广州版 英语 五年级 下 期中测验卷.doc

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1、五年级下期中测验一 把下列单词进行归类。(10分)large fever canteen eleven ill fat pool thousand sick gardenhundred _ cold_thin_ classroom_二 根据提示写单词。(10分)tall (反义词) big(比较级) you(形容词性物主代词)her(名词性物主代词) study(三单) take(现在分词)three(序数词) good(比较级) head(病症)their(主格)三 翻译词组。(10分)You look pale. Id be glad to. my former teacherbegin

2、classes take medicine 你最好醒来 穿衣服 练习弹钢琴 比我大两岁四 选择最佳答案。(6分)1. Look ,this is _ dress.A.me B.my C. mine2. There are _ in our school than yours.A.many B.more C.much3.Shall we go climbing this morning ?_A.All right . B.Thats nothing . C.You are right.4._ classroom is big ,but _ is smaller.A.His my; B.His ,

3、yours C.He, your5.She _ ill after school.A,feels B.feel C.feeling6.What language do you speak ?_A.Chinese B.China C.Chinas 五 根据上下文情景,把对话补充完整。(10分)1. A:This is Jiamin,our new_.B:Welcome to _ class.2. A:_ sings better in your school ?B:The pupils _ Class Two.3. A: Is your English teacher thinner _ you

4、r PE _ ?B:Yes, he is .4. A:Who is later in the morning in your _? B:_ little brother.5. A:How many _ are there in your class ? B: There are thirty.六 根据下表作息时间表,回答问题。(4分)1. What does Tom do at a quarter to seven ?2. Does Cathy practise at six oclock ?3. Does Cathy go to bed later than Tom ?4. When does Cathy do her homework ? 七根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)1.Who study hardest in your class ?2.Does your father go to work everyday ?3.Which room is the cleanest in your family ?4.What time do you go to school?5.Are you good at English ?


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