1、附件1:外文资料翻译译文动力传动圆锥渐开线齿轮的设计、制造和应用Dr. J. Brner,K. Humm,Dr. F. Joachim,Dr. H. akaria,ZF Friedrichshafen AG , 88038Friedrichshafen, Germany;摘要圆锥渐开线齿轮(斜面体齿轮)被用于交叉或倾斜轴变速器和平行轴自由侧隙变速器中。圆锥齿轮是在齿宽横断面上具有不同齿顶高修正(齿厚)的直齿或斜齿圆柱齿轮。这类齿轮的几何形状是已知的,但应用在动力传动上则多少是个例外。ZF公司已将该斜面体齿轮装置应用于各种场合:4W D轿车传动装置、船用变速器(主要用于快艇)机器人齿轮箱和工业传
2、动等领域。斜面体齿轮的模数在0. 7 mm-8 mm之间,交叉传动角在0- 25。之间。这些边界条件需要对斜面体齿轮的设计、制造和质量有一个深入的理解。在锥齿轮传动中为获得高承载能力和低噪声所必须进行的齿侧修形可采用范成法磨削工艺制造。为降低制造成本,机床设定和由于磨削加工造成的齿侧偏差可在设计阶段利用仿真制造进行计算。本文从总体上介绍了动力传动变速器斜面体齿轮的研发,包括:基本几何形状、宏观及微观几何形状的设计、仿真、制造、齿轮测量和试验。1前言在变速器中如果各轴轴线不平行的话,转矩传递可采用多种设计,例如:伞齿轮或冠齿轮、万向节轴或圆锥渐开线齿轮(斜面体齿轮)。圆锥渐开线齿轮特别适用于小轴
3、线角度(小于15),该齿轮的优点是在制造、结构特点和输入多样性等方而的简易。圆锥渐开线齿轮被用于直角或交叉轴传动的变速器或被用于平行轴自由侧隙工况的变速器。由于锥角的选择并不取决于轴线交角,配对的齿轮也可能采用圆柱齿轮。斜面体齿轮可制成外啮合和内齿轮,整个可选齿轮副矩阵见表1,它为设计者提供了高度的灵活性。 圆锥齿轮是在齿宽横截面上具有不同齿顶高修正(齿厚)量的直齿轮或斜齿轮。它们能与各种用同一把基准齿条刀具切制成的齿轮相啮合。斜面体齿轮的几何形状是已知的,但它们很少应用在动力传动上。过去,未曾对斜面体齿轮的承载能力和噪声进行过任何大范围的试验研究。标准(诸如适用于圆柱齿轮的IS06336)、
4、计算方法和强度值都是未知的。因此,必须开发计算方法、获得承载能力数值和算出用于生产和质量保证的规范。在过去的15年中,ZF公司已为锥齿轮开发了多种应用:1、输出轴具有下倾角的船用变速1、3图.12、转向器13、机器人用小齿隙行星齿轮装置(交叉轴角度1一3)24、商用车辆的输送齿轮箱(垃圾倾倒车)5、AWD用自动变速器 4,图22齿轮几何形状2. 1 宏观几何形状 简而言之,斜面体齿轮可看成是一个在齿宽横截面上连续改变齿顶高修正的圆柱齿轮,如图3。为此,根据齿根锥角刀具向齿轮轴线倾斜 1。结果形成了齿轮基圆尺寸。螺旋角,左/右tan=tancos (l)横向压力角 左/右 (2)基圆直径 左/右
5、 (3) 左右侧不同的基圆导致斜齿轮齿廓形状的不均匀,图3。采用齿条类刀具加工将使得齿根锥具有相应的根锥角。齿顶角设计成这样以使得顶端避免与被啮合齿轮发生干涉,并获得最大接触区域。由此导致在齿宽横截面上具有不同的齿高。由于几何设计限制了根切和齿顶形状,实际齿宽随锥角增加而减小。锥齿轮传动合适的锥角最大约为15。2. 2微观几何形状 一对伞齿轮通常形成点状接触。除接触外,在齿侧还存在间隙,如图7。齿轮修形设计的目的是减小这些间隙以形成平坦而均匀的接触。通过逐步应用啮合定律有可能对齿侧进行精确的计算5,图4。最后,在原始侧生成半径为rp和法向矢量为n的P1点。这生成速度矢量V及对于在啮合一侧所生成
6、的点,有半径矢量rp: (4) (5)和速度矢量 (6)角速度根据齿轮速比确定: (7)角度被反复迭代直至满足下代。 (8)啮合点Pa偏转角度 (9)绕齿轮轴转动,形成共轭点P。3传动装置设计3. 1根切和齿顶形状 斜面体齿轮的可用齿宽受到大端齿顶形状和小端根切的限制,见图3。齿高愈高(为获得较大的齿高变位量),理论可用齿宽愈窄。小端根切和大端齿顶形状导致齿高变位量沿齿宽方向发生变化。当一对齿轮的锥角大致相同时可获得最大的可用齿宽。若齿轮副中小齿轮愈小,则该小齿轮必须采用更小的锥角。齿顶锥角小于齿根锥角时,通常能在小端获得有用的渐开线,而在大端处有足够齿顶间隙,这时大端的齿顶形状并不太严重。3
7、. 2工作区域和滑动速度 斜面体齿轮工作区域产生扭歪的原因是圆锥半径有形成平行四边形趋势。另外,工作压力角在齿宽横截面方向的改变也造成工作区域的扭曲。图5是一个例子。在交叉轴传动的斜面体齿轮上存在一滚动轴;如同圆柱齿轮副的滚动点一样,在该轴上不存在滑动。对于倾斜轴布置而言,在轮齿啮合处总存在另外的轴向滑动。由于工作压力角在齿宽横截面上变化,从小端到大端的接触区内的接触轨迹有很大的变化。因此,沿齿宽方向在齿顶和齿根处具有明显不同的滑动速度。在齿轮中部,齿顶高修正的选择是基于圆柱齿轮副的规范;在主动齿轮根部的接触轨迹将小于齿顶的接触轨迹。图6给出了斜面体齿轮副主动齿轮滑动速度的分布。4接触分析和修
8、形4. 1点接触和间隙 在未修正齿轮传动中,由于轴线倾斜,通常仅有一点接触。沿可能接触线出现的间隙可大致解释为螺旋凸起和齿侧廓线角度的偏差所致。圆柱齿轮左右侧间隙与轴线交叉无关。对于螺旋齿轮而言,当两斜面体齿轮锥角大致相同时,其产生的间隙也几乎相等。随两齿轮锥角和螺旋角不一致的增加,左右侧间隙的不同程度也增加。 在工作压力角较小时将导致更大的间隙。图7给出了具有相同锥角交叉轴传动的斜面体齿轮副所出现的间隙。图8显示了具有相同10交叉轴线和30螺旋角齿轮在左右侧间隙方而的差异。两侧平均间隙的数值在很大程度上与螺旋角无关,但与两齿轮的锥角相关。 螺旋角和锥角的选择决定了齿轮左右侧平均间隙的分布。倾
11、需要专门用于齿顶卸载的专用磨削设备。与范成法磨削方法无关,齿侧修正可采用诸如珩磨等手段;但在斜面体齿轮上应用这些方法尚处在早期开发阶段。5承载能力和噪声激励5.1计算标准的应用斜面体齿轮齿侧和根部承载能力仅可用圆柱齿轮的计算标准(ISO 6336, DIN 3990, AGMAC95) 作近似估算。具体计算时用圆柱齿轮副替代斜面体齿轮,用斜面体齿轮中部的齿宽来定义圆柱齿轮的参数。虽然斜面体齿轮齿廓是非对称的,但在替代齿轮中可不予考虑。替代齿轮的中心距由斜面体齿轮中部齿宽处的工作节圆半径确定。当计及齿宽横截面时,各项独立的参数都会变化,这将明显影响承载能力。表2给出了影响齿根和齿侧承载能力的主要
16、如果齿轮锥角处于机床控制范围内,拓扑磨削工艺也是可能的(例如5轴机床),但是会耗费巨大的努力。原则上,珩磨等方法也能被用于加工,但是,在斜面体齿轮应用这些方法仍需大量的开发工作。双齿侧范成法磨削工艺并利用中心距弧形减少方法可实现齿沟凸起的目标。该方法所得到的齿廓扭曲与造成啮合间隙的齿廓扭曲相反。因此该方法可在很大程度上补偿齿廓扭曲并可承受比圆柱齿轮更大的载荷。6.2 工件表面形状以下的关于工件描述被应用在仿真中: 原始齿轮(留有磨削所需的余量) 理想齿轮(来自齿轮数据,无齿侧修形)完成的齿轮(具有制造偏差和齿侧修形)参考文献:1. J. A. MacBain, J. J. Conover, a
17、nd A. D. Brooker, “Full-vehicle simulation for series hybrid vehicles,” presented at the SAE Tech. Paper, Future Transportation Technology Conf., Costa Mesa, CA, Jun. 2003, Paper 2003-01-2301.2. X. He and I. Hodgson,“Hybrid electric vehicle simulation and evaluation for UT-HEV,”prmented at the SAE T
18、ech. Paper Series, Future Transpotation Technology Conf., Costa Mesa, CA, Aug. 2000, Paper 2000-01-3105.3. K. E. Bailey and B. K. Powell,“A hybrid electric vehicle powertrain dynamic model,”inProc. Amer. Control Conf., Jun. 21-23, 1995, vol. 3, pp. 1677-1682.4. B. K. Powell, K. E. Bailey, and S. R.
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21、ling grid-connected hybrid electric vehicles using ADVISOR,”inProc.16th Annu. Battery Conf. Appl. and Adv.,Jan. 9-12.2001. pp. 23-29.8. S. M. Lukic and A. Emadi,“Effects of drivetrain hybridization on fuel economy and dynamic performance of parallel hybrid electric vehicles,”IEEE Trans. Veh.Technol.
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23、di,“Hybrid electric sport utility vehicles,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 53, no. 5,pp. 1607-1622, Sep. 2004.附件2:外文原文 Application, Design, and Manufacturing of Conical Involute Gears for Power TransmissionsDr. J. Brner,K. Humm,Dr. F. Joachim,Dr. H. Yakaria,ZF Friedrichshafen AG , 88038Friedrichsha
24、fen, Germany;ABSTRACT Conical involute gears (beveloids) are used in transmissions with intersecting or skew axes and for backlash-free transmissions with parallel axes. Conical gears are spur or helical gears with variable addendum modification (tooth thickness) across the face width. The geometry
25、of such gears is generally known, but applications in power transmissions are more or less exceptional. ZF has implemented beveloid gear sets in various applications: 4WD gear units for passenger cars, marine transmissions (mostly used in yachts), gear boxes for robotics, and industrial drives. The
26、module of these beveloids varies between 0.7 mm and 8 mm in size, and the crossed axes angle varies between 0and 25. These boundary conditions require a deep understanding of the design, manufacturing, and quality assurance of beveloid gears. Flank modifications, which are necessary for achieving a
27、high load capacity and a low noise emission in the conical gears, can be produced with the continuous generation grinding process. In order to reduce the manufacturing costs, the machine settings as well as the flank deviations caused by the grinding process can be calculated in the design phase usi
28、ng a manufacturing simulation. This presentation gives an overview of the development of conical gears for power transmissions: Basic geometry, design of macro and micro geometry, simulation, manufacturing, gear measurement, and testing.1IntroductionIn transmissions with shafts that are not arranged
29、 parallel to the axis, torque transmission ispossible by means of various designs such as bevel or crown gears , universal shafts , or conical involute gears (beveloids). The use of conical involute gears is particularly ideal for small shaft angles (less than 15), as they offer benefits with regard
30、 to ease of production, design features, and overall input. Conical involute gears can be used in transmissions with intersecting or skew axes or in transmissions with parallel axes for backlash-free operation. Due to the fact that selection of the cone angle does not depend on the crossed axes angl
31、e, pairing is also possible with cylindrical gears. As beveloids can be produced as external and internal gears, a whole matrix of pairing options results and the designer is provided with a high degree of flexibility;Table 1.Conical gears are spur or helical gears with variable addendum correction
32、(tooth thickness)across the face width. They can mesh with all gears made with a tool with the same basic rack. The geometry of beveloids is generally known, but they have so far rarely been used in power transmissions. Neither the load capacity nor the noise behavior of beveloids has been examined
33、to any great extent in the past. Standards (such as ISO 6336 for cylindrical gears ), calculation methods, and strength values are not available. Therefore, it was necessary to develop the calculation method, obtain the load capacity values, and calculate specifications for production and quality as
34、surance. In the last 15 years, ZF has developed various applications with conical gears: Marine transmissions with down-angle output shafts /1, 3/, Fig. 1 Steering transmissions /1/ Low-backlash planetary gears (crossed axes angle 13) for robots /2/ Transfer gears for commercial vehicles (dumper) Au
35、tomatic car transmissions for AWD /4/, Fig. 22GEAR GEOMETRY2.1MACRO GEOMETRYTo put it simply, a beveloid is a spur gear with continuously changing addendum modification across the face width, as shown in Fig. 3. To accomplish this, the tool is tilted towards the gear axis by the root cone angle ? /1
36、/. This results in the basic gear dimensions:Helix angle, right/lefttan=tancos (1)Transverse pressure angle right/left (2)Base circle diameter right/left (3)The differing base circles for the left and right flanks lead to asymmetrical tooth profiles at helical gears, Fig. 3. Manufacturing with a rac
37、k-type cutter results in a tooth root cone with root cone angle . The addendum angle is designed so that tip edge interferences with the mating gear are avoided and a maximally large contact ratio is obtained. Thus, a differing tooth height results across the face width.Due to the geometric design l
38、imits for undercut andtip formation, the possible face width decreases as the cone angle increases. Sufficiently well-proportioned gearing is possible up to a cone angle of approx. 15.2.2MICRO GEOMETRYThe pairing of two conical gears generally leads to a point-shaped tooth contact. Out-side this con
39、tact, there is gaping between the tooth flanks , Fig. 7. The goal of the gearing correction design is to reduce this gaping in order to create a flat and uniform contact. An exact calculation of the tooth flank is possible with the step-by-step application of the gearing law /5/, Fig. 4. To that end
40、 , a point (P) with the radiusrP1and normal vectorn1is generated on the original flank. This generates the speed vector V with (4)For the point created on the mating flank, the radial vector rp: (5)and the speed vector apply (6)The angular velocities are generated from the gear ratio: (7)The angle i
41、s iterated until the gearing law in the form (8)is fulfilled. The meshing point Pa found is then rotated through the angle (9)around the gear axis, and this results in the conjugate flank point P.3GEARING DESIGN3.1UNDERCUT AND TIP FORMATIONThe usable face width on the beveloid gearing is limited by
42、tip formation on the heel and undercut on the toe as shown in Fig. 3. The greater the selected tooth height (in order to obtain a larger addendum modification), the smaller the theoretically useable face width is. Undercut on the toe and tip formation on the heel result from changing the addendum mo
43、dification along the face width. The maximum usable face width is achieved when the cone angle on both gears of the pairing is selected to be approximately the same size. With pairs having a significantly smaller pinion, a smaller cone angle must be used on this pinion. Tip formation on the heel is
44、less critical if the tip cone angle is smaller than the root cone angle, which often provides good use of the available involute on the toe and for sufficient tip clearance in the heel.3.2FIELD OF ACTION AND SLIDING VELOCITYThe field of action for the beveloid gearing is distorted by the radial coni
45、city with a tendency towards the shape of a parallelogram. In addition, the field of action is twisted due to the working pressure angle change across the face width. Fig. 5 shows an example of this. There is a roll axis on the beveloid gearing with crossed axes; there is no sliding on this axis as
46、there is on the roll point of cylindrical gear pairs. With a skewed axis arrangement, there is always yet another axial slide in the tooth engagement. Due to the working pressure angle that changes across the face width, there is varying distribution of the contact path to the tip and root contact.
47、Thus, significantly differing sliding velocities can result on the tooth tip and the tooth root along the face width. In the center section, the selection of the addendum modification should be based on the specifications for the cylindrical gear pairs; the root contact path at the driver should be smaller than the tip contact path. Fig. 6 shows the distribution of the sliding velocity on the driver of a beveloid gear pair.4CONTACT ANALYSIS AND MODIFYCATIONS4.1POINT CONTACT AND EASE-OFFAt the uncorrected gearing, there is only one point in contact due to the tilting of the axes. Th