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1、HT Spoken EnglishFinal Exam TopicsYOUR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING EXPERIENCE What do you enjoy about being able to speak English? What do you think is your biggest challenge in speaking English? How can spoken English be applied in your future career?DESCRIBE YOUR HOMETOWN What is the name of your ho

2、metown? Describe the culture of the people their? What do they value the most? What are the most interesting places to visit? What are your favorite places in your hometown? What are the specialty foods found in your hometown? Are their many people there who speak English?WHAT IS BEAUTY? What qualit

3、ies do you think make a woman beautiful? If you had to choose between having a beautiful face or a charming personality, which would you choose? Tell me about one woman that you think is very beautiful. What qualities make a man handsome? Do you think women and men are under too much pressure to be

4、attractive?DELICIOUS FOODS Do you consider eating a chore, a duty, or a pleasure? Why? If someone challenged you to be a vegetarian for 3 months, could you do it? Why or why not? What is your ultimate dinner? Describe the foods, the guests, and the location. “You are what you eat?” Do you agree or d

5、isagree with this statement. Explain. You are a host to a foreign visitor. At the restaurant he asks you to explain proper table manners in Chinese culture. How would you explain this to your foreign friend?WHAT SHOULD WE PACK? What do you think is the climate there? What items do we have to pack fo

6、r our trip? What items can we take with us? What kinds of activities can we enjoy there? Do you think we should relax or go on an adventure? Why?TOUR GUIDEChoose 5 places you think that the foreign delegation must visit during their tour in China. Explain why you chose each place.YOUR ENGLISH LANGUA

7、GE LEARNING EXPERIENCE What do you enjoy about being able to speak English? What do you think is your biggest challenge in speaking English? How can spoken English be applied in your future career?DESCRIBE YOUR HOMETOWN What is the name of your hometown? Describe the culture of the people their? Wha

8、t do they value the most? What are the most interesting places to visit? What are your favorite places in your hometown? What are the specialty foods found in your hometown? Are their many people there who speak English?WHAT IS BEAUTY? What qualities do you think make a woman beautiful? If you had t

9、o choose between having a beautiful face or a charming personality, which would you choose? Tell me about one woman that you think is very beautiful. What qualities make a man handsome? Do you think women and men are under too much pressure to be attractive?TOUR GUIDEChoose 5 places you think that t

10、he foreign delegation must visit during their tour in China. Explain why you chose each place.DELICIOUS FOODS Do you consider eating a chore, a duty, or a pleasure? Why? If someone challenged you to be a vegetarian for 3 months, could you do it? Why or why not? What is your ultimate dinner? Describe

11、 the foods, the guests, and the location. “You are what you eat?” Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Explain. You are a host to a foreign visitor. At the restaurant he asks you to explain proper table manners in Chinese culture. How would you explain this to your foreign friend?WHAT SHOULD WE PACK? What do you think is the climate there? What items do we have to pack for our trip? What items can we take with us? What kinds of activities can we enjoy there? Do you think we should relax or go on an adventure? Why?


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