高一英语A world of fun课件.ppt

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1、Unit 22 A WORLD OF FUNUnit 22 A WORLD OF FUN教材分析教材分析 语篇分析语篇分析教学计划教学计划教学资源教学资源教材内容分析教材内容分析*通过情景对话,让学生了解并交流通过情景对话,让学生了解并交流个体有关活动的体验、喜好及理由个体有关活动的体验、喜好及理由。*听后独立思考,再作小组讨论:选择听后独立思考,再作小组讨论:选择哪一家公司作为承建商及相应的理由。哪一家公司作为承建商及相应的理由。*紧紧围绕紧紧围绕“问路与指路问路与指路”话题:话题:课内课内提供一张公园平面图,学生根据出发点提供一张公园平面图,学生根据出发点和目的地联系进行有意义的对话实践。

2、和目的地联系进行有意义的对话实践。WarmingupListeningSpeakingReadingLanguagestudy*是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它包括是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它包括主题公园的定义、特点主题公园的定义、特点 ;也引导学生了也引导学生了解和比较不同主题公园的特色,激发学解和比较不同主题公园的特色,激发学生联想主题公园的未来发展生联想主题公园的未来发展 。*要求了解分词的意义,学习掌握现在要求了解分词的意义,学习掌握现在分词作状语的用法,区别运用分词的分词作状语的用法,区别运用分词的进行式作状语与完成式作状语结构。进行式作状语与完成式作状语结构。Integrating

3、Skills*拓展拓展阅读部分以阅读部分以ridesrides为主题内容,鼓为主题内容,鼓励学生想象、创造。写作部分主要引导励学生想象、创造。写作部分主要引导学生写好对事物的描述材料。学生写好对事物的描述材料。教学重点教学重点话题话题:Talking about amusement parks.Ways of giving directions;designing new things;writing a certain description.功能:功能:词汇:词汇:theme thrills and entertainmentimagination experience create at

4、tract risk race designlive to ride 表达用语:表达用语:Excuse me.Am I going in the right direction?Excuse me.Does this road lead to?Got it.Thank you.句型:句型:Entering one of the attractions at Universal Studios is like steeping into the world of your favorite film.It seems like people just cannot get enough of s

5、cary rides and exciting adventures.You can feel what it is like to live in space.语法:语法:eg.1.Many people come to the theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment.2.2.Visitors leave knowing more about the idea behind the park.3.3.Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland,4.visitors can take the sh

6、uttle to the Lowland.The ing form used as adverbial.教学难点教学难点1、针对、针对 Reading 的语篇分析的语篇分析2、对动词、对动词-ing 结构作状语的理解运用结构作状语的理解运用3、针对事物特点描述的写作、针对事物特点描述的写作语篇分析语篇分析 第第22单元单元ReadingReading:Theme Parks Theme Parks 是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它一是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它一共由共由4 4段组成,包括主题公园的定义、段组成,包括主题公园的定义、特点,针对特点,针对the World Park of the

7、World Park of China,the Ocean Park of Hong China,the Ocean Park of Hong Kong,Disneyland in California Kong,Disneyland in California 等等主题公园的描述和对未来新兴主题公主题公园的描述和对未来新兴主题公园的展望;让学生体会、概括主题公园的展望;让学生体会、概括主题公园为何如此受人们喜爱的事实理由。园为何如此受人们喜爱的事实理由。篇章结构:篇章结构:Theme Theme ParksParks What is a theme park?What is a theme

8、park?Three parksThree parksattractionsattractionsWhat do people What do people experience and learn?experience and learn?Theme parks in the future.Theme parks in the future.教学目标教学目标*知识技能知识技能*情感态度情感态度*学习策略学习策略*文化意识文化意识增强世界意识,培养积极的生活态度 通过小组活动等,指导学生积极与人合作、相互学习、相互帮助,培养合作能力、团队精神。掌握并会运用有关词汇、句型和现在分词短语作状语的用

9、法。从听力、讨论、网络等不同渠道获取信息,并借助说、演、写和做等不同形式呈现。通过恰当的设计,想象未来,展望未来。利用图书馆、网络等辅助学习,在学习、讨论、反思和探索实践中逐步形成策略。拓展文化视野,发展跨文化交际的意识和能力。结合个人经验充分体验他人在个别主题活动方面的感受,倡导创新意识的培养、加强合作意识、陶冶情操。课时安排课时安排Period 1 Warming upPeriod 1 Warming up、Listening ListeningPeriod 2 SpeakingPeriod 2 SpeakingPeriod 3 ReadingPeriod 3 Reading、Post-r

10、eadingPost-readingPeriod 4 Language StudyPeriod 4 Language StudyPeriod 5 Integrating SkillsPeriod 5 Integrating SkillsI.Warming up师生互动师生互动小组活动小组活动 班级活动班级活动 1.Pre-Task:Listen and guess双人活动双人活动 个人活动个人活动2.While-Task:Talk about own experience Watch pictures and practise3.Post-Task:Talk about other amuse

11、ment activitiesPeriod 1 Warming-up and listeningSummary:Everyone may experience the things in the pictures in our daily life.I hope all of you can do what you like!Listening 2.2.Listen and answer Listen and answer 1.Pre-Task:Talk about a theme park1.Pre-Task:Talk about a theme parkLead-in:Lead-in:A

12、theme park must have a special theme.A theme park must have a special theme.Pre-listening:GooverthequestionsPre-listening:Gooverthequestions While-listening:While-listening:While-listening:While-listening:1.Listen with the book closed.1.Listen with the book closed.1.Listen with the book closed.1.Lis

13、ten with the book closed.2.Listenagainwiththebookopen2.Listenagainwiththebookopenandindividuallyanswerandindividuallyanswer.3.Check the answers in pairs.3.Check the answers in pairs.3.Check the answers in pairs.3.Check the answers in pairs.4.Fill in the form.4.Fill in the form.4.Fill in the form.4.F

14、ill in the form.Post-listeningquestions:Hasanythingsimilarthathappenedtoyou?Whatwasthesituation?Howdidyoudealwithit?Inwhatway?Summary:Summary:T:T:In In this this period,period,we we have have talked talked and and heard heard a a lot lot about about amusement amusement parks.parks.You You may may re

15、alize realize what what amusing amusing activities activities mean mean to to people.people.Talks Talks of of amusement amusement parks parks should should accompany accompany you you all all the the way way in in life,life,not not just just limited in class.Do you think so?limited in class.Do you t

16、hink so?HomeworkHomeworka.a.Recall Recall all all the the new new words words and and expressions expressions that occur in this period.that occur in this period.b.b.Finish the exercise Finish the exercise TalkTalk on the workbook.on the workbook.c.Writeaboutyourownexperiencesinathemepark.What is it

17、 about?When?Where?Who?How?Where?When?Whotogether?What to see?What to do?How?Period2 SpeakingGoals:1.Practise giving directions.2.Enlarge expressions of asking the way and answering.Step 1.Revision Task:Report about experiencesStep 2.Listening(two dialogues about asking the way)Task:Listen and answer

18、Step 3.Speaking Task:Watch the map and find the wayPre-speakingT:Suppose we are at the main entrance of thisthemeparkandwewanttogotosomeplaces:theOcean world,the History Land,the BungeeJumpingPleasewriteabouthowwecangetthere.While-speakingActivity1Onetellstheclasshowtogettotheplaces.Activity2Makeupd

19、ialogues,usingtheinformationabove.Activity3Makeupdialogues,talkingaboutyourowndestinations.T:Talkaboutwhereyouplantogoandthereason,abouthowtogettherePost-speakingTask 1 Have a Free DiscussionTask 1 Have a Free DiscussionT:T:Suppose Suppose you you are are at at the the main main entrance entrance an

20、d and you you want want to to go go to to the the Big Big Tower Tower for for a a free free fall fall ride ride in in the the morning.morning.Which Which way way will will you you prefer prefer to to choose and why?choose and why?Task 2 Watch the map and sayTask 2 Watch the map and sayTeachers Teach

21、ers design design a a map map for for the the talk talk or or copy copy a a similar one from the internetsimilar one from the internet.Step 4 HomeworkSurf the Internet and find some information about theme parks,Then write a few sentences about what youve got.Make a copy of 10 wonderful pictures tha

22、t you find about theme parks,and your copies will be shown to others before the following lesson.查找图片是件乐事查找图片是件乐事,让学生体会到了学习的快乐让学生体会到了学习的快乐.Ocean Park of Hong KongAnexcitingrideinOceanPark Period 3 ReadingStep 1.Pre-reading Task:Watch and discussStep 2.Reading Lead-in What is a theme park?What are th

23、e activities based on?Task 1 Skimming Which parks does the writer tell about?What are the themes about?Task 2 Scanning What attract people there?Par.ParksThemesAttractions123 Task 3 Thinking T:What is the common feature of the parks?What should the park make sure?How do people feel after they enter

24、Universal Studios?Task 4 Discussing Which theme park will you visit?Why?Why are theme parks so popular throughout the world?Step 3.Designing Task:Design a theme park and exchange ideas in class by interviewing others.此项任务突出学生情感态度情感态度的交流此项任务强调创新能力创新能力的培养NameThemeAttractionsOthers IdeasStep 4.Homework

25、 1.Get on line to search the information of a certain theme park that one is interested in and write a short description about that.2.List ideas for an“English-Speaking World Park”.Period 4 Language Study个体活动个体活动 小组活动小组活动班级活动班级活动Activity1:Suppose you are the manager of the World Park of Beijingtell

26、about your attractions to the visitors.Activity2:Check the homework.*Report ideas about the description.Paraphrase:advanced exploreamusement entertainment 双人活动双人活动 Finish Ex.1 at Page 68.Task:Read and questionGoals:1.Revise the words.2.Learn to use the ing form:used as an adverbial.Fillintheblanksof

27、thefollowing:When you come to a wonderful theme park,you are sure to enjoy yourself.You can find a collection of rides,exhibitions and other attractions.They are based on a common theme.On one hand,people can have fun/thrills and entertainment.On the other,theme parks are designed to teach people so

28、mething 班级活动班级活动Activity1.Studytheexample:He was ill and didnt attend themeeting.Being ill,he didnt attend themeeting.Task:Learn the use of-ing form as an adverbial.Finish part 1.and part 2.Activity2.Comparewiththis:After they enjoy the rides at the Headland,visitorscantakeacablecartotheLowland.Havi

29、ng enjoyed the rides at the Headland,visitorscantakeacablecartotheLowland.Summary:This Having enjoyed means the subject has finished an action before he does another.The form is used to emphasize two actions that happen in different times.Period 5 Integrating SkillsGoals:1.Read through the text live

30、 to ride.2.Understand“live to ride”.3.Learn to write a description.Step 1 Lead-inTask1:Report about the passages found through internet.Task2:Read the information below and make up a dialogue.Its about the features of a roller coaster Ant Farm Express.Step 2 Reading Task1SkimmingTask2ScanningTask3Di

31、scussing Group Work Question:What else can we do in a thrill ride?Summary:1.Wecanimaginesomanyways,butitsstillnotenough.2.The only limit to the fun is the imagination of the designersofthethrillrides.Itseemstobeendless.Quote:Thegreatprogressinsciencerootsincompletelynewandbraveimaginationsofthehuman

32、beings.-Dewey “科学的伟大进步源自于崭新与大胆的想象力。”-杜 威Step 3 DesigningActivity1:Design the scariest and most exciting ride in the world.Tips:What should your ride look like?How large is it?What is the length?How many people can it take?How fast should it be?How would you design the loops,corkscrews and other feat

33、ures?How much should it cost?What about the ticket for each?Activity2:Design a new theme park.Some students describe theirs and then others may raise questions after that.The reporters try to get their designs much more wonderful.Step 4 Tips Task:Learn how to describe the thing.Tips:Use the question

34、s when thinking.1.What does it look like?How big is it?What color is it?2.What does it sound like?3.What does it feel like?4.What does it smell like?5.What does it taste like?6.How does it work?Step 5 Checkpoint Activity:Students go through the Checkpoint and do the exercise.The ing form can be used

35、 to modify verbs.Step 6 Assessment Students do individual work for self-assessment.Step 7 Homework Write about an unforgettable place.Go over the whole unit and revise.学生姓名日期活动内容评价内容参与程度与人合作动作表演课堂效果语音语调语言表述查找 知识资料 更新自我评价小组评价教师评价附:附:教学评价教学评价教学资源教学资源http:/www.beijingworldwww.beijingworld “If you can dream it,we can do it!”“If you can dream it,we can do it!”w Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!Goodbye!Goodbye!“道道而而弗牵,强而弗抑,开而弗达。弗牵,强而弗抑,开而弗达。”-学记学记


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