七年级英语My day课件6.ppt

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1、Unit 2 My day Comic strip Welcome to the unitWhat is Eddie doing now?Listen and answer 1.What is Eddie going to do today?2.How does Hobo find Eddie?Language points1.wake up 醒来,醒来,叫醒叫醒wake me up 把我叫醒把我叫醒wake up early 醒得早醒得早Mum wakes me up early every day.妈妈每天早早把我叫醒。妈妈每天早早把我叫醒。wake up Millie/wake Mill

2、ie up 把米莉叫醒把米莉叫醒2.Is it time for breakfast?早餐时间到了吗?早餐时间到了吗?Its time for 做做的时间到了。的时间到了。Its time for class/school/bed/lunch/the meeting.上课上课/上学上学/睡觉睡觉/午饭午饭/会议时间到了。会议时间到了。Its time to do sth.该干该干了。了。Its time to have lunch.=Its time for lunch.Its time to go to school.=Its time for school.Its time to have

3、 class.=Its time for class.Its time to have the meeting.=Its time for the meeting.Its time for sb.to do sth.该某人干某事了。该某人干某事了。Its time for us to have supper.我们该吃晚饭了。我们该吃晚饭了。Its time for them to leave.他们该离开了。他们该离开了。Its time for you to clean the blackboard.你该擦黑板了。你该擦黑板了。3.after breakfast 早饭后早饭后after lun

4、ch/supper/class/school/the meeting午饭后午饭后/晚饭后晚饭后/下课后下课后/放学后放学后/散会后散会后They often play football in the playground for an hour after school every day.他们常常每天放学后在操场上踢足球一小时。他们常常每天放学后在操场上踢足球一小时。4.know how to have fun 知道如何找乐。知道如何找乐。know how to do this work 知道如何做这件事知道如何做这件事know how to be a good child知道如何做一个好孩

5、子知道如何做一个好孩子know how to play tennis 知道如何打网球知道如何打网球Hes only five years old,but he knows how to look after his sick mum.他只有他只有5岁岁,但他知道如何照顾生病的妈妈但他知道如何照顾生病的妈妈.What do we often do at school?What do we do at home?do homework watch TV chat with parents sleep have supper Look at Millies diary 6:30a.m.Get up

6、1:30p.m.Have lessons7:00a.m.Eat breakfast4:00p.m.Do after-school activities7:30a.m.Go to school5:00p.m.Go home 8:00a.m.Do morning exercises5:30p.m.Do homework8:25a.m.Have lessons6:30p.m.Eat supper11:50a.m.Eat lunch 7:00p.m.Watch TV 9:30p.m.Go to bedMillies day Lets have a talk-What time does Millie

7、get up?-She gets up at 6:30a.m.-What does she do at 6:30 a.m.?-She gets up at 6:30 a.m.Lets talk about ourselves and complete your own diary entry.My day Language points 1.exercise n.&vi.锻炼锻炼 do morning exercises 做早操做早操take/do some exercise 做锻炼做锻炼Its good to do some exercise every day.每天锻炼有好处。每天锻炼有好

8、处。We do morning exercises at 8:30 every day.我们每天我们每天8:30 做早操。做早操。2.activity 活动活动 activities(复数)复数)after-school activities 课外活动课外活动do after-school activities 进行课外活动进行课外活动There are many activities in our school.我学校活动丰富。我学校活动丰富。3.homework 家庭作业家庭作业 do homework 做家庭作业做家庭作业 a lot of homework/much homework 许多家庭作业许多家庭作业We should do our homework first.我们应该先做家庭作业。我们应该先做家庭作业。Say something about your day.


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