八年级英语Have you ever been to课件1.ppt

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1、an amusement park?a space museumamusement park an aquariumwater parkHave you ever been to _?a space museumHave you ever been to _?Have you ever been to _?an aquariumHave you ever been to _?太空博物馆太空博物馆 游乐场游乐场 水族馆水族馆水上公园水上公园1a Which of these places would you like to visit?Rank them from 1 to 5.space mu

2、seum amusement park aquarium zoo water park动物园动物园n.娱乐;消遣娱乐;消遣Claudia Sarah1b listen.Have these students ever been to these places?SpacemuseumAquariumZoo1c PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions about the places in the picture.A:Have you ever been to an aquarium?B:No,I havent.How about you?A:WATER WORLDCI

3、TY LIBRARYFUN TIMES AMUSEMENT PARKSPACE MUSEUMRIVER PARKTHEATERZOOAQUARIUM2a Look at the map of the town.Listen and circle the places you hear.2b Listen again and circle T(for true)or F(for false).Conversation 1 Tina went to the space museum last year.T F John has never been to the space museum.T F

4、They are going to take the subway.T FConversation 2 Linda has been to the aquarium.T F Linda went to the zoo three times last year.T F Linda is going to the zoo again next week.T FConversation 3 Harvey had a great time at Water World.T F Harveys friend has never been to Water World.T F Harvey and hi

5、s friend are going skating.T F玩的玩的愉快愉快2c PAIRWORK Look at the map and role play conversations.Talk about where you have been,where you want to go,and how you are going to get there.A:Have you ever been to an amusement park?B:Yes,I have.Grammar focus1.Have you ever been to an aquarium?Yes,Ive been to an aquarium.No,I havent.No,Ive never been to an aquarium.2.Ive never been to a water park.Me neither.=Neither have I.你曾去过水族馆么?你曾去过水族馆么?我从没去过水上公园。我从没去过水上公园。我也没去过。我也没去过。


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