to assess the energy implications of alternate growth strategies. Inclusi

34、on of these data also allows them to anticipate the impacts of different growth patterns on compliance with international conventions on pollutant emissions.More recently, a number of resource-dependent countries have become interested in measuring depreciation of their natural assets and adjusting

35、their GDPs environmentally. One impetus for their interest was the 1989 study “Wasting Assets: Natural Resources in the National Income Accounts,” in which Robert Repetto and his colleagues at the World Resources Institute estimated the depreciation of Indonesias forests, petroleum reserves, and soi

36、l assets. Once adjusted to account for that depreciation, Indonesias GDP and growth rates both sank significantly below conventional figures. While “Wasting Assets” called many to action, it also operated as a brake, leading many economists and statisticians to warn against a focus on green GDP, bec

37、ause it tells decisionmakers nothing about the causes or solutions for environmental problems.Since that time, several developing countries have made long-term commitments to broad-based environmental accounting. Namibia began work on resource accounts in 1994, addressing such questions as whether t

38、he government has been able to capture rents from the minerals and fisheries sectors, how to allocate scarce water supplies, and how rangeland degradation affects the value of livestock.The Philippines began work on environmental accounts in 1990. The approach used there is to build all economic inp

39、uts and outputs into the accounts, including nonmarketed goods and services of the environment. Thus Filipinos estimate monetary values for such items as gathered fuelwood and the waste disposal services provided by air, water, and land; they then add in direct consumption of such services as recrea

40、tion and aesthetic appreciation of the natural world. While their methodology is controversial, these accounts have provided Philippine government agencies and researchers with a rich array of data for policymaking and analysis.The United States has not been a leader in the environmental accounting

41、arena. At the start of the Clinton administration, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) made a foray into environmental accounting in the minerals sector, but this preliminary attempt became embroiled in political controversy and faced opposition from the minerals industry. Congress then asked the

42、National Research Council (NRC) to form a blue ribbon panel to consider what the nation should do in the way of environmental accounting. Since then, Congressional appropriations to BEA have been accompanied by an explicit prohibition on environmental accounting work. The ban may be lifted, however,

43、 once the recommendations of the NRC study are made public.How to Account?How environmental accounting is being done varies in a number of respects, notably the magnitude of the investment required, the objectivity of the data, the ability to compare different kinds of environmental impacts, and the

44、 kinds of policy purposes to which they may be applied. Here are some of the methods currently in use.Natural Resource Accounts. These include data on stocks of natural resources and changes in them caused by either natural processes or human use. Such accounts typically cover agricultural land, fis

45、heries, forests, minerals and petroleum, and water. In some countries, the accounts also include monetary data on the value of such resources. But attempts at valuation raise significant technical difficulties. It is fairly easy to track the value of resource flows when the goods are sold in markets

46、, as in the case of timber and fish. Valuingchanges in the stocks, however, is more difficult because they could be the result either of a physical change in the resource or of a fluctuation in market price.For environmental goods and services that are not sold, it is that much harder to establish t

47、he value either of the flow or of a change in stock. However, even physical data can be linked to the economy for policy purposes. For example, changes in income can sometimes be traced to changes in the resource base or to the impact of environmental catastrophes on the economy.Emissions accounting

48、. Developed by the Dutch, the National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) structures the accounts in a matrix, which identifies pollutant emissions by economic sector. Eurostat, the statistical arm of the European Union, is helping EU members apply this approach as part of it

49、s environmental accounting program. The physical data in the NAMEA system are used to assess the impact of different growth strategies on environmental quality. Data can also be separated by type of pollutant emission to understand the impact on domestic, transborder, or global environments. If emissions are valued in monetary terms, these values can be used to determine the economic cost of avoiding environmental degradation in the first place


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