牛津版小学六年级英语上学期Unit 3.ppt

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1、6A,Fun with EnglishUnit 3 It was there!the 21st of September 课前三分钟课前三分钟 Signs signs Today is Saturday,I am in the park.There are a lot of signs in the park.I know a lot about signs.Look!Theres a sign on the wall.It means Danger.We must stay away from the building.Theres a sign on the grass.It means

2、Keep off the grass.We shouldnt walk on the grass.Unit 3 It was there!Review Words Sentences Guess Drill Homework oninnearbehindunderoninnearbehindunderunder the tablenear the lampon the bookLook and say:Wheres the dog?Its a diary 日记本日记本a phonea phonemobiletelea Walkman 随身听随身听a CD Walkmanfilma roll o

3、ftwo rolls of film电影,胶卷电影,胶卷一卷胶卷一卷胶卷glassesa pair of glassesphoneearsLearn the words:a diary a mobile phonea CD Walkmana roll of filma pair of glassesearphones Guess:Wheres your?Its It isnt there now.它它现现在不在在不在这这儿儿了了It was there a moment ago.它它刚刚还刚刚还在在这这儿儿的。的。Ask and answer:Ask and answer:A:Where is

4、 your_?B:Its _.A:It isnt there nowIt isnt there now.B:It was there a moment agoIt was there a moment ago.Listen,tick and circle Su Su HaiHai is looking for(is looking for(寻找)寻找)the the CD Walkman,Wheres the CD CD Walkman,Wheres the CD Walkman?Listen-Walkman?Listen-Homework:1.Copy the words each a line.2.Make the dialogues about the pictures.(P25 )3.Read Part B,C in Unit3.(thirty minutes)


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