四年级英语上册Unit 9课件2.ppt

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1、牛津小学英语牛津小学英语4AUnit 9 Whats the matter?(Part A-F)苏州三元实验小学苏州三元实验小学 吴安吴安Matter,matter,whats the matter?Hot,hot,Im hot.Matter,matter,whats the matter?,Im .tiredthirstyhungrycold illWords and linktiredhothungryillcoldthirstyA:Whats the matter?B:Im .A:Heres a/some for you.A:Whats the matter?B:Im .A:Heres

2、a/some for you.A:Whats the matter?B:Im .A:Heres a/some for you.A:Whats the matter?B:Im .A:Heres a/some for you.A:Whats the matter?B:Im .A:Heres a/some for you.A:Whats the matter?B:Im .A:Heres a/some for you.A.drink some water B.close the window C.turn on the fan D.eat an egg E.sit down and have a re

3、st F.go to see a doctor A:Im cold.B:Why dont you?A:Im hot.B:Why dont you?A:Im thirsty.B:Why dont you?A:Im hungry B:Why dont you?A:Im tired.B:Why dont you?A:Im ill.B:Why dont you?BCAEDFSing a song Mike:Good evening,Dad.Dad:Good .You look .Mike:Yes.Look,Ive got a car.Dad:a car!Mike:Thank you.evening h

4、appynewWhatniceListen and complete想一想,说一说想一想,说一说当你看到别人不太舒服,想关心他时,当你看到别人不太舒服,想关心他时,你会说什么?你会说什么?当你回答别人的询问时,你会说什么?当你回答别人的询问时,你会说什么?当你给别人提供帮助时,你会说什么?当你给别人提供帮助时,你会说什么?当你给别人提出建议时,你会说什么?当你给别人提出建议时,你会说什么?当你看到别人不太舒服,想关心他时,当你看到别人不太舒服,想关心他时,你可以说:你可以说:“Whats the matter?”当你回答别人的询问时,可以说:当你回答别人的询问时,可以说:“Im”当你给别人提供

5、帮助时,你可以说:当你给别人提供帮助时,你可以说:“Heresfor you.”当你给别人提出建议时,你可以说:当你给别人提出建议时,你可以说:“Why dont you?”Mum :Whats the matter,Liu Tao?Are you ill?Liu Tao:No,I am tired.Mum :Oh,dear!Dad :Come and have supper(晚饭),Liu Tao.Liu Tao:Im not hungry.Im thirsty.Mum :Heres a glass of water for you.Liu Tao:Thank you,Mum!Im sleepy(困的).Dad :Why dont you go to bed now?Liu Tao:OK!Good night,Dad!Good night,Mum!Mum :Good night!Whats the matter?Read and judge:(write T or F)1.Liu Tao is hungry.()2.It is in the morning.()3.Here is a glass of juice for Liu Tao.()4.4.Liu Tao is thirsty.()FFFTGoodbye!


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