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1、we can easily see that there are different scenery in different places all over the world.VENICE,a small,waterside city in northeast Italy.It has been known as “City of Water”,“City of Bridges”,and“The City of Light”,It is considered by many people to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world

2、.Between February 21 and March 4,carnival(狂(狂欢节)欢节)hits the streets.Provence-a Purple country If you are going to Europe,you might consider taking some time to visit Provence.Whether you are interested in beautiful places,ancient history,good food and wine,or musical theater,Provence has something t

3、o offer even the pickiest(最挑剔的)(最挑剔的)traveler.Provenal,was important in medieval literature(中世纪文学)中世纪文学),and Provences Romanesque architecture(罗马式建筑)(罗马式建筑)was an outstanding cultural achievement of the Middle Ages.and it has many historic buildingscoupled with the de-Provence in the sun shines whis

4、k this feature makes Provence became gourmands heaven.(美食者的天堂美食者的天堂)FlowerIn Provence,the most famous decorated flowers are lavender(薰衣草)and sunflower(向日葵)Today Provence is a territory of sunlight,calmness and splendour,Provence to arouseall the senses.The smell of lavender,the delicious wines and i

5、ts wonderful climate,makes the Provence a wonderful place to live.Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano The center of the Christian church of Rome,European Catholics and the Vatican(梵蒂冈)(梵蒂冈)papal Pilgrimage(朝拜)(朝拜)to the Holy See,located in the Vatican,is the worlds largest dome(圆顶)圆顶)churchTrevi Fountain Trevi Fountain is a symbol of strength.Romans had a beautiful legend,as long as the fountain from the shoulder with his back to throw a coin over to the pool,there is an opportunity to visit Rome.许愿池是力量的象征。罗马人有一个美丽的传说,只要背对喷泉从肩以上抛一枚硬币到水池里,就有机会再次访问罗马。


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