六年级英语Review and check课件.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Review and check南京师范大学附属小学南京师范大学附属小学 顾洁顾洁6ANo parkingNo litteringNo eating or drinkingDangerDo not touchBe quietNo smokingPublic signsPublic signsNo parkingNo litteringNo eating or drinkingNo smokingBe quietDangerDo not touchNo parkingNo litteringNo eating or drinkingDangerDo not touchBe quie

2、tNo smokingWhat does this sign(it)mean?It meansWhat does this _mean?It_ Danger!_ I go there?No,you cant.You _go there.signmeansCanshouldntCan I _a hamburger here?No,you cant.See?What _ this sign _?It means we_ _ _ _ _.havedoesmeanshouldnteatordrink hereAliceApr.5thRead her storyIts Sunday tomorrow.I

3、 m so glad.Tomorrow I ll go to the zoo,I can talk to the birds and the tigers near their cages,and I can take beautiful photos for them.I can climb trees and walk on the grass.Then I can have a picnic on the grass.How happy it is!AliceApr.5thRead her storyIts Sunday tomorrow.I m so glad.Tomorrow I l

4、l go to the zoo,I can talk to the birds and the tigers near their cages,and I can take beautiful photos for them.I can climb trees and walk on the grass.Then I can have a picnic on the grass.How happy it is!AliceApr.5thRead her storyIts Sunday tomorrow.I m so glad.Tomorrow I ll go to the zoo,I can t

5、alk to the birds and the tigers near their cages,and I can take beautiful photos for them.I can climb trees and walk on the grass.Then I can have a picnic on the grass.How happy it is!AliceApr.5thRead her storyIts Sunday tomorrow.I m so glad.Tomorrow I ll go to the zoo,I can talk to the birds and th

6、e tigers near their cages,and I can take beautiful photos for them.I can climb trees and walk on the grass.Then I can have a picnic on the grass.How happy it is!AliceApr.5thRead her storyIts Sunday tomorrow.I m so glad.Tomorrow I ll go to the zoo,I can talk to the birds and the tigers near their cag

7、es,and I can take beautiful photos for them.I can climb trees and walk on the grass.Then I can have a picnic on the grass.How happy it is! birthday is on the 8th of May.What would you like as a birthday present?Would you like a?My birthday is on the 8th of May.Id like Is your bir

8、thday in?No,Whens?Its on theWhat would you like?Id likeWork in pairsTalk about your birthdaysWhens your birthday?What would you like as a birthday present?Do a surveyDo a surveyName BirthdayPresentWhens your birthday?What would you like as a birthday present?Do a surveyName BirthdayPresentHow many students have your birthdays in January/February/March/April/?


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