八年级英语I like playing the guitar课件1.ppt

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1、Expansion 1Niu HainingHow was your vacation?I had a terrible vacation,I stayed with my son.He is too young,so that he cant take care himself.sometimes I am very happy,because my son is so lovely,I love him.rock climbinghorseback riding swimming In the summer vacation,I stayed with my uncle.He lives

2、on the farm in Texas.They have horses there and we went horseback riding nearly every day.It was really cool!Dave I went to a summer camp in Colorado with my friend jenny.It was really interesting.We did many new activities but my favorite was rock climbing.It was scary,but also a lot of fun!Rebecca

3、 I went to a summer camp in British Columbia,Canada.I went on my own.The people at the camp were very strict.Every morning we went swimming in the river.The river was really cold!sandyLISTENING ii I went _ _ _.The people at the camp were very _.Every morning we went swimming in the_.The river was re

4、ally _!In the summer vacation,I _ _ my uncle.we went horseback riding nearly every day.It was really cool!I went to a summer camp in Colorado with _ _ _.It was really interesting.nameWhere With whomactivitiesopinionDaveuncleHorseback ridingColoradoComplete the tableTexascoolJennyjennyRock climbingfu

5、nSandyaloneCanadaswimmingcoldwatch,ask,teach,work,surf,go,play1.I want to _ him to join our club.2.On Monday he _ basketball.3.He _ TV.4.On Friday he _ me how to drive.5.What time does he _ to bed?6.He often does homework,_ the internet.7.He_ at Ginos restaurant on Saturdays.goplays surfswatchesworksteachesaskTalking aboutYou are planning to do this weekend,and write it down.


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