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1、The Overall Design of University Campus PlanningWith the deepening of reform opening up, Chinas higher education undertakings have developed unprecedently. A large number of new schools, new campus is setting up constantly.Campus building is not complex, but at here aborigine gestates hopes and drea

2、ms, It includes campus atmosphere planning, the ideal method is introduce urban design into campus design. In this process, the key is not planning and design the buildings concrete shape, but set the rules of the game, contains architectural space and to control elements, and the implementation met

3、hods, advocate public participation, and established a set of mechanisms can be constantly perfect. Especially the main use of students and teachers opinion should be crowd.The region of old school buildings in integration, should make up the deficiency in function, integration inter and outer in sp

4、ace, and let construction of different times be in a harmony. And besides function and form, should be more spiritual and cultural connotation, so the proposed the overall concept of university campus design planning.A university campus design planning concept functional partition: With the change o

5、f higher education, the scale of university emphasizes on each functional partition strictly, in fact already cannot satisfy the use of students and teachers. And ask to functional area, permeability and blending with each other, must use the idea of human-oriented.campus features: In the new campus

6、 planning inherits university culture; regional characteristic reflects their school humane spirit and characteristic of campus environment. ecological environment: With large-scale construction of campus, design planning should combine with nature and make full use of natural conditions, the protec

7、tion and construction of ecology system of campus. Create ecological and garden-like campus environment. the sustainable development: The campus planning should give full consideration to the future development, make planning structure diversity, coordination, and elastic, adapt to changes in the fu

8、ture, and satisfy the sustainable development.In campus design should also do: single building should coordinate with each other and mutual dialogue and have the organic relation, to form a road elevation and outer space overall continuity from the integral style of campus building, building or land

9、scape should have organic order to become a unit of whole system, outer space and the architectural space design is inseparable, landscape architecture design planning, should be an important work in the development of campus construction.B The principle of university campus design conceptGenerally

10、principle is the consider university campus for a large scale multi-functional abstraction of the living environment.Macro level - the whole space environment as the objectStylist wants to build for the whole land space environment as design object and the ultimate goal, he should pay attention to t

11、he whole life space, campus cultural environment. Make clear that overall design of each zone, analysis basis, teaching concept, base point to the dial. The whole design of the important point clear to grasp the important contradiction in design, prominent main characteristics, and clearly from the

12、inherent logic elements link, which explicitly each design elements should follow the rules of the key and the unity of the whole guarantee. Inter-restrict circulation in thinking processThe thinking process of campus design is multiply comprehensive process, consider from design building in archite

13、ctural design, considered from outer space structure, turn from considering building for planning, landscape architecture planning requirements and outer space. In the overall design of the four parts, should are interdependent, and in every design stage should give consideration to other design sta

14、ge.Micro level-optimize the exterior space of group building in the campus in integral design, should achieve group buildings exterior space and peripheral to the holistic effect. Optimization form of outer space: outer space in architectural design in groups, you should always be supporting archite

15、cture as the external space as the main body, according to the relationship between the building and the diagram, analyze the external space closed form and contact and continuity. pleasant activities external space of combined with external space, emphasize the outer space, should according to the

16、parks involvement in the style and atmosphere of human life, some function space, planning to affect peoples life style, and improve the status of the outer space and combining outer space with common contribution to the overall environment. The micro level- reconstruction grey space and build space

17、, grey space refers to the color, on the other hand, the means of excessive space between indoor space, but its existence in a certain extent efface building internal boundaries, make both become an whole organic. The unity and design of space create consistent buildings, eliminates internal and ext

18、ernal space estrangement, give a person a kind of natural organic whole feeling. For the whole design, the design of space and transition of grey space is very outstanding, through the building with united falsified, platform, facade hole, outdoor stair, walking bridge increased space and levelsThe

19、so-called build relative to the architectural space, defined in architectural design specification of the requirements of the necessary space for function and form of the rally places, such as the wall space outspread, erect, frame, marks, etc. Build space for the building space, although cannot hav

20、e direct function, but they often for building indoor outspread, and the blending parts, have important significance to people perception experience and continuity. Campus design principle of adaptive construction(a) Times function of campus the cultural atmosphere, towards the digitalizing. On one

21、hand, the socialization of logistic market leading campus building management problems, on the other hand, the campus culture and sports resources open to the society, the influence to planning layout and traffic management. knowledge economy demands that the talented person who talented took a new

22、turn. Life is a social re-education, adult education college as adjunct functionality of university is production-teaching-research combination, and research services to the society. construct and adjustment, merger, joint is the main principle in the new period of education reform, its purpose lies

23、 in resources complementary advantages and multi-disciplinary university to a higher level to provide good opportunity. Thus campus design will be necessary to strengthen teaching center of centralized distribution, the reform of department of environmental layout, closed independent benefit sharing

24、 resources and subject to individual independence, communication patterns on the layout of the high-efficient, reach convenient intelligent teaching environment. The connotation of higher education from traditional teacher talk to students unilateral infusion to take the student as the main body, wi

25、th human development and training center for open education transformation, this trend in campus design requirement of strengthening emphasizes on the thought of people-oriented, emphasize on foot, scale, the space between man and nature, and interpersonal communication, not only emphasize the main

26、teaching space, whole campus student life space should be as a whole attention.) The cohesion of whole campus centerThe main characteristic of early modern campus buildings is around a central plaza formed the axis of the relationship between 6 square, library or other road leading building in axis.

27、 The center square and the leading construction square became the landmark campus, large-scale public space communication square, and strengthen the characteristics of campus, because one cognitive or overall scattered relatively, messy, so the form of center is good to form sense of wholeness. Opti

28、mize the layout of traditional center square, emphasizing humanization of modern campus space. Thus can abandon the campus center square layout in early times, the coldness and the rigorous of nonhuman when contact with the open space in keeping with the sun, combining with soft and hard lay, pleasa

29、nt dimension of outdoor, furniture, shrubs stair and asymmetric steps, the contact space layout surround close, make not only for large gathering, and the rich leisure reading for ordinary cohesion campus center. Besides monomer building should reflect the characteristics of campus construction, mak

30、e its unity and harmony. The single architectural creation of campus planning shall be coordinated with the surrounding environment, and reflects the character of architecture and itself. Notice reasonable function, the versatile, openness, comprehensive and flexibility of the building exactly shows

31、 the design idea of people-oriented embody. The design emphasis on space communication between inside and outside, permeate and create different level of the communication space. Architecture design emphasizes on the regional, culture, the elegant, atmosphere, rational, in order to reflect the spiri

32、t of university culture.The integrity of campus planningIntegrity of campus design planning means not only the development of in the early, the recent and the long-term both have integrity, and the future of campus in the integrity of the extended binding. create flexible, expand convenient and flex

33、ible growing campus structure with certain proportion is the function of the land, the land and long-term elastic can be restricted according to the original composition and maintain overall unity. should be considered in the design of around the direction of development, the land can be used trend

34、of linear layout and the type of divergence or composition.Inside campus space integration of landscape gardenThe internal space blends, emphasize on the communication space. College campus is not only to impart knowledge functions of education, but also improve disposition, exercise and all-round d

35、evelopment of living environment. The outer space design uses building into garden. Make outer space is outspread, become the space in the interior design in architectural theory landscape, make person indoors but like in outdoor garden, can enjoy green ecological environment.In addition it can blen

36、d in western modern landscape design techniques such as: large open spaces: Center the flower-bed, sinking square, open-air theatre, platform, courtyard, etc. medium open spaces: Such as the waterfront space, outdoor platform, roof garden, empty space etc. small open spaces: Corridor, flower, outdoo

37、r furniture, greening surround close, building grey space, etc. multi-level open spaces. the integration of campus cultural style.A university campus culture should be the unity of the style. The culture has its special style and the humanities spirit, in the design reflect the personality traits mu

38、st take into consideration. combine with local features of regional culture in university of build character. As Hong Kong lingnan college, etc. combine with the characteristics of university education or historical context or university create personality. Such as Stanford university in American. t

39、he individual character style with architects created the individual character style, such as university of Singapore polytechnic. as the whole continuity on the premise that local characteristic changes. The image of University campus architecture is different from other commercial buildings, the c

40、ommercial buildings are required to do unconventional or unorthodox, self break-through, fashion. At first give impact on the visual, while university architecture is bearing the university students humanities history, is the place of knowledge, and accept elegant, simple, solemn and nature should b

41、e its nature. In return for the green design and pure form is its vivid signs, with functions and spatial environment as the most important, reject the false, artificial form, the pursuit of pure natural and fresh. But now in some design, emphasize the model, reflect luxurious adornment, too exagger

42、ation, transgressed the essence of education architecture. Campus architecture image in pursuit between individual can not unity style, the different historical period, the building of different functions and different buildings by processing technique, the interpretation of university campus spirit

43、ual understanding of university campus culture, which reflect the diversity of freedom, as recorded in the different historical period, the development of campus. Architecture in design planning the shaping of the integrityCampus culture and emotion constructionAn ideal university campus should be c

44、omposed by the beautiful material environment, should make it complement, rich and unity with each other.The so-called emotion zone, is in physical space, space by certain emotional, physical space is not necessarily the emotional feeling stressed emotion space, this kind of space is the leading rol

45、e, and the architecture and environment, only to have emotional space after own the real soul, and occasionally get embodies completeness and unity can be seen.An attractive, infectious, can subtly education reform of university campus, must have the typical abundant emotion, and physical space comp

46、osed of university campus. It is the combination of all kinds of emotion, and determines our university campus environment and campus culture, the overall impression of campus culture is an important part. Lack emotional space campus is an incomplete campus, the integrity will be ruined of the campu

47、s. landscape design and campus activitiesPeople often say architecture is the music, therefore, the habit of thinking people in architectural design is static. Size, scale, proportion, color and space becomes the most commonly used words, architect diagram of architectural design performance express

48、 intention to become the most commonly used method, but if we put attention to construction of buildings still in place of the people and places with people in the activity. Concern people and integrity of building campus will be more integrity and unity.Summary:University campus construction is dif

49、ferent from ordinary architectural design, the urban planning is different from general, has its particularity, first, it is not a single building or a complex house building, but hundreds of thousands of meters of land single function of architecture, the second, it does not involve the complicated social politics, economy, and tens of thousands of for urban resources allocation of square kilom


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