五年级英语What’s wrong with you课件3.ppt

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1、Primary English 5B EeHenny Penny is in bed.Whats wrong with her head?Oh,look at her red neck!Oh,look at her poor leg!chantpractice Whats wrong with you?My back hurts.I have a cold.I have a headache.I have a stomachache.sentencesHere are some grapes for you.Dont worry about your lessons.Ill help you

2、with your lessons.matchYour teacher is in the hospital.She is ill.You and your classmates want to see her.You are in a shop.You want to buy something for your teacher.What will you buy for her?writeA:Whats wrong with you,Kate?B:I have a fever.I cant go to school today.A:You have to take some medicin

3、e and have a good rest.Here is some juice for you!B:Oh,thank you.But Im worried about my maths lesson.A:Dont worry.Well help you with it.B:Thank you very much.1.Thinking:If you have a cold.What can you do?2.Acting:what should you do before seeing a doctor in hospital?在医院看医生之前我们要先做那些事情在医院看医生之前我们要先做那些事情?


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