儿童英语图画书rabbit and hare devide.pdf

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1、 Rabbit and Hare loved to eat.One day they found a big mushroom.Rabbit said,“We can break it in halt.Then each of us can eat one piece.”Rabbit broke the mushroom.But not in half!One piece was a little bigger than the other.Hare grabbed the bigger piece.“This one is mine!”he said.“No,it isnt!”said Ra

2、bbit.And he grabbed it back.Just then Mr.Raccoon walked by.“What is the matter?”he asked.Rabbit said,“We have two pieces of mushroom.One piece is bigger than the other.”“And I want the bigger piece!”said Hare.“I know what to do.”said Mr.Raccoon.“Ill take a bite from the bigger piece.Ill make them eq

3、ual both the same.”Mr.Raccoon took a bite and He ate the whole piece.“Now we have only one piece of mushroom.”cried Hare.“I know what to do.”said Mr.Raccoon.“Ill bite this piece in half.Then youll have two pieces.”Mr.Raccoon took a bite and ate the whole thing up!Rabbit and Hare cried,“Its all gone!

4、All gone!”Mr.Raccoon left quickly very quickly.“Now what do we do?”asked Hare.“Lets find something else to eat.”said Rabbit.They found an apple big and round.Hare tried to divide the apple in half.But one piece was much bigger than the other.Rabbit grabbed the bigger piece.“This one is mine!”he said

5、.“Oh no it isnt!”said Hare.And he grabbed it back!“Ill help you.”Mr.Raccoon said.“Ill divide the bigger piece in half.Then well have three pieces all equal.One for each of us.”“Oh no you wont!”said Rabbit.“We can divide our own apple!”said Hare.“First well split the big part.And the well split the s

6、mall piece.”And they did!How many ways can you divide an apple?What else can you divide in half?A piece of paper?A cup of water?Is it hard or easy to divide things equally?Story summary Rabbit and Hare found an apple.They divided it in half.But one piece was bigger than the other“I want the bigger piece!”Rabbit and Hare said.How would they solve the problem?How would you divide an apple?


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