八年级英语hen was he born课件8.ppt

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1、Quotes from Famous people(名人名人名言)名言)Genius(天才)is one percent inspiration(灵感)and ninety-nine percent perspiration(努力)-Edison (爱迪生)Never leave that until tomorrow,which you can do today.-Franklin(富兰克林)Ask your classmates these Qs:when were you/was he/she born?What year/year/month were you/was he/she b

2、orn?When is your birthday?(in or on?)9/22/1976 Brazil(巴西)巴西)Brazilian a great American basketball player 1984-1999 MVP in NBAa great British football player He was born 0n 5/2 1975.Science idol(偶像)偶像)贝克汉姆魅力不敌霍金贝克汉姆魅力不敌霍金 A NEW study shows that scientist Stephen Hawking is second among British young

3、peoples idols(偶像偶像).Hawking wrote A Brief History of Time(时间简史时间简史).David Beckham,the footballer,came after Hawking.British children think Hawking is not as good-looking as Beckham,but is very clever and knows a lot.Johnny Wilkinson,the captain of the British rugby(橄榄球橄榄球)team,came top.科学大师霍金Stephen

4、 HawkingPhysics talent,great scientist 1/8/1942Listening comprehensionListening comprehension Liu Xuan VS Zhang Baizhi Name:Born:09/12/1980Height(身高)(身高):2.26mWeigh(体重)(体重):125kg1989:started playing basketball1997:joined China National Team2002:came to the U.S.Played for NBAName:Liu XuanBorn:3/12/19

5、79Height:156cm1984:started learning gym1993:came to national team2000:the champion of Sidney Olympic GamesName:Zhang BaizhiBorn;5/241980Height:165cm1997:started learning performance表演1999:became popular for the movie Xin YuannToday on HistoryToday on Historyalive?Zhu De(朱德)A great revolutionist(革命家)

6、革命家)12/1/1886(born)7/6/1976(died)1954:vice-president(副主席)副主席)of the PRCDecember,1,1945 in Kun Ming 一二一massacre(惨案)Students opposed (反对)the civil war(内战)闻一多(左3)等教授为死难学生送葬、致哀 Professor Wen Yiduo attended the funeral and paid his respect to thedead,injured(受伤的)Jack London was a famous America writer.He

7、 was born on twelfth of January 1876.His family was very poor and Jack had to leave school early to earn some money .He worked hard in many jobs.In 1897,he went to Alaska to look for gold.Instead,he found ideas there for his books and stories.He went back home and began to write.He became rich and f

8、amous when he was twenty years old.Jack was not a happy man,for he was in poor health.He died in 1916.He was only 40 years old.NameYear Month Date Birthday 1Who was Jack london?2When was he born?3Why did he have to leave school early?4What did he do in 1897?5When did he begin to write?6Was he happy when he was rich?Why or why not?7When did he die?activity Imagination:Image a story happened between you and your favorite star.Make sure you should use past tense.For example,you can start your words with:One day-Last-Homework:


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