八年级英语A day out课件1.ppt

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1、 8A Unit 3 Reading A Places 1Listen and answer:1.Where did Linda go?2.2.Who did she go with?3.3.How did she go there?4.4.What did she see?5.5.How did she feel at the beginning?And what about at last?She went to the World Park.Kitty,Mr.Wu and other students.By coach.Many places of interest from all o

2、ver the world.Its boring;feel sick for most of the trip.Feel happy and excited finally.car,coach c coaoachchhighway(城镇间城镇间的)公路的)公路thruwaythruway高速公路高速公路.trip n (travel from one place to another)take a trip to sw /go on a trip to/travel to sw /go travellingschool.traffic n (不可数不可数)交通交通,运输运输,交通量交通量 tr

3、affic jam 交通堵塞交通堵塞.get on/get off 上上/下下(车车).interest 令人感兴趣的事或人令人感兴趣的事或人;兴趣爱好兴趣爱好;利息利息 a place of interest.parade n (庆祝庆祝)游行游行 song and dance parade.begin v beginning n at the beginning of 在在的开始的开始coachcoachboringboring a lot of traffica lot of traffic highwayhighway feel sickfeel sick at the beginni

4、ngat the beginning(反)Lets match A with B.not interesting.a bus for taking people on long trips.not feel well.in the end.a main road between cities.lots of cars,buses,and trucks on roadsA AB BRead again and answer T/F:1 1It took half an hour to get to the World Park from school._It took half an hour

5、to get to the World Park from school._2 2We went to the World Park by coach from Sunshine Town._We went to the World Park by coach from Sunshine Town._3 3We cook see the model pyramids from the coach._We cook see the model pyramids from the coach._4 4There are models of many places of interest there

6、._There are models of many places of interest there._The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in the USA._The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in the USA._The model Eiffel Tower is a tall stone building._The model Eiffel Tower is a tall stone building._Daniel made a special home page for the trip._Daniel made a special home page for the trip._F FF FF FF FF FF FT T


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