八年级英语How often do you exercise课件3.ppt

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1、Unit 1 How often do you exercise?An apple a day keeps a doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生不找我一天一个苹果,医生不找我 营养学专家李博士想了解我们中学生的营养学专家李博士想了解我们中学生的饮食习惯饮食习惯.下面是一个小测试下面是一个小测试.你能够完你能够完成吗成吗?activitiesEvery dayThree or four times a weekOnce or twice a weekneverEat vegetables4分分分分分分分分Eat fruit4分分分分分分分分Drink milk4分分分分分分分分Eat

2、junk food分分分分分分4分分Drink coffee 分分分分分分4分分 A.good(16-20)B.OK(8-15)C.bad(8分分以下)以下)B.My eating habits are_.goodHow are your eating habits?What the picture about?Can you predict(预测)?预测)?Which one is the theme sentence?哪一句是主题句?哪一句是主题句?activitiesHow often eat vegetables every day 根据根据Katrina给她笔友的一封信给她笔友的一封

3、信,完成表格完成表格.She eats vegetables every day.exercise eat fruit drink milk drink coffee eat junk foodsleep every day every day every daynever once a weekexerciseeating habitssleeplifestyleFill in the chart.Whats the main idea?healthyunhealthyactivitiesHow often hardly every eat vegetables twice a week e

4、xercise eat fruit drink milk drink coffee eat junk foodSleep never never four times a day three or four times a weekAccording to the chart,can you finish Bills letter?根据表格,完成根据表格,完成Bill的这封信。的这封信。Bill is kind of unhealthy.Now he is pretty heavy.He is very sad.Can you give him some advise(建议建议)?Bill,y

5、ou try to.Is Bills lifestyle the same as yours or different?What your lifestyle?You are a reporter of China Sports.Now your editor asks you to write an article about Liu Xiangs lifestyle.你是一名中国体育的记者你是一名中国体育的记者,现在主编要你写一篇现在主编要你写一篇关于刘翔的生活习惯的文章关于刘翔的生活习惯的文章.Early to bed and early to risemakes a man healt

6、hy,wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。早睡早起身体好。What are good eating habits?I try to eat a lot of vegetables.I eat fruit and drink milk every day.I never drink coffee.Of course,I love junk food too,but I try to eat it only once a week.Do you have good eating habits?If not.What do you try to do?A healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.Good food and exercise help meto study better.健康的生活方式对我们有什么帮助?健康的生活方式对我们有什么帮助?


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