国际经济与贸易 外文翻译.doc

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1、目 录1 外文文献图片12 外文文献译文63外文文献原文12外文文献译文总结:在最近的这几年来,贸易自由化对于国内的影响一直受到严密的监控。贸易自由化和全球化的其它方面被指责成造成美国的收入不均和欧洲的失业率的根本原因。问题的关键还在于低工资发展中国家的贸易。虽然经济学家一直都在研究这个问题,但是却并没有找到明确的答案。本文探讨了这种模棱两可的问题的一些原因。内生性和同时性虽然可以产生主要的问题,但这引起业内人士指责,还是应该应该适当地归因于其他因素的发展。但是即使仅仅针对贸易自身,它也有不能确定的影响。这只是在最简单的赫克歇尔-俄林理论下,批评者对贸易自由化可以预测的明确结果。1介绍在最近几



4、品对抗的货物时将减少要素的相对回报。在当今的发达国家的进口品竞争的商品在往往是相对密集性非技能和半技能劳动。如果贸易自由化增加了高劳力低工资国家的进口品流入国内市场的数量,那么斯托尔珀 萨缪尔森定理可以预测工作和工资水平将会受到来自进口货物行业压力。压力还会蔓延到经济的其他领域。里默理论(1998)是一个解决这个问题的极好的参考应用方法。然而,产品进入国际贸易市场,特别是非常复杂的商品,由许多部件和组件组成的商品。在过去,生产这样的产品的方式是,无论这个产品的组成有多少,都是由同一个国家全部生产完成。当然,外购零部件是被广泛使用,但它本质上还是更倾向于国内化,主要是因为在配备的成本急剧上升时,



7、由h表现的,和普通劳动力(L)组成的,而普通劳动力是由w表现的。现在假设资金是固定的并且在特定的区域内,而这两种类型的劳动力在部门之间都是完全自由移动的。这两种产品也假设是完全自由交易的。在发达国家和发展中国家之间的贸易,产品X是高工资国家的进口产品和产品Y是它的出口产品。曲线Xo 和Yo分别代表这两种产品的单位价值的等产量线。在斯托尔帕 - 萨缪尔森的框架里,贸易自由化所带来的X的价格下降,画出位移后的X-等产量线出来。随后的生产要素价格的调整,以这种商品相对价格的变化,得出一个平坦的W / H比值,与新的X等产量线相切(未画出)和最初的Y-等产量线。这场争论的核心就是非技能劳动力的地位的削


9、部分组成的。让X产品包括组件的x和y射线通过点,代表扩张之路给人的扩张之路的斜坡要素价格比W / H,和射线AB x分量Y(未画出)。这是最终产品的要素,X代表的扩张之路,沿射线0X强度因子强度的两个组成部分的加权平均。色差x显然是相对资本密集型的组件。当运输和协调成本花费如此高而贸易壁垒也充满了限制性,这个国家就会将国内的行业分成两个组成部分。这种类型的综合生产是模仿许多战后时期的大多数商品生产的规则。然而,在最近几年,关税的减少和非关税壁垒,以及在运输及通信等方面的创新使海上采购和海上生产的成本大幅减少。因此,无论是出口和与进口货对抗的行业都正在日益广泛采用海外采购和生产的组件,也在境外进









18、球化”,其可怕的负面影响的非技术工人的相对位置,许多这方面的发展将被解释。然而,这样的结果带来了一个国家制造业的扩张和收缩,对非贸易和服务部门推测。这样的结果与观察到的发展显然是不一致的,按照制造业已稳步下降,发达经济体随处可见。然而,如果像流通,金融,保险,咨询等服务包括在贸易品,属于他们的地方,然后该部门将扩大的预测可能会少远牵强。当在非贸易品部门中进行境外采购的地方,那么结果是相反的,与非技术工人的相对工资上涨和输出,并在非贸易部门上涨以及就业。在这种情况下,服务业的扩展,而制造业的跌幅。外文翻译原文Summary:The domestic repercussions of trade

19、liberalization have come under intense scrutiny in recent years. Trade liberalization and other aspects of globalization have been blamed for income inequality in the United States and unemployment in Europe. A key concern has been trade with low-wage developing countries. Although economists have s

20、tudied the issue, no clear-cut answers have emerged. This paper examines some reasons for this ambiguity. Endogeneity and simultaneity can create major problems, causing trade to be blamed for developments that should properly be attributed to other factors. But even taken on its own, trade has ambi

21、guous effects. It is only in the simplest Heckscher-Ohlin set-up that trade liberalization has the unequivocal outcome predicted by its critics.1 IntroductionAs trade and economic openness have grown in recent years, so has the debate over their effects on the welfare of various interest groups. Of

22、particular concern have been the potential consequences of globalization for the jobs and wages of less skilled workers. This debate has been intensified as the share of industrial-country trade with developing, low-wage countries has risen. In the United States, as well as Europe, fears are widespr

23、ead that jobs, wages and living standards are at risk, especially among workers who compete directly with imports from low-wage countries.Among economists, the debate has focused on the relative contributions of trade and technological change to the observed rise in income inequality in the United S

24、tates and to high and sustained unemployment in Europe.Trade economists have tended to minimize the role of trade in these developments, while a number of labor economists have advanced the opposite argument. Although the debate is far from resolving the dispute, it has revealed the immense complexi

25、ty of the issue at both theoretical and empirical levels.Section 2 sets out the basic issues involved and traces the effects on wages and employment in the context of a two-good, three-factor model in which all goods are tradable. Section 3 considers the role of end products which are non-tradable,

26、but some of whose parts and components may be tradable and thus subject to offshore sourcing. Since offshore sourcing may involve offshore production and hence foreign direct investment, Section 4 examines the implications of capital flows. Section 5 examines the potential for unemployment. Section

27、6 provides some concluding observations.2 Offshore Sourcing and Relative WagesOne of the cornerstones of traditional trade theory is the role of factor proportions in the determination of specialization and trade. Variations in factor endowments across countries and in factor intensities across prod

28、ucts play a key role in the determination of comparative advantage. When these principles are applied at the level of products, it is easily shown that trade liberalization will reduce the relative returns of factors used intensively in the production of import-competing goods. In todays advanced co

29、untries import-competing goods tend to be relatively intensive in unskilled and semi-skilled labor. If trade liberalization increases the flow onto domestic markets of imports from labor-rich, low-wage countries, then the Stolper-Samuelson logic predicts that jobs and relative wages will come under

30、pressure in import-competing industries. The pressure will spread from there to the rest of the economy. Leamer (1998) is an excellent reference for the application of this approach to the problem.The products entering into international trade are, however, very complex commodities, consisting of ma

31、ny parts and components. In the past, the dominant tendency has been for such products to be produced more or less in their entirety in a single country. Outsourcing of parts and components was, of course, widely used, but it tended to be more national than international in nature, mainly because th

32、e costs of coordination rose steeply when outsourcing was pushed across national borders. This tendency to keep production within national borders made it possible for products to be labeled as “Made in Austria” or “Made in the USA.”In recent years, major innovations in transportation and communicat

33、ions technologies have sharply reduced the cost of cross-border coordination, with the consequence that offshore sourcing and production have been growing extremely rapidly. This development has been helped along not only by trade liberalization, but by greater openness of economies around the world

34、 to flows of direct investment and to the movement of persons, information and technologies.Consequently, many products are rapidly losing their national identities as multinationals and others resort increasingly to offshore sourcing and production of parts, components, and assembly. In making thei

35、r decisions about where to source, produce or assemble, manufacturers pay close attention to coordination as well as production costs. It is not surprising to find that factor endowments and factor intensities play important roles in determining countries competitiveness in the production of parts a

36、nd components and in the performance of assembly operations.Factor intensity tends to vary across the constituent activities of a complex production process. The factor intensity of the end product, which has been the focus of traditional trade theory, is just the weighted average of the associated

37、component factor intensities. Evaluating comparative advantage at the level of components is not very different from doing so for final products. From the factor-proportions point of view, a capital-rich, high-wage country, endowed with plenty of skilled workers, will tend to have comparative advant

38、age in the more capital- and skill-intensive components of a product and comparative disadvantage in components requiring relatively heavy inputs of semi-skilled and unskilled labor.This implies that such a country can improve its competitiveness in the market for the final product by outsourcing la

39、bor-intensive components to low-wage countries. The gist of this idea is displayed in Figure 1. There are two products, X and Y, and three factors, capital (K), skilled labor (H), whose return is represented by h and ordinary labor (L), whose return is w. Capital is for the moment assumed to be immo

40、bile and sector-specific, while the two types of labor are perfectly mobile between sectors. The two products are assumed to be fully tradable. In trade between advanced and developing countries, product X would be the high-wage countrys import good and product Y its export good.Figure 1Curves Xo an

41、d Yo represent the unit-value isoquants for the two products, respectively. In the Stolper-Samuelson framework, a decline in the price of X, brought about by trade liberalization, shifts the X-isoquant out. The subsequent adjustment of factor prices to this change in relative goods prices generates

42、a flatter w/h ratio, tangent to the new X-isoquant (not drawn) and the original Y-isoquant. This deterioration in unskilled labors position is at the heart of the contemporary debate.If technological improvement takes place in the X-industry, it will shift the X-isoquant inward (not shown), making t

43、he factor-price ratio steeper and thereby improving the relative position of unskilled labor. Thus, if trade liberalization and technical change take place simultaneously in the import-competing industry, the relative position of unskilled labor may improve, deteriorate, or stay the same.Technical p

44、rogress in the Y-sector shifts the Y-isoquant inward (not shown), thus worsening the position of unskilled labor. Hence, trade liberalization which brings in imports together with technical progress in the countrys export sector would reinforce each other in worsening labors position. Here, an incre

45、ase in openness and trade would be associated with a deterioration in labors income position, but it would be important for policy purposes to know the relative contributions of the two sources.The problem becomes more complicated when we allow for trade in parts and components. To illustrate, suppo

46、se that each final product is made up of two components. Let product X consist of components x1 and x2, with the ray through point a representing the expansion path for x1 at factor-price ratio w/h, and ray ab giving the slope of the expansion path (not drawn) for component x2. The factor intensity

47、along ray 0x, which represents the expansion path for the end product, X, is the weighted average of the factor intensities of the two components. Component x1 is clearly the relatively capital-intensive component.When transportation and coordination costs are sufficiently high and trade barriers su

48、fficiently restrictive, the country will produce both components at home. Integrated production of this type was the norm for many commodities in much of the post-war period. In recent years, however, reductions in tariff and non-tariff barriers, as well as innovations in transportation and telecomm

49、unications have sharply reduced the cost of offshore sourcing and offshore production. Hence, both export and import-competing industries are making increasing use of offshore sourcing and production of components, as well as offshore assembly. Aircraft makers like Boeing and Airbus, as well as the many industries with maquiladora operations, are examples of the phenomenon


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