1、SUBSEAENGINEERINGHANDBOOKYONG BAIQIANG BAIAMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG LONDONNEW YORK OXFORD PARIS SAN DIEGOSAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYOGulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of ElsevierGulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier30 Corporate Drive,Suite 400,Burlington,MA 01803,
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4、 contributions contained in it are protected under copyright bythe Publisher(other than as may be noted herein).NoticesKnowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing.As new research andexperience broaden our understanding,changes in research methods,professional practices,or medic
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8、BN:978-1-85617-689-7For information on all Gulf Professional Publishingpublications visit our Web site at 10 11 1210 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Printed in USAPREFACEMAY 2010Subsea engineering is now a big discipline for the design,analysis,construction,installation and integrity management of subsea wellheads
9、,trees,manifolds,jumpers,PLETS and PLEMs,etc.However,there is nobook available that helps engineers understand the principles of subseaengineering.This book is written for those who wish to become subsea engineers.With the continuous encouragement of Mr.Ken McCombs of Elsevier,the authors spent a co
10、uple of years writing this book.The authors would liketo thank those individuals who provided editing assistance(Ms.Lihua Bai&Ms.Shuhua Bai),initial technical writing for Chapters 1-4(Mr.YouxiangCheng),Chapters 6-8(Mr.Xiaohai Song),Chapter 11(Mr.Shiliang He),Chapter 5(Mr.HongDong Qiao),Chapter 23(Mr
11、.Liangbiao Xu)andChapter 27(Mr.Mike Bian).They are employees of Offshore Pipelines&Risers(OPR)Inc.(baiopr-,www.opr-,).Thanks to all persons involved in reviewing the book,particularlyMs.Mohanambal Natarajan of Elsevier,who provided editory assistance.We thank our families and friends for their suppo
12、rt.The first author would like to thank Zhejiang University for theirsupport for publishing this book.Prof.Yong Bai&Dr.Qiang BaiHouston,USAxxvjABOUT THE AUTHORSProfessor Yong Bai is the president of Offshore Pipelines&Risers Inc.inHouston,and also the director of the Offshore Engineering ResearchCen
13、ter at Zhejiang University.He has previously taught at StavangerUniversityinNorwaywherehewasaprofessorofoffshorestructures.Hehasalso worked with ABS as manager of the Offshore Technology Departmentand DNVas the JIP project manager.Professor Yong Bai has also worked for Shell International E&P asa st
14、aff engineer.Through working at JP Kenny as manager of advancedengineering and at MCS as vice president of engineering,he has contrib-uted to the advancement of methods and tools for the design and analysis ofsubsea pipelines and risers.Professor Bai is the author of the books MarineStructural Desig
15、n and Subsea Pipelines and Risers and more than 100 papers onthe design and installation of subsea pipelines and risers.OPR has offices in Houston,Texas,USA;Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia;andHarbin,Beijing,and Shanghai,China.OPR is engaged in the design,analysis,installation,engineering,and integrity managem
16、ent of pipelines,risers,and subsea systems such as subsea wellheads,trees,manifolds,andPLET/PLEMs.Dr.Qiang Bai has more than 20 years of experience in subsea/offshoreengineering including research and engineering execution.He has workedat Kyushu University in Japan,UCLA,OPE,JP Kenny,and Technip.Hise
17、xperience includes various aspects of flow assurance and the design andinstallation of subsea structures,pipelines,and riser systems.Dr.Bai iscoauthor of Subsea Pipelines and Risers.xxviijLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSA&R-Abandonment and recoveryAA-Anti agglomerateAACE-Advancement of cost engineeringAAV-Annu
18、lus access valveACFM-Alternating current field measurementAHC-Active heave compensationAHV-Anchor handling vesselAMV-Annulus master valveAPDU-Asphaltene precipitation detection unitAPV-Air pressure vesselASD-Allowable stress designASV-Annulus swab valveAUV-Autonomous underwater vehicleAWV-Annulus wi
19、ng valveB&C-Burial and coatingBM-Bending momentBOPD-Barrels of oil per dayBR-Bend restrictorC/WO-Completion and workoverCAPEX-Capital expendituresCAPEX-Capital expendituresCAT-Connector actuation toolCCD-Charge-coupled deviceCCO-Component change-out toolCDTM-Control depth towing methodCFP Cold flow
20、pipelineCG-Center of gravityCI-Corrosion inhibitorCII-Colloidal instability indexCIU-Chemical injection unitCMC-Crown-mounted compensatorCoB-Cost of blowoutCoG-Center of gravityCP-Cathodic protectionCPT-Compliant piled towerxxixjCPT-Cone penetration testCRA-Corrosion-resistant alloyCV-Coefficient va
21、lueCVC-Pipeline end connectorCVI-Close visual inspectionDA-Diver assistDCU-Dry completion unitDDF-Deepdraft semi-submersibleDEG-Diethylene glycolDFT-Dry film thicknessDGPS-Differential global positioning systemDH-Direct hydraulicDHSV-Downhole safety valveDOP-Dilution of positionDP-Dynamic positionin
22、gDSS-Direct simple shearDSV-Diving support vesselEC-External corrosionEDM-Electrical distribution moduleEDP-Emergency disconnect packageEDU-Electrical distribution unitEFAT-Extended factory acceptance testEFL-Electric flying leadEGL-Energy grade lineEH-Electrical heatingEI-External impactEOS-Equatio
23、n of stateEPCI-Engineering,procurement,construction and installationEPU-Electrical power unitEQD-Emergency quick disconnectESD-Emergency shutdownESP-Electrical submersible pumpFAR-Flexural anchor reactionFAT-Factory acceptance testFBE-Fusion bonded epoxyFDM-Finite difference methodFE-Finite elementF
24、EA-Finite element analysisFEED-Front-end engineering designxxxList of abbreviationsFEM-Finite element MethodFMECA-Failure mode,effects,and criticality analysisFOS-Factor of safetyFPDU-Floating production and drilling unitFPS-Floating production systemFPSO-Floating production,storage and offloadingFP
25、U-Floating production unitFSHR-Free standing hybrid riserFSO-Floating storage and offloadingFSV-Field support vesselFTA-Fault tree analysisGL-GuidelineGLL-Guideline-lessGoM-Gulf of MexicoGOR-Gas/oil ratioGPS-Global positioning systemGSPU-Polyurethane-glass syntacticGVI-General visual inspectionHAZID
26、-Hazard identificationHCLS-Heave compensated landing systemHCM-HIPPS control moduleHCR-High collapse resistanceHDM-Hydraulic distribution moduleHDPE-High density polyethyleneHFL-Hydraulic flying leadHGL-Hydraulic grade lineHIPPS-High integrity pressure protection systemHISC-Hydrogen-induced stress c
27、rackingHLV-Heavy lift vesselHMI-Human machine interfaceHP/HT-High pressure high temperatureHPU-Hydraulic power unitHR-Hybrid riserHSE-Health,safety,and environmentalHSP-Hydraulic submersible pumpHT-Horizontal treeHTGC-High temperature gas chromatographyHXT-Horizontal treeHXU-Heat exchanger unitList
28、of abbreviationsxxxiIA-Inhibitor availabilityIBWM-International bureau of weights and measuresIC-Internal corrosionICCP-Impressed current cathodic protectionIE-Internal erosionIMR-Inspection,maintenance,and repairIPU-Integrated production umbilicalIRP-Inspection reference planIRR-Internal rate of re
29、turnISA-Instrument society of AmericaISO-International Organization for StandardsIWOCS Installation and workover control systemJIC-Joint industry conferenceJT-Joule ThompsonKI-Kinetic inhibitorL/D-Length/diameterLARS-Launch and recovery systemLBL-Long baselineLC-Life cycle costLCWR-Lost capacity whi
30、le waiting on rigLDHI-Low dosage hydrate inhibitorLFJ-Lower flexjointLOT-Linear override toolLP-Low pressureLPMV-Lower production master valveLRP-Lower riser packageLWRP-Lower workover riser packageMAOP-Maximum allowable operating pressureMASP-Maximum allowable surge pressureMBR-Minimum bend radiusM
31、CS-Master control stationMEG-Mono ethylene glycolMF-Medium frequencyMIC-Microbiological induced corrosionMMBOE-Million barrels of oil equivalentMOPU-Mobile offshore drilling unitMPI-Magnetic particle inspectionMPP-Multiphase pumpMQC-Multiple quick connectorxxxiiList of abbreviationsMRP-Maintenance r
32、eference planMTO-Material take-offNAS-National aerospace standardNDE-None destructive examinationNDT-Nondestructive testingNGS-nitrogen generating systemNPV-Net present valueNS-North seaNTNU-The Norwegian university of science and technologyO&M-Operations and maintenanceOCR-Over consolidation ratioO
33、CS-Operational Control SystemOHTC-Overall heat transfer coefficientOPEX-Operation expendituresOREDA-Offshore reliability dataOSI-Oil States IndustriesOTC-Offshore Technology conferencePAN-Programmable acoustic navigatorPCP-Piezocone penetrationPGB-Production guide basePHC-Passive heave compensatorPh
34、S-Phenolic syntacticPIP-Pipe in pipePLC-Programmable logic controllerPLEM-Pipeline end manifoldPLET-Pipeline end terminationPLL-Potential loss of lifePMV-Production master valvePMV-Production master valvePoB-Probability of blowoutPOD-Point of disconnectPP-PolypropylenePPF-Polypropylene foamPSCM-Proc
35、urement and supply chain managementPSV-Production swab valvePT-Pressure transmitterPTT-Pressure/Temperature TransducerPU-PolyurethanePWV-Production wing valveList of abbreviationsxxxiiiQC-Quality controlQE-Quality engineerQP-Quality programQRA-Quantitative risk assessmentRAO-Response amplitude opera
36、torRBD-Reliability block diagramRBI-Risk-based inspectionRCDA-Reliability-centered design analysisRCMM-Reliability capability maturity modelREB-Reverse end bearingROT-Remote operated toolROV-Remote operated vehicleRPPF-Polypropylene-reinforced foam combinationRSV-ROV support vesselSAM-Subsea accumul
37、ator moduleSAMMB-Subsea accumulator module mating blockSBP-Sub-bottom profilerSCF-Stress concentration factorSCM-Subsea control moduleSCMMB-Subsea control module mounting baseSCR-Steel catenary riserSCSSV-Surface controlled subsurface safety valveSDA-Subsea distribution assemblySDS-Subsea distributi
38、on systemSDU-Subsea distribution unitSEM-Subsea electronics moduleSEP-Epoxy syntacticSEPLA-Suction embedded plate anchorSIS-Safety instrumented systemSIT-Silicon intensified targetSIT-System integration testSLEM-Simple linear elastic modelSPCS-Subsea production control systemSPCU-Subsea production c
39、ommunication unitSPS-Subsea production systemSPU-Polyurethane-syntacticSSC-Sulfide stress crackingSSCC-Stress corrosion crackingSSP-Subsea processingxxxivList of abbreviationsSSS-Side-scan sonarSSTT-Subsea test treeSU-Separator unitSUTA-Subsea umbilical termination assemblySV-Satellite vehicleTDP-To
40、uchdown pointTDS-Total dissolved solidTDU-Tool deployment unitTDZ-Touchdown zoneTEG-Triethylene glycolTFL-Through-flowlineTGB-Temporary guide baseTHI-Thermodynamic inhibitorTLP-Tension leg platformTMGB-Template-mounted guide baseTMS-Tether management systemTPPL-Total plant peak loadTPRL-Total plant
41、running loadTRT-Tree running toolTT-Temperature transmitterTTF-Time to failureTTR-Top tensioned riserTUFFP-Tulsa university fluid flow projectTUTA-Topside umbilical termination assemblyTVD-True vertical depthTWI-Thermodynamic wax inhibitorUFJ-Upper flexjointUHF-Ultra high frequencyUPC-Pull out capac
42、ityUPMV-Upper production master valveUPS-Uninterruptible power supplyUSBL-Ultra short baselineUSV-Underwater safety valveUTA-Umbilical termination assemblyUTH-Umbilical termination headUU-Unconsolidated,undrainedVG-Vetco GrayVIM-Vortex Induced MotionVIT-Vacuum insulated tubingList of abbreviationsxx
43、xvVIV-Vortex induced vibrationVRU-Vertical reference unitVT-Vertical treeVXT-Vertical Xmas treeWA-West africaWAT-Wax appearance temperatureWBS-Work breakdown structureWD-Water depthWHI-Wellhead growth indexWHP-Wellhead platformWHU-Wellhead unitWS-Winter stormWSD-Working stress designXLPE-Cross linke
44、d polyethyleneXOV-Crossover valvexxxviList of abbreviationsCHAPTER1 1Overview of Subsea EngineeringContents1.1.Introduction31.2.Subsea Production Systems61.2.1.Field Architecture71.2.2.Distribution Systems91.2.3.Subsea Surveys101.2.4.Installation and Vessels111.2.5.Cost Estimation111.2.6.Subsea Cont
45、rol121.2.7.Subsea Power Supply121.2.8.Project Execution and Interfaces131.3.Flow Assurance and System Engineering131.3.1.Subsea Operations131.3.2.Commissioning and Start-Up151.3.3.Production Processing161.3.4.Chemicals Injection161.3.4.1.Hydrate Inhibition161.3.4.2.Paraffin Inhibitors171.3.4.3.Aspha
46、ltene Inhibitors171.3.5.Well Testing171.3.6.Inspection and Maintenance181.4.Subsea Structures and Equipment181.4.1.Subsea Manifolds181.4.2.Pipeline Ends and In-Line Structures191.4.3.Jumpers191.4.4.Subsea Wellheads201.4.5.Subsea Trees221.4.6.Umbilical Systems221.4.7.Production Risers241.5.Subsea Pip
47、elines24References251.1.INTRODUCTIONThe worlds energy consumption has increased steadily since the 1950s.Asshown in Figure 1-1,the fossil fuels(oil,natural gas,and coal)still amount to80%of the worlds energy consumption even though a considerable numberof initiatives and inventions in the area of re
48、newable energy resources haveSubsea Engineering Handbook?2010 Elsevier Inc.ISBN 978-1-85617-689-7,doi:10.1016/B978-1-85617-689-7.10001-9All rights reserved.3jdecreased their use.The rapid rises in crude oil prices during the late 2000sis a response to increasing demand for oil and gas.Of the fossil
49、fuelsconsumed,almost 80%are oil and gas;therefore,the production of oil andgas is of major importance to the stability of the worlds energy supply.The offshore oil and gas industry started in 1947 when Kerr-McGeecompleted the first successful offshore well in the Gulf of Mexico(GoM)offLouisiana in 1
50、5 ft(4.6 m)of water 2.The concept of subsea fielddevelopment was suggested in the early 1970s by placing wellhead andproduction equipment on the seabed with some or all componentsencapsulated in a sealed chamber 3.The hydrocarbon produced wouldthen flow from the well to a nearby processing facility,