Unit2 Unit2 In a toy shopIn a toy shop牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 4AA zooa doga cat a tiger bear狗熊狗熊a lion熊熊 猫猫a froga birda monkeya bee看图看图回答问题。回答问题。Whats this?Its a _.dog Whats that?Its a _.lionWhats this?Its a _.Whats that?Its a _.Boy and girl,what can you see in the picture?(小朋友们,请用下面的句型来对话。)小朋友们,请用下面的句型来对话。)Look and reada panda a dog a cat a liona tigera bear课课 堂堂 小小 结结:GoodbyeGoodbye
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