高中英语_Unit 1 People of achievement Reading and thinking教学课件设计.pptx

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1、人教版人教版(2019)(2019)高二英语选择性必修一高二英语选择性必修一People of AchievementReading and ThinkingPlease sit in groups of six.Number the paragraphs on page2-3.ENLearning objectives1.Know some basic information about Tu Youyou andhow she discovered artemisinin.2.Have a general idea of what a news story is and its sixel

2、ements.3.Think deeper the difference between a man of succesand a man of value.4.Become more enthusiastic about spreading traditionalChinese culture to the world.5.Learn to cooperate with fellow students.what do you think people of achievement should belike?THESE AREFIGURESREMEMBEREDIN HISTORY這些是被歷实

3、路記的面孔這些是被歷实路記的面孔perseverant courageousfaithfulpeople oiachievementare.t.devotedCan you think of some adjectives(形容词形容词)to describe people of achievement?committedstrong-willeddilgenttoughgreatest scientists of the 20th centurym益Albert Einstein Tu YouyouAlan Mathison Turing achievement Marie Curiethe

4、 firstperson in the worldto win theNobel Prize twicefather ofcomputerand artificial intelligence(人工智能)physicistwho helpedus betterunderstandthe universediscovered arevolutionary treatemnt forMalariaBeforeReadingpeople ofthat Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize for Physiology or medicine on 6October,2015 in Sw

5、eden and how she discovered artemisinin.Reading tip 1:Six elements (元素)of a news story:when,where,who,what,why,how.First Reading keadkead tnetne parwritingparwriting style(style(文体文体Main idea:The new ort t lls us NEWS STORYefarepnswersReading tip 2:News stories are very objective,mainly about facts.

6、闻报道闻报道wherewhat新新whenwhoinverted pyramid 倒金字塔倒金字塔whyhowV vuun auuve1.Why is the discovery of artemisininimportant?2.What was the key to getting a goodextract from the wormwood?Read the passage again and find some detailed information.Second Reading本草綱目青蒿二月生苗基粗如指而革菜色并深青其築微似茵陳主 月 本草新编 青蒿味苦瓶寒無 毒 入 胃 肝

7、心 臂 四 經This years Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou(co-winner),whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin,a crucial new treatment for malaria.Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives,and has led to improved health for millions of people.Over 200

8、 million people around the world get malaria each year,and about 600,000 die from it.Artemisinin has becom Para 1 of the treatment for malaria,and is thought to savL rou,vov nves a year in Africa alone.1.Why is the discovery of artemisinin important?Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of liv

9、es,and has led to improved health for millions of people.2.What was the key to getting a good extract from thewormwood?mw ed dic tr tt a f fr er.Tt s t h tes ur co ul eidon oufsin riedth or d l es w foru thnios to e ta.Ttheymal ei,butrietdhis oildingnot f rk o hei dproj tg goth tuckliquiHd Tu Youyou

10、 would not acknowledge defeat.She analysed the medical texts again,andby chance,she found one sentence suggesting a different way to t t tre wormedSre eoacluded et vomg t aweet wormwood appremxdestroyed its medicalrho te Ksi dg T lowe peore emperaturP t out teamthe(ex t)s eededfe in1971 terhcTe urou

11、you and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine s tomake on malari Para 3 t ofReading tip 3:locate the key words.isccn ardmmeathotrwccehyacfiatrhews,taerimd90o1tertaenoewrti,deverbtaineowosecineusranroewewohwresanatecrfemdtetavomwooxtractweecggeayteceneamfourtuheevomeatextaoomrewoOnUs

12、ing a lower temperature to draw out the extract.medical properties(药物属性)This years Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou(co-winner),whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin,a crucial new treatment for malaria.Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of liv

13、es,and has led to improved health for millions of people.Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year,and about 600,Q0Q die from it.Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria,and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.Tu Youyou,a committed and

14、 patient scientist,was born in Ningbo,China,on 3CDecember 1930,and graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955.Aftei she graduated,she worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing.In 1967.the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of d

15、iscovermg a new treatment for malaria,and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.In the beginning,Tu Youyou went to Hainan,where malaria was more common,to study malaria patients.In 1269,she became the head of the project in Beijing,and decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts to fi

16、nd traditional botanical treatments for the disease.Her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts,and evaluated 280,000 plants for their medical properties.From their research,they discovered and tesred.380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria

17、.H Reading tip 4:pay special attention to numbers.Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat.She analysed the medical texts again,andscientists.by chance,she found one sentence suggesting a different way to treat the wormwood.oncluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical ties

18、.Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract,she found a substanceorked.After failing more than 190 times,the team finally succeeded in 1271|Tueven insisted on testing the medicine on themselves tosuggest that Tu Youyou and her team made lots of effort r,i e a s i t dfarodtanosstmasmeienecapat

19、baoonalarn,sminionlled artemiwas testeds cineacwdichmwhthereetfor discovering the artemisinin.They are a committed,patient and strong-willed team.suggest that malaria kills toomany people and the significance of the discovery of artemisinin.covery of artemisinin was a team effort.Upon hearing sbel P

20、rize,she said,The honour is not just mine.There ,people of my country.This success proves the great:dicine.It is indeed an honour for Chinas scientific o be spread around the world.suggest that Tu Youyou and herteam spent a long time discoveringThe numbers of peopleThe numbers of yearsbut nedver,Thi

21、rd Reading Design a poster telling the story of howartemisinin was discovered by referring to(参考参考)thethe flowflow chart.chart.Reading tip 5:pay special attention to verbs.They used athe sweet wormwoodextract.They found a medical textsuggesting_The medicinebecame_formalaria.They tested the medicinet

22、osee if safe.Tu Youyous team examined._)and evaluatedThey tested the medicineon_They tried ,butThey testedHnsTerTry to become not a man of success,but tryrather to become a man of value.Albert EinsterPossible answer:Tu Youyou is a man of value.Because a man of succuss means a man whoachieves persona

23、l success;While a man of valuenot only achieves personal success but his successdoes other people good.Is Tu Youyou a man of successor a man of value?Think Deeper“The honour is not just mine.There is a team behind me,and all thepeople of my country.This success proves the great value of traditional

24、Chinese medicine(中医中医).It is indeed an honour for Chinas scientificresearch and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.“这个荣誉不仅仅属于我。在这个荣誉不仅仅属于我。在 我身后有一个团队,还有我身后有一个团队,还有我的我的 国家的全体人民。这一成功证国家的全体人民。这一成功证明了中医的巨大价值。中国的科 学研究和中医药走向世界,确 实是一种荣誉。”The 2015 Nobel Prize inPhysiology or MedicineThisis the p

25、ide of China but alsethe pide ofChinese scentiss-Tu YouyatP4研 究 实 践,带 领 团 队 攻 坚素.解 决 了 抗 疟 治 疗 失 效Medal of the Republic 班和国勋意班和国勋意峻峻 峻峻她 6 0 多 年 致 力 于 中 医 药克 难,研 究 发 现 了 青 蒿 难 题,为 中 医 药 科 技 创 大 责 献。亲 华 视 点新华社法人微博a selfless contributor无私奉献者无私奉献者,a a dedicated(dedicated(一心一意一心一意的)l lifesaverifesaver悬壶

26、济世者悬壶济世者an ambassador of Chinesetraditional culture 中华文化传播者中华文化传播者治 寒 然 酱 走 发量 或 1 1服 :主月世同崖时 品 慎 方断 遗 资Spare no effort to spreadtraditional Chinese culture to the world to improve China s cultural influence throughout the world.为中华之崛起而读书为中华之崛起而读书语深入挖掘中华优秀传统文化蕴含深入挖掘中华优秀传统文化蕴含 的思想观念、人文精神、道德规范,的思想观念、人

27、文精神、道德规范,结合时代要求继承创新,让中结合时代要求继承创新,让中华文化华文化 展现出永久魅力和时代风采。展现出永久魅力和时代风采。2017年10月18日,习近平在中国 共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告At the press conference(记者招记者招待会待会)of the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony,Tu Youyou is answering the questions raised by reporters from home and abroad.Try to act it out!1 student-Tu Youyou2 students-a reporter from China,a reporter from the USWrite a short passage to introduce Tu Youyou.Option 2:Make a poster Make a poster about how to spread traditional Chinese cultureto the world.AssignmentOption 1:Introduce Tu Youyou


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