四年级英语上册Unit 9课件1.ppt

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1、牛津小学英语牛津小学英语4AUnit 9 Whats the matter?(Part B C)苏州三元实验小学苏州三元实验小学 吴安吴安 Simon saysPlay a game Please,follow Simons order.If you cant,you will lose the game.hot /D/tired /a /eIWhats the matter?I am .hottiredChant:Whats the matter?Whats the matter?I am hot.I am hot.Whats the matter?Whats the matter?I am

2、 tired.I am tired.thirsty/:/ill/I/Chant:Whats the matter?Whats the matter?I am .I am .Whats the matter?Whats the matter?I am .I am .Whats the matter?Im cold.Heres for you.a sweatera jacketa coat/U/Whats the matter?Im hungry.Heres for you./Chant:Whats the matter?Whats the matter?I am cold.I am cold .

3、Heres a sweater for you.Heres a sweater for you.tired 疲劳的thirsty 口渴的hot 热的hungry 饿的cold 冷的ill 生病的Magic eyes654321Work in pairsA:Whats the matter?B:ImA:Heres for you.B:Thank you.Whats the matter?Im hungry.Heres a cake for you.Thank you.Whats the matter?Im thirsty.Heres a glass of water for you.Thank

4、you.Whats the matter?Im cold.Heres a jacket for you.Thank you.Whats the matter?Im hot.Heres a fan for you.Thank you.1.1.David 和和Helen在家,在家,David 生病了生病了2.2.Mike和和Gao Shan在公园,在公园,Gao Shan累了累了3.3.Nancy和和Wang Bing在超市,在超市,Nancy又饿又口渴又饿又口渴选择场景,自编对话,演一演:选择场景,自编对话,演一演:n1.Copy the words on page70 for six times.n2.Review part C.n3.Preview part A.Goodbye!


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