五年级英语下册Unit 1课件.ppt

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1、Unit 1 You can play football well 福港学校小学五年级 play footballplay footballcatch the ballcatch the ball be good atbe good at runrun jumpjump Rabbit:I can run.Turtle:I can run,too.Rabbit:I can run fast.Y:I can play basketball.T:I can play basketball,too.Y:I can play basketball well.Listening to the text a

2、nd find out “can”1、I can run fast.2、I can control the ball well.3、I can play football well.4、I think I can do that well.5、Lingling can be a good gaolkeeper.1、_2、_3、_Name sth jump high run fast ride fast Jimmy John Sam 1、Listening to the radio again.2、Answer the questions.Did Lingling want to be in f

3、ootball team?Can Lingling run fast?Can Lingling jump high?Can Lingling be a good goalkeeper?Yes,she can No,she cant()1、Can he sing well?()2、Is she good at dancing?()3、Can you jump high?()4、What can they do well?()5、Is she a good football?A、Yes,she dance well.B、No,he cant.C、Yes,I can.D、No,she plays football badly.E、They are good at running.(B )1、Can he sing well?(A )2、Is she good at dancing?(C )3、Can you jump high?(E)4、What can they do well?(D )5、Is she a good football?A、Yes,she dance well.B、No,he cant.C、Yes,I can.D、No,she plays football badly.E、They are good at running.你答对你答对了吗?了吗?


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