八年级英语How was your school trip课件6.ppt

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1、How was your school trip?It was.I went to I go home at 3:00pm every day.I went home at 3:00pm yesterday.I buy lunch here every day.I bought lunch here yesterday.eat takehave seebuy atetookhadboughtsaw What did you do on your last school trip?went to the beach had ice creamSam was on school trip last

2、 Sunday.He went to the aquarium.What did he do?aquarium水族馆水族馆 Were there any sharks in the aquarium?Yes,there were.No,there werent any dogs.Were there any dogs in the aquarium?go to the aquarium by subwaysee some seals and sharks hang out(闲逛闲逛)with his friendstake photosbuy souvenirs(纪念品)纪念品)meet Ya

3、o Ming and get his autograph(亲笔签名亲笔签名)take the bus back to schoolaquariumgo to thewentsealsee somessawsharksee some ssawWere there any sharks in the aquarium?octopuswhalesouvenirbuy a boughtAmy hang out hungwith her friendswent to the aquarium hung out with her friendstook photos saw some sealswent

4、to the zoo bought a souvenirhad pizza saw some sharksate some ice creamWhat did Tina do on her school trip?Listen and check.A:Did Tina buy a souvenir?B:No,she didnt.A:Did Tina see some seals?B:Yes,she did.A:Did Tina.B:autographget his Did you win that hat?Did you buy that hat?What else did you do?Di

5、d you get his autograph?Did you see any sharks?Were there any seals?Did you take any photos?1.Tina met a famous actor.2.Tina got Jake Deans autograph.3.Toby won a prize.4.Tina won a hat.5.There were many actors at the aquarium.TFFFTListen and circle“T”or“F”.The rules of the past form1played worked wanted needed2decided lived improved 3 carry-carried study-studied worryworried 5 gowent have-had see-saweatate buybought taketook winwon hang-hung4stop-stopped shop-shopped plan-planned


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