七年级英语This is me课件2.ppt

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1、Unit 1 This is me!Reading flat twelve years old145clever at Math basketball team reading clubcome from have long hairhave short hair listen to musicenjoyenjoy listening to music喜欢喜欢profilea profile of a pair of glasseswearpolite and helpful live in a flatRemember the new words and phrases twelve yea

2、rs oldflatbe clever at Mathplay basketballbasketballthe reading clubcome frombe bornquite slimin a ponytaillisten to musica profile of work hardhave short hairwear glassesenjoy doing sth.polite and helpfulhave long hair in bunchesListen and matchMillieWang Mei12 years oldlive in a flatin the reading

3、 clubCousin Andy Dog EddieSimonLuo SangShanghai Beijingplay football Cousin AnnieSandy Li Shanshantall and slimlonglike listening to musicthree profiles of classmatesKittyAmy DanielZhao AijiaZhang KeChen Dansmallnot very tallshort hairwear glassesdancingswimmingplaying computer gamesT or F questions

4、:1.Millie is 11 years old.()2.Simon was born in Shanghai.()3.Kitty doesnt like listening to music.()4.Kitty loves dancing.()5.Amy has long hair.()6.Daniel wears glasses.()7.Simons cousins name is Annie.()F 12T F likesT F T T shortListen and complete:Simon is very tall.He loves playing _.His parents

5、come from _.Sandy is tall and _.She has _ hair.She likes listening to _.Kitty does not wear glasses.She has long hair in bunches.She loves _.Amy is not very tall.She loves _.Daniel wears _.He likes playing _.He is _and _.footballShanghai slimlongmusicdancingswimmingglassescomputer gameshelpfulpoliteRead and tell your partner something about the new students.Work in pairsWrite a profile about yourself.1.My name is _.2.I am _years old.3.I live in _.4.I have _ hair and _eyes.5.I love_.(playing football,listening to music,dancing,reading,drawing,etc.)


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