八年级英语How was your school trip课件5.ppt

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1、 Period FourPeriod FourWhere did Tina go on her vacation?What did she do?How was her day off?What was your last day off like?Was it a good day or a terrible day off?Why?Sam was on school trip last Sunday.He went to the aquarium.What did he do?Can you guess?go to the aquarium by subwaysee some seals

2、and sharks hang out(闲逛闲逛)with his friendstake photosbuy souvenirs(纪念品)纪念品)meet Yao Ming and get his autograph(亲笔签名亲笔签名)take the bus back to schoolA:Did Sam go to the zoo?B:No,he didnt.He went to the A:Were there any seals?B:Yes,there were.A:Did he meet Jake Dean?B:No,he met A:Where did Sam go last.B

3、:He went the aquarium.A:What did he see there?B:He saw some seals and.A:Who did he hang out with?B:GoodgreatOK fun/funnynot goodterribleIt wasWhat kind of day off wasgreatOK?not goodRead the letter.Take the notes of the things Nick did that day.Then write one or two sentences to give your opinion ab

4、out the day.In my opinion,What did Nick do on his day off?Did he have a good day off?What was the weather?Did anybody go to the sale?Why?Did they get wet?How was the day off?Imagine that you are Tony and this is a letter from you to Nick.Fill in the blanks.Interview your partner with the following c

5、hart,fill in the chart with what your partner say:ActivitiesYes/NoHow was itGo to the beachHang out with friendsHave ice creamTake photosYou can ask the question like this:Did you go to the beach?A report:Lily went to the beach,she thought it was great.Talk about the trip to Yandang:Where did you go

6、?Were you with your family?What did you do?How was the weather?Was the food good?Did you buy anything?Do you want to go again?Write a letter about the trip to Yandang.1.Recite the new words and phrases in Unit 82.Write a composition about your last trip.(Selfcheck 2)3.Pair work(in section B 4)after class.


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