八年级英语Enviroment Listening课件.ppt

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1、Unit 7 EnviromentRita is taking part in a tree-planting campaign.She is making a poster to get people to join the campaign.Judy is helping her.Listen to them and complete the poster by putting one word in each space.New words:New words:1.a tree-planting campaign2.poster3.reduce4.less noisy5.pure6.po

2、int7.produce8.else1 1 植植树活活动海海报减减少少不那不那么吵么吵纯净的,的,纯洁的的观点,要点点,要点制造,生制造,生产别的,其他的的,其他的Eight reasons to help plant trees:Eight reasons to help plant trees:1 Trees make streets more _.1 Trees make streets more _.2 Trees make steets less _.2 Trees make steets less _.3 Trees make our air _.3 Trees make our

3、air _.4 Trees make our air _.4 Trees make our air _.5 Trees make _ to keep us alive 5 Trees make _ to keep us alive and _.and _.6 Trees produce _ things like _ 6 Trees produce _ things like _ and _.and _.7 Trees help us fight _.7 Trees help us fight _.8 Trees are in _.8 Trees are in _.beautifulnoisy

4、purercooleroxygenhealthyusefulfruitpaperpollutiondangerJ:Hi,Rita.What are you doing?J:Hi,Rita.What are you doing?R:Hi,Judy.IR:Hi,Judy.Im just writing a m just writing a posterposter about about tree-planting.tree-planting.J:Oh,thatJ:Oh,thats interesting.Can I help you?s interesting.Can I help you?R:

5、Yes,please!Why should we plant trees?R:Yes,please!Why should we plant trees?Can you give me some ideas?Can you give me some ideas?J:Well,trees are very beautiful.J:Well,trees are very beautiful.R:Yes.They make our streets more beautiful.R:Yes.They make our streets more beautiful.J:And they help J:An

6、d they help reducereduce the noise on our the noise on our streets.streets.R:ThatR:Thats true.Trees make our streets less s true.Trees make our streets less noisy.What else?noisy.What else?J:Well,they help make the air pure.J:Well,they help make the air pure.R:Good.Number 3.Trees make our air purer.

7、R:Good.Number 3.Trees make our air purer.J:And they make it cooler,too.J:And they make it cooler,too.R:Right.Trees make our air cooler.R:Right.Trees make our air cooler.J:And donJ:And dont forgett forgettrees make oxygen.We trees make oxygen.We need that to need that to breathebreathe!R:ThatR:Thats

8、a good points a good point.Number 5.Trees make.Number 5.Trees make oxygen to keep us alive and healthy.oxygen to keep us alive and healthy.J:And we get things from trees,J:And we get things from trees,don dont we?t we?R:You mean like fruit?R:You mean like fruit?J:Yes,and paper.J:Yes,and paper.R:Righ

9、t.Trees R:Right.Trees produce useful thingsproduce useful things like fruit like fruit and paper.and paper.J:And they help us J:And they help us fight pollutionfight pollution.R:ThatR:Thats important.Trees help us fight s important.Trees help us fight pollution.Anything else?pollution.Anything else?

10、J:Well,people cut down so many trees,so J:Well,people cut down so many trees,so we need more trees.we need more trees.R:Yes.Trees are in danger.There,thatR:Yes.Trees are in danger.There,thats s eight reasons.Thanks for your help,Judy.eight reasons.Thanks for your help,Judy.J:YouJ:Youre welcome.re welcome.


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