五年级英语How much is it课件2.ppt

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1、Primary English 5B Where is my hat?Twenty,thirty,forty.I count in my study.Fifty,sixty,sevety.I study in the city.TyChant What can I do for you?I want to buyHow much is it?Its practice What can I do for you?I want to buyHow much is it?Its1.5 yuan6 yuan45 yuan30 yuanHow much is it?Its ninety yuan.Can

2、 you show me those trousers?Yes,here you are.How much are they?They are sixty-five yuan.Name Kate Go WeiLi Yan Bob Things sandalsSwimming trucksSports shoesshortsNumber 2 pairs3pairs2 pairs7pairsTotal priceA:Hello,Micky.?B:.Can you show me that green one?A:Sure.B:It looks nice.?A:.Anything else?B:Ah,yes.I want a pair of swimming trunks.?A:.What can I do for youI want to buy a new sweaterHere you areHow much is itIts eightyHow much are theyThey are twenty1.用英语告诉爸妈课本的价格。用英语告诉爸妈课本的价格。2.和爸妈分角色表演购物的过程。和爸妈分角色表演购物的过程。


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