七年级英语What is good for health课件.ppt

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1、Lesson 55 What is good for our health?enough 足够的/地1.足够的食物/钱/时间/锻炼。(形容词)我每天起的足够早能赶上早班车了。New words2.他年龄足够大能去上学了。He is _ _ to go to school.I get up _ _ to catch the early bus.enough food/money/time/exerciseold enoughearly enough3.spend -spent-spent 用钱,花钱或时间,度过时间 spend+时间、金钱+on sth spend+时间、金钱+(in)doing

2、 sth1.我昨天花了100 美元买了一辆自行车。I _ 100 dollars _ my bike yesterday.spent on3.他每天花费一小时的时间做作业。He _ an hour in _ his homework every day.spends doing 2.He _ 100 dollars in _ my bike yesterday.spent buyingDo you have any good habits?What are they?What is fishing?Do you ever go fishing?Think about it Questions

3、1.How did First Nation People get food many years ago?2.What is Deans favourite activity?They often went fishing and hunting.His favourite activity is mountain climbing.英语很重要,不要放弃它。英语很重要,不要放弃它。1.give up 放弃放弃 give up doing 放弃做放弃做Language pointsEnglish is important,dont give it up.Dont give up learnin

4、g English。不要放弃学英语2.I am helping and exercising at the same time.在同时3.On weekends,I stay up late to play video games.stay up late 熬夜,醒着work hard at sth.在在方面努力方面努力work hard to do sth 1.They worked hard to catch fish and animals.不定式做目的状语不定式做目的状语e.g.他在英语方面很努力。他在英语方面很努力。He works hard at English.Language pointsGoodbye!


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