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1、XIAMEN CHINA 厦门 中国 ISSUE#5 20172017ILLUMINATEDGARDENXIAMEN45CONTEXTUAL INSIGHTSHISTORICALTREATY PORT-CONTEMPORARY PORTXiamen is Chinas first treaty port city for foreign trade and is one of the first five ports opened to British trade.The history of trade has developed into aglobal modern exchangeof

2、 goods and ideas.This exchange has contributed to Xiamen being an industrial powerhouse and athriving,energetic,and Illuminated city.XIAMEN67CONTEXTUAL INSIGHTSPHYSICALGARDEN ON THE SEA-EGRET ISLANDXiamen is a place wherelush jungle meets aThe myth of the Egretsilver sea and is often called“Garden o

3、n the Sea.”It is said that long ago the Egret decided to settle on this once abare island.Xiamen soon became full ofplants and colour because the Egretmade this island their home.It is said the beauty of Xiamen is due to theEgret settling and thered blooms on the flame tree is from the bloodshed the

4、 Egret endured.We are inspired by Xiamens musical history.Gulangyu Island hosts Chinas only piano museum,giving it the nickname of“Piano Island”.The Chinese name Gulangyu alsohas musical roots,as 鼓浪 K-lngwhich meansdrum waves so-called because of the sound generated by the ocean waves hitting the re


6、ORICAL PHYSICAL SOCIAL1 31 2ILLUMINATEDGARDENNARRATIVEThe Garden on The Seais a Electrified world inspired by the natural environment from both the Sea and Jungleand the illuminated city juxtaposed within.1 51 4THE ILLUMINATED GARDEN&INTERACTIVE INSTALLATIONSThe Illuminated Garden is adynamic and mo

7、vingInstallation inspired by Xiamens natural environment.Guests shape the environment by their natural movement for aninteractive experience.ILLUMINATEDGARDEN1 71 6ILLUMINATED GARDENELECTRIC FLORALSThe W is electrified through lighting and projections and gives aninsight into both thenatural worldan

8、d theindustrial powerthat iconically define Xiamen.ILLUMINATEDGARDEN1 91 8THE PAINTED GARDENXiamen has the largest community of Oil Painters in China.This beautiful medium is reinterpreted into painted Electric floralsInspired by the Garden on the Sea.ILLUMINATEDSEA2 12 0Creatures of the night come

9、to life in a magical display ofbioluminescence.Evening lighting concepts mimic theVibrant coloursfound in the Gardens Sea.GARDEN BEATS2 32 2Garden beats are the visual vibrationsof the W DisruptorTHECORRIDORS&LIFT LOBBYILLUMINATED GARDEN2 42 5ILLUMINATED GARDEN2 62 72 82 93 03 13 23 33 43 53 63 7THE

10、3 83 9GUESTROOMILLUMINATED GARDENis revealed with the alternating red,green,blue light.Garden on the Sea-Xiamen Located in the subtropical zone and it has warm and humid climate,withflowers bloomingall the year round.Xiamen,one of thefirst treaty ports,has welcomed voyeagers far and beyond.Xiamens m

11、ost famous Folklore tells the story of the egret.Xiamen was once a bare island and it was not until the egret decided to make Xiamen its home andit flourish with flora and fauna.A jealous King Snake tried to steal Xiamen from the Egret but the Egret prevailed.It said thered blooms on the flame tree

12、isfrom thebloodshed the Egret endured.THE ILLUMINATED GARDENRGBARTWORKRGB artwork is an interactive canvasethat reacts to different coloured lights.Eachoverlapping illustration tells thestory of Xiamen and4 04 1LOCALCULTURE&Lacquer Line CarvingA traditional art in Minnan,lacquer line carving is a ge

13、m in Chinese lacquer work culture.It featuring exquisite techniques,vivid and true-to-life images,solemn and antique style and lively tableau,lacquer line carving is an outstanding example in traditional Chinese art.Lacquer thread carving has inherited the traditions of Buddhist sculpture art in anc

14、ient times and is inspired by line carving in the Song and Yuan Dynasties,in particular by leadpowder dropping painting andclay line carving.4 24 3LOCALCULTURE&Mooncake GameBO BINGMooncake Gambling(BoBing)comes into its own in Xiamen for the Mid-autumn Festival,it is a populartraditional entertainme

15、nt among local people.The game originaged in Xiamen,Fujian Province,invited by Zheng Chenggong more than 300 years ago.He invited this game to help to perp up the troops.In earliest times,the winner of the game were rewarded with mooncakes.4 44 5AREARUG&PatternPattern inspired by the legend of Egret

16、-Xiamens mostfamous Folklore tells the story of the egret.Xiamen was once a bare island and it was not until the egret decided to make Xiamen its homeand it flourish with flora and fauna.A jealous King Snaketried to steal Xiamen from the Egret but the Egret prevailed.It said thered blooms on the fla

17、me tree is from thebloodshed the Egret endured.Area Rug TechnicHandtufted area rug-It is created by a combination of Cut Pile and Loop Pile,made of 80%Newzealand wool and 20%Viscose.4 64 74 94 8KING MUR LAYOUT5 15 0TWIN MUR LAYOUT5 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 96 06 1ADJUSTABLETABLE with local culture inspi

18、redcarving detailADJUSTABLE6 26 3TABLE reminiscent of the“BoBing”(Mooncake Game)CONSOLE with local culture inspiredcarving detailCONSOLE reminiscent6 46 5of the“Bo Bing”(Mooncake Game)BATHROOM6 76 6BATHROOM SHOWER GLASS PANEL:Using the special material of Anti-fog Pattern Glass.When steam is condensed on the glass,gardeninspired pattern will be revealed on the glass.6 96 87 07 17 27 3When Wardrobe Door is7 47 5closedWhen Wardrobe Door is Open,7 67 7”Red Bloom“colour give surprises


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