新人教版初三英语下学期lesson 5.ppt

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1、Sep.2nd制作人:蒋敏红制作人:蒋敏红/张华张华/杨燕秋杨燕秋 What did you do in your summer holiday?Unit 2 Water sports Lesson 5swimmingdivingWater balletsurfingsurf-surfing-surferWater-skiingcanoeingsailingdive-swim-canoe-surf-ski-sail-divedcanoedsurfedskiedsailedswumAsk and answerHas anybody before?surfedwater-skiedcanoeddi

2、vedWe have.Bruce has.Nobody has.I really dont know.on the beachWaikikiQingdao Dalian Honolulu BondiHawaiiAsk and answerHave you ever been to?Dalian Beidaihe QingdaoIve never been there yet.Ive already been there twice.Only once.Several times.SanyaAsk and answerWho has been to yet?Bondi BeachHawaiiNo

3、body has.None of us.Only David has.Emma and Victor have.Cape TownNewquayChange the sentence form 1.Weve got some new friends.(一般疑问句)2.Weve finished the composition already.(同上)3.I have watered the flowers already.(否定句)4.She has lived here since she was born.5.Do you read the newspapers?(改为现在完成时改为现在完

4、成时)Have you got any new friends?No,we havent.Have you finished the composition yet?Yes,we have.I havent watered the flowers yet.How long has she lived here?Have you read the newspapers?Listen to the tape and answer the questions.1.How are the waves in Sydney today?2.How long has Bruce been there?3.W

5、hy did Bruce go there?4.What did Bruce learn from his uncle?5.Which waves are the highest in the world?6.Does Ted know how to surf?Who can help him?They are great.Since last Wednesday,two days before Ted.To see his father.He learnt surfing from his uncle.The waves in Hawaii.No.Bruce can show him how to do it.


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