八年级英语Cartoons and comics课件2.ppt

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1、LOGOUnit 2 Cartoons and comicsListening东圃中学初二级集备组东圃中学初二级集备组LOGOTo complete the poster,you should:vread the notes carefully and get a general idea.pay attention to the key words such as the pay attention to the key words such as the names of locations.names of LOGOTo read a map,you should:v make sure

2、 you understand all the signs on the map.v identify the important places.identify the important LOGOLOGOnothingtrainsrailway LOGOA2 Look at the map below.Jerry is in one of the buildings marked A to F.Use your notes and study the map to help Tom find the building Jerry is LOGOJerry is in building .C

3、LOGOvListen to a story about a baby dinosaur.Put the pictures in the right order.Then fill in the LOGO4321I scoredagainst the team from Shenzhen next week.Play for the Guangzhou teamjokingdont play footballwant to play football silly your LOGOLanguage pointsvquickly and the mummy dinosaur was delighted with it.vBe delighted withvSo she agreed to let him play football.vAgree to dovlet LOGOvYou can play against the team from Shenzhen next week.vPlay againstvI scored a goal!


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